Author Topic: #03 Top DUmmie of 2015 (MrScorpio)  (Read 12991 times)

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Offline franksolich

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#03 Top DUmmie of 2015 (MrScorpio)
« on: January 18, 2016, 01:41:46 PM »
Congratulations to MrScorpio, also known as “MrsCorpio” and “Lamond,” for coming in third in the race for Top DUmmie of 2015.  Third place might not seem so great, but remember, that’s three or four thousand primitives behind him, and only a mere two ahead of him.

Lamond’s been featured in the Top DUmmies before:

2005 #14 Top DUmmie
2012 #03 Top DUmmie
2013 #17 Top DUmmie
2014 #07 Top DUmmie
2014 the nadin abbott award, for the primitive who thinks he’s smarter than God

Links to these, and all previous primitive awards, can be found at

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Lamond’s mostly characterized by his conceit and his Hate, which he demonstrated circa mid-yer, when he took credit for stirring up all the problems with the Treyvon Martin-George Zimmerman case a few years ago, in which the accidental killing of a bullying thug became a flaming issue of race.

Yeah, he did; he took credit for inciting the rabid race-hate that followed.

One’s sure Martin Luther King would be proud of him.

Unfortunately for Lamond, while the primitives might’ve believed him, decent and civilized people tend to have better memories.  The Martin-Zimmerman case was pretty much non-news for the longest time, some sort of minor incident down south hardly worth noting, until the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive and the sparkling old dude decided to create some malicious mischief and brought up the issue of race.

And the rest is history, in which an innocent man very nearly was denied justice.

That band-wagon, jump-started by the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive and the sparkling old dude, was already rolling by the time Lamond saw it, and jumped aboard.

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He didn’t do much of it this past year, but Lamond’s most famous for being the self-anointed “authenticator of blackness” on Skins’s island; if he says someone’s black, he’s black, and if he says someones’s not black, he’s not black.

Of course, “black” is more than merely the color of skin; as pertains to this time and place, “black” is a certain distinct history and culture shared among those of African derivation.  Just about everybody’s familiar with the history of the African-derived in America; more than 400 years of woes and wonders, of tragedy and joy, and with a few exceptions, of remarkable fortitude and shining valor.

Lamond, who’s done really impressive research into his own antecedents, springs from such people; honest, hard-working, modest, unassuming people mostly only known to God any more, but one supposes if God knows, what others don’t is unimportant.

But while denying the blackness of Americans whom most consider “black,” Lamond ignores the most blatant example of black poseuring in today’s society, a white guy who’s convinced white liberals that he’s “black” simply because his skin’s as dark as midnight.

Yeah, his skin may be as black as midnight, but this guy’s as white as lily-white franksolich, sharing little or nothing in common with Lamond when it comes to a common history and culture, when it comes to the black experience in America. 

Half of his antecedents are from the wrong side of Africa (the other half from Europe, obviously), a group which never came to America, involuntarily or voluntarily, in any discernible numbers.  And unlike Lamond—and most other authentic blacks in America—this poseur was born and raised among affluent white devils.

If Lamond knows a black person when he sees one, franksolich is a Chinaman.

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Perhaps the most significant thing Lamond did this past year—besides just sitting around Skins’s island waiting for other primitives to ask him questions, as if he were a guru or something—was when he promised the bravenak primitive he’d find the Bernie bully who threatened her.

Many here might remember that case—it was from last autumn—in which bravenak received a threatening letter, sent anonymously.  I myself don’t recall what the threat specifically was, but the primitives insisted there was a threat of physical violence, even physical termination, in the letter, and so I’m taking their word on it.

Lamond immediately promised to find the author of the letter and the threat, ostensibly a Bernie bully.

Since Lamond boasts himself to be so smart, the rest of us sat back, holding our breath watching and waiting, expecting a big break in the case to come at any time.

True to his nature, though, Lamond, after having made so bombastic a promise, did nothing; one suspects that if bravenak had been a blond white woman, Lamond would have been all over this like the hrmjustin primitive on nadin, or Wills, the William769 primitive, on any guy with an appendage.

Well, bravenak’s been absent from Skins’s island for a while; one supposes the Bernie bully who threatened her finally caught up with her in southern Alaska, and did as he apparently promised he would.  Alas! poor bravenak!  She’s such a tiny little thing it probably didn’t take much.  Poor bravenak!  alas!  And her body probably won’t be found until the springtime thaws of July of this year.

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I’ve always imagined Lamond as he is in his self-posted photographs, but additionally wearing lederhosen and a cap with a feather in it.  However, if one wishes to be literary about Lamond, all one has to do is consult Uncle Tom’s Cabin, near the end of that book, in which are described Sambo and Quimbo, two black slaves “owned” by the cruel Simon Legree, who are overseers over the other black slaves.

Yeah, that’s Lamond, keeping them black folk in line for his white Democrat masters, thrashing them soundly if they dare wander off the plantation.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 04:08:16 AM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2015
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 03:21:22 PM »
I am guessing a fake black beat out all the actual ones.  :hyper:

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2015
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 07:26:24 PM »
"But while denying the blackness of Americans whom most consider “black,” Lamond ignores the most blatant example of black poseuring in today’s society, a white guy who’s convinced white liberals that he’s “black” simply because his skin’s as dark as midnight.

Yeah, his skin may be as black as midnight, but this guy’s as white as lily-white franksolich, sharing little or nothing in common with Lamond when it comes to a common history and culture, when it comes to the black experience in America. 

Half of his antecedents are from the wrong side of Africa (the other half from Europe, obviously), a group which never came to America, involuntarily or voluntarily, in any discernible numbers.  And unlike Lamond—and most other authentic blacks in America—this poseur was born and raised among affluent white devils."

Forgive my ignorance, but I take it you're referring to Obama? Certainly an apt description, as he's considered by everyone to be officially "Black" even though he's technically of mixed race, half- white and with far more Arabic blood than African.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2015
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2016, 08:13:03 PM »
Congratulations to MrScorpio, also known as “MrsCorpio” and “Lamond,”

I'll always remember him as 'Big DUmmie':




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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2015
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2016, 06:10:23 PM »
MrScorpio is consistent, I'll give him that.  Consistently stupid that is.  I'd  say congrats to him... except I want him to die a painful death as soon as possible.  I hope ISIS takes him hostage and cuts his head off with a dull blade.

Yes Lamond, I said that. Get my name correct when you quote me. I hope you effin die in the most horrible manner possible. Make sure you quote me on that too.

I just do not like this worthless piece of organic matter for some reason. Irrational of me? Yes. Dunno why, he just pisses me off more than most dummies.   :censored:
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Offline franksolich

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2015
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2016, 06:38:37 PM »
Dunno why, he just pisses me off more than most dummies.   :censored:

He pisses me off personally because he's one of these people who thinks he's hot shit without ever having provided any evidence showing it.  He's just a bag full of hot air and shit, nothing more.

It's too bad, because he really did come from a family of remarkable people who helped make America great and good.....and then they got stuck with this sordid mutation of a descendant.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."