The Conservative Cave

The Bar => Introductions & Subsequent Welcomes => Topic started by: Rugnuts on August 26, 2011, 04:20:46 PM

Title: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: Rugnuts on August 26, 2011, 04:20:46 PM
I have decided, late is better than never.

To clarify, I never took the time to introduce myself and present a "this is me post". Partly because i have frequented numerous forums/message boards, all non-political until now, over the years and never really did this in the past. But more recently, i find myself more actively "leaving comments" at "news" sites, which i do understand is inherently different than being a member of web forums, and i believe that lead me to lose the "member/community" qualities of a forum.

Now who is ( ?

Im 32 yrs old, Male, Human. I live in Minnesota, USA. Married for 6 years with a 7mo. old son. I work at a Grain processing plant. (soybeans). I am a Union member (BCTGM), but stand against a majority of what that means in today's culture. There is nothing worse than going to the monthly union meeting and being told how to vote, especially who not to support. To quote my Local's president "we need to stand up against the TeaParty, they're racists".  Ugghhh. :thatsright:

Hobbies: camping, fishing, hunting deer, shooting in general, traveling (mainly enjoying natures beauty).
TV: Deadliest catch, Axmen, Sons of Anarchy and more.
Music: Rock (the harder or older the better) some country, some of today's "Pop".
Reading: see below.
Beverage of choice: Bud Light (can)

Politically, I am farther right than most people i know. I am strongly opinionated, but openly discuss it with who ever will listen. This is a new concept for me though. Only for the last 5 years have i paid attention whats really going on in the world. For the most part, strongly conservative explains my stance on most issues involving government, not so with the social ones. Where i tend to stand with the libertarians. In a way im a constitutionalist. Limited govt, when its necessary, and after that im all about free choice. Because of this, i can not figure out how someone can reasonably think anything other than capitalism is the best economic policy. Ive been watching Fox news since 9/11. Following beck's show really opened my eyes to the media's role to persuade people's opinions. I took to heart that we should study up on the topics of the day and make our own opinion based on the facts.  Recently ive been reading some political books. Started with some of Beck's stuff, "Broke" was a doosy. Then i read Milton Friedman  "free to choose". i then read some ron paul, his son Rand's book and mark levin and others. i agree with most of what i read but still disagree with some of it too.

With more internet options, i find my self getting addicted to absorbing all the Current Events discussions gong on. And then reading everyone's "comments" is icing on the cake. This is what ultimately led me here. One day, looking for more than a news site/w comments section, i googled "conservative forum" and got this place. ive mainly just been reading the topics that catch my eye. Thats how i realized that this community really takes to heart a decent introduction. I apologize for being late with mine.

Title: Re: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: IassaFTots on August 26, 2011, 05:05:53 PM
Welcome Rugnuts!  Better late than never.   :cheersmate:

It sounds like you and I are a lot alike on the political fence. 
Title: Re: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: Eupher on August 26, 2011, 10:10:46 PM
Welcome, RN!

You actually drink beer out of a can? Seriously?   :-)

With that out of the way, good to have you on board.
Title: Re: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: Duke Nukum on August 26, 2011, 10:20:33 PM
Welcome!  :cheersmate:
Title: Re: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: debk on August 26, 2011, 11:22:47 PM

Gina will be around to give you 3 lashes for failure to introduce yourself sooner. Be sure to not make any noise while she strikes or she will think you like it and continue......

If asked by dutch, you DO like peach cobbler....if you don't, for God's sake, don't mention it.

For the sake of us not show favoritism to rabbits or ptarmigans.

And lastly...Vesta is really a sweet lady, just don't ask her how to spell anything.

Title: Re: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: bijou on August 27, 2011, 02:52:50 AM
Welcome Rugnuts, glad you found us!
Title: Re: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: Rugnuts on August 27, 2011, 05:22:48 PM
<spell check="1">
thanks for the welcomes

I'll take Gina's lashings that i deserve and i do like peach cobbler, tastes great after rabbit stew.

</spell check>
Title: Re: After realizing my severe faux pas...
Post by: RonBush on August 27, 2011, 05:41:39 PM
Welcome Rugnuts.  I've only been here a few days myself.

I also read Milton Friedman's  "Free to Choose".  That was when it was first published, in about 1980.  It had a major impact on me.  There was also a PBS series on the book, with Friedman explaining everything in his calm, friendly professor's voice, making it all so simple and obvious.  You can probably still get that from Netflix, or maybe watch it online somewhere.