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So, it's Wednesday....

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(and just 'cause I started this with "so" does NOT make it a bouncy! lol )

Debating on whether or not to take the kids to a movie this afternoon.  Youngest had a low fever this morning (99.7) but it went away with no meds. Still snotty and coughing.  But we've been cooped up ALL week and they go back to school tomorrow.

Cold here today, too...high of 30, plus 20-30 mph winds. 


What's everyone else up to??

I'm going nuts here with everyone home, but we have to wait until Monday for them to go back. :bs: :banghead:

Taking the daughter out with her friend at the weekend to see the 2nd National Treasure movie and to lunch. Girl's day out.

Right now, I'm looking at a toasty fire in the fireplace and the new white cover on the ground. If the kids were at school, it would actually be soothing :lmao:


--- Quote from: jtyangel on January 02, 2008, 10:45:07 AM ---I'm going nuts here with everyone home, but we have to wait until Monday for them to go back. :bs: :banghead:

Taking the daughter out with her friend at the weekend to see the 2nd National Treasure movie and to lunch. Girl's day out.

Right now, I'm looking at a toasty fire in the fireplace and the new white cover on the ground. If the kids were at school, it would actually be soothing :lmao:

--- End quote ---

We saw National Treasure before Christmas...everyone loved it.

Still not sure about the movie here...the kids can't agree on one.


--- Quote from: Flame on January 02, 2008, 10:47:57 AM ---
--- Quote from: jtyangel on January 02, 2008, 10:45:07 AM ---I'm going nuts here with everyone home, but we have to wait until Monday for them to go back. :bs: :banghead:

Taking the daughter out with her friend at the weekend to see the 2nd National Treasure movie and to lunch. Girl's day out.

Right now, I'm looking at a toasty fire in the fireplace and the new white cover on the ground. If the kids were at school, it would actually be soothing :lmao:

--- End quote ---

We saw National Treasure before Christmas...everyone loved it.

Still not sure about the movie here...the kids can't agree on one.

--- End quote ---

I don't have that younger one and my autsie son...well, there is something called a weighted vest we need to get for him before taking him to places like that. For some reason it gives them the sense of their body to stay focused. I'm not sure exactly what, but they need it to define their boundary in some way. Until then, I'm not daring to take all three anywhere like that so I take my oldest out alone a lot and then my boys where they can manage. My youngest is just fine but he's a handful and well, a 3 year old boy. His personality is better suited for burning off energy at the park--something that's not happening right now with 17 degrees outside.

Back to work.   :bawl:

Had light snow last night....have never seen winds that fast before.  The snow was horizontal for a while.  Fortunately it did not stick to the roads this time.
It was 17 degrees when I left home this morning.  The windchill was somewhere around 4 degrees.
We are NOT amused.
We are ready for Spring.


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