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Offline curtis290

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My blog
« on: October 01, 2010, 05:16:38 PM »
Hi, since I have a blog and I'm trying to get some readers, I thought I'd post a link here and maybe tell you a little about it.

So far I only have one post.  It is pretty long (probably a 15 minute read) and a sort of manifesto outlining my beliefs.  Not the best way to get attention and gain readers, but I had to do it.  It's a very rewarding experience, to sit down and write out an essay that summarizes what you believe.  Anyway, I plan on writing many more short posts and very specific topics.  As for my views expressed in the essay, I am first and foremost anti-liberal and anti-socialist.  I believe liberalism as an ideology has corroded our Christian and national values and weakened our resolve to pursue serious foreign-policy objectives.  And I think that our culture and foreign policy are much more important than economic efficiency.  I'm willing to make serious economic sacrifices for the good of our nation, its military, its people, and its culture (as long as it doesn't squeez the working class too hard, something that government policy alone can ensure), and I think everyone else should be, too.  I think that liberal economics, in the modern form of neoliberalism, is leading to the economic, cultural, and social disintegration of our nation, whether it's our jobs being moved overseas, Mexican immigration growing out of control, or its ideological forms of multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism.

I also think that socialism (mankind's greatest enemy) will become a serious threat in the next few years to come as the crisis gets worse and unemployment reaches Great Depression levels (which I believe will happen no matter who is president, there's no getting around this global economic crisis).  Remember that there were socialist revolts in the last Great Depression.  Obviously it has become very unpopular in the heyday of neoliberalism, but now that that era has come to an end and we're in this midst of a crisis, I believe it's going to make a comeback very soon, and we have to be ready to fight it.  And I'm not talking about Barrack Obama socialism (I guess you could call him a Social Democrat, like what they have in Europe), I'm talking about something much more radical, something that signifies the end of civilization as we know it.

From what I've seen so far this place is extremely unfriendly.  I'm an old-fashioned Conservative, so my views are different from most modern-day Republicans.  I thought most people would be able to respect that, but it makes them quite angry.  It's funny to me that all different kinds of conservatives, from neocons to atheist, individualist Libertarians to Christian conservatives who are (supposedly) mostly concerned with social issues, get along here well (although maybe they don't and I just haven't spent enough time here yet (: ), yet when someone like me comes around everyone immediately thinks I'm some kind of heretic.  This, in my view, is because the modern-day conservative worships libertarian economics more than anything else, so anyone that challenges that, no matter their views on other issues, is considered an ideological enemy.  Can't we see past these minor differences?  Can't we respect each other because of our common ground on our culture and foreign policy?  I mean, for Pete's Sake, aren't values more important than anything else?

Well, sorry to ramble on, here's a link to the blog:  I'd be honored if anyone would take the time to read it and maybe leave a comment.
The blog of America's new conservatism.

Offline Thor

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Re: My blog
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2010, 05:20:15 PM »
When one comes into a forum, lecturing its members on how "stupid" they are or how they're not "real Conservatives", then one should EXPECT to be met with some resistance and possible retaliation. Perhaps were you to change your tone, you might be better received.
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Offline formerlurker

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Re: My blog
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 05:23:39 PM »
Curious to how old you are.  

I remember the Carter years.  We survived them.  We will survive this.   This is not communist China where one should make note of and fear the poor migrant workers rising up....  

This is America.  You work hard enough, you can have it all.   See the difference?  

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Re: My blog
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2010, 05:26:11 PM »
One more thing -- there are entire forums of "old school" and "real" conservatives.   Godspeed.

Offline formerlurker

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Re: My blog
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2010, 05:36:22 PM »
I'm sorry, I am done after this:

There is an utter lack of community and the organizations and societies that used to matter don’t.

Hillary..... is this you?

Travel the United States extensively have you?  I live in small town USA and nothing could be further from the truth.

Small-towns and the heart of America are dying out, and the American farmer is a thing of the past. 

Again, wrong.  My small town is surrounded by small towns.    My small town also holds 18 farms.   

Oh, and I live in MA by the way.

The military struggles to get recruits and does not have the social prestige it used to

Military is not meeting recruit levels?   since when?    Social prestige?  you mean like during the Vietnam war?  that social prestige?   

You are going to have to be more specific than that.   Compared to when? 

and the American empire does not inspire the fear it once did.

The American Empire?   

and you call yourself an "old-school conservative"   HAHAHAHAHA.     

Starting a pool now, how many layers of the onion are we going to peel back to get the Dr. Ron center here people? 

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Re: My blog
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2010, 07:05:33 PM »
^5, girlfriend!
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Offline Carl

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Re: My blog
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2010, 07:25:49 PM »
You nailed it with your first question FL as to how old he is.

See his intro thread.

Offline curtis290

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Re: My blog
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2010, 08:41:01 PM »
When one comes into a forum, lecturing its members on how "stupid" they are or how they're not "real Conservatives", then one should EXPECT to be met with some resistance and possible retaliation. Perhaps were you to change your tone, you might be better received.

No, I never said anyone was not a real conservative (I did say that to formerlurker, but he was joking as was I).  I never said anyone was stupid other than you (and maybe Mrs. Smith, although I didn't call her any names, she had some very unintelligent remarks).  That's because you said that Scandinavians practice Norse religions and because before we started really talking you said I was 'full of shit' and a 'dumb****.'  So your tone has been much, much worse than mine, and I don't see how people put up with you here.

I'm sorry, I am done after this:

Hillary..... is this you?

Travel the United States extensively have you?  I live in small town USA and nothing could be further from the truth.

Again, wrong.  My small town is surrounded by small towns.    My small town also holds 18 farms.   

Oh, and I live in MA by the way.

Military is not meeting recruit levels?   since when?    Social prestige?  you mean like during the Vietnam war?  that social prestige?   

You are going to have to be more specific than that.   Compared to when? 

The American Empire?   

and you call yourself an "old-school conservative"   HAHAHAHAHA.     

Starting a pool now, how many layers of the onion are we going to peel back to get the Dr. Ron center here people? 

Did I say that every small town in the country had disappeared?  If you understood that I didn't say that, than why would you bring up your own experience living in a small town?  Do you think that I actually thought that there were no Americans left who lived in small towns?  I'm from a small town for Pete's sake.  The statistics are obvious, the Great Plains are disappearing.  Many of those small towns have already gone away or are about to.  Places like Nebraska are losing people every year.  This is because we don't have as many farmers as we used to.  This is indisputable.  There were many more farmers in the last generation, and many more before that, and the one before that.  At the turn of the century most people lived in farms.  Are you seriously disagreeing with me on this?

And do you seriously think the military is reaching recruit levels?  They're practically BEGGING to get people to join.  No one wants to in this liberal society because most don't view it as a good 'career' option.  If we want to win the War on Terror we need three times as many troops.  Which means we need a draft.  But no one is willing in a nation that has lost the idea of sacrifice.  As far as social prestige goes, I'm talking about World War II era.  Back then, everyone joined the military to defend their country.  That was the norm back then.  Nowadays, a large portion of the enlisted men are poor minorities who join because they don't have many other options.  That's why we need a draft.

As far as the American empire goes, we started aggressively pursuing it during the 19th century, especially with Teddy Roosevelt (my all-time favorite president).  The idea has been around for over a century.  Where have you been?

As for your Dr. Ron comment (I'm assuming you're talking about Ron Paul), you obviously haven't paid ANY attention to what I've been saying.  The libertarians are my greatest enemy.  I think they hijacked the contemporary conservative movement.

You nailed it with your first question FL as to how old he is.

See his intro thread.

What does that have to do with anything?  Discussing politics with older people has been very formative in the growth of my political beliefs: you know, people that were alive during the Great Depression and World War II.  I don't think they have much in common with the Ron Paul types that have infiltrated the modern conservative movement.
The blog of America's new conservatism.

Offline Carl

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Re: My blog
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2010, 08:54:04 PM »

What does that have to do with anything?  Discussing politics with older people has been very formative in the growth of my political beliefs: you know, people that were alive during the Great Depression and World War II.  I don't think they have much in common with the Ron Paul types that have infiltrated the modern conservative movement.

I will assume for the moment that you are just a misguided,wet behind the ears 20 something.

A long time ago I sure as hell knew EVERYTHING about everything but a strange thing was called life.
You quickly learn that you know NOTHING about anything until you have lived in the independent adult world for a while.

Once that happens you realize the old command to respect your elders comes with a reason for prices paid.
You would do well to pull your feathers in and ask honestly and politely about how your meandering political belief system actually works in real life.


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Re: My blog
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2010, 09:22:53 PM »

This is because we don't have as many farmers as we used to.  This is indisputable.  There were many more farmers in the last generation, and many more before that, and the one before that.  At the turn of the century most people lived in farms.  Are you seriously disagreeing with me on this?

I think I warned you in your other thread not to attempt to speak authoritatively on subjects that you obviously know nothing family are/were midwestern farmers, and if you would like an education on the subject, I'll be happy to provide one......until then, you would be wise to avoid the topic.

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Offline curtis290

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Re: My blog
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2010, 10:18:09 PM »

I think I warned you in your other thread not to attempt to speak authoritatively on subjects that you obviously know nothing family are/were midwestern farmers, and if you would like an education on the subject, I'll be happy to provide one......until then, you would be wise to avoid the topic.


Oh OK.  So I take it than that you think there are more farmers and people living in extremely rural areas today than there were in the 1960s?  Than in the 1920s?  In the 1890s?  Be sure and show some statistics.  Thank you.
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Offline Wretched Excess

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Re: My blog
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2010, 10:22:24 PM »
this whole conversation is retarded.  we are merely increasing his google index with every one of his replies, since he put his URL in his sig.

someone put him out of our misery.  he is a hit farmer for his blog.

Offline Thor

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Re: My blog
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2010, 10:25:31 PM »
Since the URL is gone, he is no longer a "hit farmer". Let's allow him to stay so our members can have at their new chew toy. It'll be gone by Monday, if it even lasts that long.

BTW, Curtis....... screw you, I'm from Texas......
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."- IBID

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Offline Doc

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Re: My blog
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2010, 10:57:31 PM »
Oh OK.  So I take it than that you think there are more farmers and people living in extremely rural areas today than there were in the 1960s?  Than in the 1920s?  In the 1890s?  Be sure and show some statistics.  Thank you.

There don't have to be you moron.......we are producing six times as much ag products from the same tillable land......we don't plow with a ****ing team of horses any longer.....farming is a high-tech business, and our prioductivity has increased by orders of magnitude with vastly fewer people doing it.  In 1920 we were feeding our population, and exporting 20% of our we are STILL feeding our (vastly larger) population, and exporting nearly 60% of our annual you get the picture.  More land can be prepped and planted in an hour with modern equipment, than could be accomplished in a month in 1920.....

Do you ****ing actually believe that we are going back to "40 acres and a mule"? you have any clue what a modern tractor costs, or a modern combine........I'll give you a clue.  You are not going to make the payments on them with a "small family farm" like those in the 40's, 50's, and 60's.....

Like I said, try to find a subject that you know something about before you spout off....

« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 11:07:02 PM by TVDOC »

Offline curtis290

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Re: My blog
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2010, 11:24:35 PM »
Curious to how old you are.  

I remember the Carter years.  We survived them.  We will survive this.   This is not communist China where one should make note of and fear the poor migrant workers rising up....  

This is America.  You work hard enough, you can have it all.   See the difference?  

Hey, sorry, I forgot about your post.  Anyways, I'm not talking about the Carter years.  I'm talking about the Great Depression.  And during the last Great Depression, those people were a lot hardier than we are now and more accustomed to poverty.  We've been used to such prosperity that I'm afraid when unemployment reaches Great Depression levels, people will turn to socialism. 

There don't have to be you moron.......we are producing six times as much ag products from the same tillable land......we don't plow with a ****ing team of horses any longer.....farming is a high-tech business, and our prioductivity has increased by orders of magnitude with vastly fewer people doing it.  In 1920 we were feeding our population, and exporting 20% of our we are STILL feeding our (vastly larger) population, and exporting nearly 60% of our annual you get the picture.  More land can be prepped and planted in an hour with modern equipment, than could be accomplished in a month in 1920.....

Do you ****ing actually believe that we are going back to "40 acres and a mule"? you have any clue what a modern tractor costs, or a modern combine........I'll give you a clue.  You are not going to make the payments on them with a "small family farm" like those in the 40's, 50's, and 60's.....

Like I said, try to find a subject that you know something about before you spout off....


Yep.  We actually pay our farmers NOT to grow crops because it's so efficient.  Now we can't return to the 40 acre family farm, but that doesn't mean we can't break up the corporate consolidation of our breadbasket so that it employs more farmers even if the system is more inefficient.  It'll give people jobs, and farming is the best kind of job.  I'd rather employ people with that than have them work in some insurance office.

But again, as I've said many times, economic policy isn't all that important to me.  Our culture and our military is what truly matters to me, and I think our economy should serve the nation, its culture, its people, and its military.  Not the other way around.  Thanks to neoliberalism, the idea of the nation-state is breaking up in favor of global neoliberal economic order, supported by global institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, and the United Nations.
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Re: My blog
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2010, 11:55:13 PM »

Do you ****ing actually believe that we are going back to "40 acres and a mule"? you have any clue what a modern tractor costs, or a modern combine........I'll give you a clue.  You are not going to make the payments on them with a "small family farm" like those in the 40's, 50's, and 60's.....


+1 to the cost of equipment.  Field Ferraris.   

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Re: My blog
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2010, 01:36:14 PM »
Yep.  We actually pay our farmers NOT to grow crops because it's so efficient.  Now we can't return to the 40 acre family farm, but that doesn't mean we can't break up the corporate consolidation of our breadbasket so that it employs more farmers even if the system is more inefficient.  It'll give people jobs, and farming is the best kind of job.  I'd rather employ people with that than have them work in some insurance office.

But again, as I've said many times, economic policy isn't all that important to me.  Our culture and our military is what truly matters to me, and I think our economy should serve the nation, its culture, its people, and its military.  Not the other way around.  Thanks to neoliberalism, the idea of the nation-state is breaking up in favor of global neoliberal economic order, supported by global institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, and the United Nations.

I realize that this little dweeb isn't among the living any longer, but this is a perfect example of the "fuzzy thinking" that emanates from our educational system nowadays.........he is proposing (I suppose), that we break larger farms down to smaller farms, (that, due to equipment costs) can't possibly break even, in order to create JOBS for insurance clerks........I must therefore assume that he would have next proposed a federally-funded program to train all of those insurance clerks in farming, so that they would have a clue as to actually where the seat is on a tractor, and where and what a "field" is........

Oh....and Curtis.......there isn't any such thing as "corporate farming"........80% of the farmland in the US is in private hands, and the vast majority of that is owned free and clear.......if by "corporate farming" you mean to some farmers form LLC's, and "sub S" corporations to limit their liability and enhance profitability, then yes.......however, the land is still in private hands.  The large corporate interests in agriculture are primarily confined to the fertilizer, equipment, chemical, and seed and genetic research industries......they typically don't plant crops except for experimental purposes.

I'd sorely like to put this little cretin to work in a hay field, loading bales.......he wouldn't last an hour.....

« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 02:48:26 PM by TVDOC »

Offline Carl

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Re: My blog
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2010, 02:30:45 PM »
I realize that this little dweeb isn't among the living any longer, but this is a perfect examply of the "fuzzy thinking" that emanates from our educational system nowadays.........he is proposing (I suppose), that we break larger farms down to smaller farms, (that, due to equipment costs) can't possibly break even, in order to create JOBS for insurance clerks........I must therefore assume that he would have next proposed a federally-funded program to train all of those insurance clerks in farming, so that they would have a clue as to actually where the seat is on a tractor, and where and what a "field" is........

Oh....and Curtis.......there isn't any such thing as "corporate farming"........80% of the farmland in the US is in private hands, and the vast majority of that is owned free and clear.......if by "corporate farming" you mean to some farmers form LLC's, and "sub S" corporations to limit their liability and enhance profitability, then yes.......however, the land is still in private hands.  The large corporate interests in agriculture are primarily confined to the fertilizer, equipment, chemical, and seed and genetic research industries......they typically don't plant crops except for experimental purposes.

I'd sorely like to put this little cretin to work in a hay field, loading bales.......he wouldn't last an hour.....


Doc,I have the fields and still bale a lot of hay,he would be more then welcome to try. :cheersmate:

I think though that at some point of the interview process for the job I would tell him to get lost as I suspect has been the case his attitude has earned over the last few months.

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Re: My blog
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2010, 03:46:21 PM »
Let's do a P & L on this idiot's "family farm" operation for one year........actually employing just one "insurance clerk" as farm labor:

We'll start with our 100 acres and assume that it is all tillable, and the yield is perfectly consistant (it never is, but just to give him the benefit of the doubt).  We'll further stipulate that the land is owned "free and clear" so there are no mortgage payments further give him the benefit of the doubt.

Using corn as an example, it will cost $12,000 for herbicide, fertilizer, seed, and diesel to do the planting.  To keep the equipment costs to a minimum, we'll assume that we will contract the harvest, so purchase of a combine is not required, however, a tractor (used), a disk, and a boom planting drill are needed.  Again assuming used equipment, and financing the entire cost, your equipment payments will run approximately another $7,000 per year, and insurance on that equipment will run another grand.  So with the planting done we have $20,000 in cost just to start.

Now comes the harvest.........lets assume the land produces 200 bushels per acre, so we end up with a total crop yield of 20,000 bushels of corn.  If we use the current price on average, corn will sell for about $4.00 per bushel, so our gross revenue from the crop is $80,000.  From that we have to deduct transportation, grain drying, and elevator fees, which on average will run about 5%, so our gross is now down to $79,000.  We didn't buy a combine with a corn head, so the contractor will charge usually about $50.00 per acre to do the harvest ($5,000), so now our adjusted revenue is reduced to $74,000.

Of our adjusted gross revenue, we must now deduct the planting costs ($20,000), real estate taxes on the farm ($6,000), insurance ($1,000), the payments on a used pickup truck ($3,000).  Our net revenue, less overhead and planting costs is now $44,000.......and so far the farmer hasn't paid himself a dime to support his family......a meager income at best, however........

Now we have to pay the "insurance clerk".  Since this has to be a REAL JOB, and not just a hired hand for the planting and harvest, we have to assume that we can keep him busy for the other times in the year, so that it is considered a REAL JOB.  Let's assume that we pay him $10 per hour, and work him an average of 40 hours per week.  He will therefore earn $20,800, plus we will be required to contribute to his Social Security, and medicare, plus provide state-mandated unemployment and disability insurance.  These will total about $5,200.  Now we are too small an operation to qualify for, and provide our insurance clerk with "health insurance", so we have to add in the $2,000 fine mandated in ObamaCare,  Our personnel expense is now $28,000.

After deducting the personnel expense from net revenue, the poor farmer is now left with a whopping $16,000 to live on......raise his family, buy gas and insurance for his pickup, pay to heat his home, purchase clothing and food for himself and his dependents.........$16,000.......(he can make more than that as a WalMart greeter)

The good news is, that he will qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare, so he won't starve......

Curtis, (I know you are lurking)........this is the reason that farms have gotten larger and order for economies of scale and efficiency to make it worthwhile to do.........if it ever reaches the point where it doesn't make sense for the farmer to do it, assholes like you are going to starve to take  your "ideas", and FOAD.....

« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 03:49:47 PM by TVDOC »

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Re: My blog
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2010, 03:57:03 PM »
One thing to remember with a farm thanks to FDR...they buy all the inputs at retail and sell their product at wholesale.
That is the legacy of government intervention and subsidization to have a cheap food policy for the masses.

It grows closer and closer every day to an eventual implosion as the unionized production of equipment as well as the leftist energy policies have left the farmer in an effed up economic system that few (myself included) can explain.

I work in it and see not a chicken little but this aspect of our economy worries me greatly.

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Re: My blog
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2010, 06:32:14 PM »
One thing to remember with a farm thanks to FDR...they buy all the inputs at retail and sell their product at wholesale.
That is the legacy of government intervention and subsidization to have a cheap food policy for the masses.

Absolutely correct.....everything that the farmer purchases is at retail (he does get a break on the cost of fuel, as a portion of the road tax is refunded), and what is produced is sold at wholesale (unless you have a truck garden and a roadside stand).......

Not only that, but one has to inject the "worry factor"......will we get enough rain, too much rain, hail, wind, tornados, etc.  The good farmer sets aside one-third of his profits each year for the "bad" year, the year that he gets flooded out in the spring and has to replant (like we had to do THIS year), or has a drought, and the yield drops isn't nearly as easy as these clowns seem to think it is.

And to top it all off, he will (if wise) have to pay a broker for a futures contract to protect the price of his harvest......

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Re: My blog
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2010, 06:44:21 PM »
From what I've seen so far this place is extremely unfriendly. 
You said that , so be it. I have BS you.. Buh Bye! :hammer:

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Re: My blog
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2010, 08:46:34 PM »

I think I warned you in your other thread not to attempt to speak authoritatively on subjects that you obviously know nothing family are/were midwestern farmers, and if you would like an education on the subject, I'll be happy to provide one......until then, you would be wise to avoid the topic.


My family is still in the 'real' mid-west (Nebraska), still Farming/ranching, and when I retire next year after 28 years in the Army, I'll go back to farming/ranching as well.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: My blog
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2010, 10:31:41 PM »
My family is still in the 'real' mid-west (Nebraska), still Farming/ranching, and when I retire next year after 28 years in the Army, I'll go back to farming/ranching as well.


Nebraska, where women look like men, men are men and sheep run around nervously........
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."- IBID

I AM your General Ne'er Do Well, Troublemaker & All Around Meanie!!

"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated."-Thomas Jefferson