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Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #175 on: February 17, 2011, 10:36:05 AM »
I would do it over again in a heartbeat, you don't have the balls to go through everything I had to do.  You are a wimpy liberal who isn't man enough to do what it takes.  

That's a nice anecdote, but it doesnt confront the fact that most women who procure abortions have a child already... obviously, they have quite a different experience than you.  I'm not making it up.

Offline dandi

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #176 on: February 17, 2011, 10:49:59 AM »
The quoted definitions do nothing to aid your case (or detract from mine).

The designation "human" (ie, belonging to the homo-sapien species) is amoral (ie, neither immoral nor moral).   And moral value is not brought about the string of letters with which we choose to associate with things, but by real relevant facts about the nature of those things.


I gave you three definitions, wilbur, and (as expected) you utterly failed to take away anything relevant.  They were human, human being, amoral.  "Human being" is not "amoral", wilbur; a "designation" that you obviously skpped over.  "Human" is a designator but "human being" is something else entirely.  "Amoral" is something that you are, wilbur:  "no moral  standards, restraints, or principles; unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong".  

You don't get to own the language or it's defining statements, wilbur, to suit your whims.

Now, the term 'human' is actually bound to real relevant facts about things that exist in this world.    In other words, we can't just call anything human (or else the word would cease to have ANY useful meaning).  If something is 'human', it must posses certain features.   Well, what are the features something needs in order to be called human?  And are they they kind of features that bring about moral value?

From the link I provided, that which you skipped entirely:

Quote from: human
1.  of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people

2.  consisting of people

3.  of or pertaining to the social aspect of people

4.  sympathetic

Goes further than what you want it to mean, simpleton.

- what specifically are the features that make humans (or any other living creature) morally relevant?  I've articulated my belief on the matter... its the mind.

No, what you have given is this:

Quote from: opinion
1.  a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

2.  a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

You, so far, have simply relied on vicious circularity... "humans are valuable because they are humans"..  you need to do much much better even to get your case to the point of being intelligible.

Quote from: me
No, wilbur, they are based squarely on the value of all human life.  It doesn't take a shaman, priest, minister, imam, or anyone else to tell anyone that retains any shred of common sense and human decency that killing the most innocent and helpless among us for a matter of convenience is wrong.

Quite frankly, wilbur, you should be very grateful that there are more of us than there are of you.  That sanctity of human life that we hold so dear in our society is one of the only reasons you are safe in your house and on the streets in our country.  When a majority of the populace puts no value on life, yours will become very cheap.,55189.msg627315.html#msg627315

Quote from: me
Honestly, wilbur, all of those words and all of your pseudo intellectual pap don't change the final outcome - dead.

Assume much, wilbur?  What makes life valuable is life itself, wilbur.  As one who holds all human life precious, I don't expect a pro-deather like you to understand that.

In the absence of God, it boils down to human compassion and dignity, wilbur.  Not selecting who lives or dies because she's a girl.,55189.msg627465.html#msg627465

Quote from: me
What part of "all human life" did you miss in my post, wilbur?

We are not the final arbiters of who lives and who dies as a means of convenience, wilbur.

Incidentally, wilbur, my moral regard is not defined by "species".,55189.msg627554.html#msg627554

Quote from: me
I took my position from a standpoint of common sense and human decency, a standpoint rooted in technology and reality.  Unborn children will attempt to escape/defend themselves in the womb if they are threatened, wilbur; sonograms of abortions will tell you that.,55189.msg628734.html#msg628734

Quote from: me
The "conventional wisdom floating around here" comes from a love of life, a grounding in humanity, and practical experience.,55189.msg632827.html#msg632827

If you're going to try and attribute something to me, simpleton, make sure you at least get it right.

Just as aside, as I've repeated a few times, the designation "homo-sapien" is a purely a scientific categorization (morality has nothing to do with it, period).  Its meant to be scientifically useful, not morally useful.  So by relying so heavily on the term 'homo-sapien', you've essentially made the biologist into your moral dictator, whether you realize it or not.  And I would find it VERY hard to believe that you are OK with that, or would grant any science such overreaching authority to any scientists, in defining your moral realm.

"Human", "human being", "human life".  Get it right, simpleton.
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Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #177 on: February 17, 2011, 11:43:37 AM »
rubliw, have you ever asked yourself why so many people feel so strongly that abortion is murder at any stage of development of the fetus, from zygote to near birth? You know it can't simply be religious upbringing; organized religion teaches that many things are sins or wrong that people regularly ignore, and I don't mean criminals, just ordinary, everyday people. Why does so large a segment of the American population not see it your way?

I've thought about that too... its interesting question as to wether the contemporary pro-life philosophy is simply what you get when you combine certain religious dogmas with contemporary scientific knowledge of reproduction... or something else, possibly something more innate.  If you took the religious belief out of the picture, would people's minds be more open on the topic? Maybe, though its unclear to me how much things would change.

When we were awash in scientific ignorance on matters of reproduction, most people took "the quickening" to be the point in time where human life began (ie, first sign of fetal movement).   I'd be willing to bet, that view was probably born from strong intuitions which associated movement with consciousness.  Now we know that fetal movements, at least until late term, are little more than reflex arcs or randomly firing nerves, as connections grow between nerve cells.  They are purely mechanical, and have no conscious component. So those intuitions, if they are as I suspect, were completely wrong (though understandable given our ignorance).   I do suspect that modern pro-lifers might just be similarly mislead by their intuitions.  

On some level, I can identify with a pro-lifer's reaction to abortion pictures.  Like people who believed in the quickening, its our natural intuition to associate human looking features with human minds.   We can't help but look at all the gore and feel like something experienced that.  But the facts of the matter tell us differently, if we look at them honestly.  

On the other hand, I cannot look at a zygote or an embryo and stir up any emotional attachment, whatsoever.  Not even a smidgen.  Its utterly baffling to me.  Of course, its always possible that its pro-choicers who are mislead by their intuitions - but I, as of yet, remained unconvinced.  I think they have the facts on their side.  

I have had similar thoughts, that of course the brain is the seat of our humanity and that until it's up and running to some reasonable degree, we're talking about human life in potentia and not actualized human life. I have in later years tried to make myself look beyond that easy conclusion, without, as I must as a nobeliever, the other easy benefit to the answering of this question--believing in the existence of a soul.

I can't escape the nagging feeling that we're missing something with the easy answer of active brain = fully fledged human being. One tentative thought I've had is that, at all stages, we're more than our brains and any other parts of our bodies, even without a soul in the equation. Another thought I've had has been about worldlines, and the path of a decisionmaking entity as it makes its way in spacetime. Maybe it's the path we should be considering, and not the entity. In which case the state of the brain or body would be irrelevant to considerations of abortion, and the zugote would be just as important as the late-term fetus. But I've never gotten much further than that.

Those are interesting thoughts, and I've had similar.  The point where I keep ultimately resting, is that - in the case of abortion - its not just the potential world-lines of a zygote in the equation.  Perhaps one day we will be able to extract growing humans safely and painlessly from mother's at any stage of development - and could bring them to term.  Maybe in that world we would have an interest in prohibiting abortions and might embark upon a project to actualize every potential person conceived.  Till then, we face a dilemma, which I think should be resolved in favor of the human person, not the potential one.

Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #178 on: February 17, 2011, 12:46:00 PM »
You don't get to own the language or it's defining statements, wilbur, to suit your whims.

This conversation is becoming less interesting by the second, since your points are becoming increasingly silly and departed from the actual substantive parts of the debate.  Quibbling over definitions is boring and frustrating.  I'd much rather talk about what we actually mean, rather than create semantic landmines for one another.  If we encounter confusion based on miscommunicated definitions, then lets clear it up, and agree to definitions that meaningfully convey the points we want to make.  If we have to rephrase previous arguments in light of new definitions great - that's progress.  If you're not interesting in allowing that to happen, well then have a nice day, and I'll take your refusal to play ball as surrender.

Now, what definition of "human" does the pro-life argument depend on?  Well, since you seem so adamant here, you tell me.  You pasted 3 different definitions of human in your last post. Do you know what an equivocation is?  As per wikipedia, "it is the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning or sense (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time)".  So you need to pick a definition and stick with it, or at least be clear about what definition you are using at what time, or else you're just committing the fallacy of equivocation and subjecting this conversation to more impossible ambiguity.

Same with human being - you've referred to more than one definition and apparently expected me to, maybe through telepathy or something, know which one you want to use.  

And amoral.. well, you're just plain confused about that. It sounds as if you are confused about the difference between "amoral" and "immoral".
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 01:01:26 PM by rubliw »

Offline Alpha Mare

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #179 on: February 17, 2011, 02:31:18 PM »
There's little to address.  No context at all was provided.  The relevant question for me is: in that picture, was there a mind present?

No, the relevant question is- is that a human or not?  A simple yes or no answer.
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Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #180 on: February 17, 2011, 02:50:23 PM »
No, the relevant question is- is that a human or not?  A simple yes or no answer.

Yep its human.  But so what? I have expressed the following clearly (or so I thought), time and time again:

1) Embryos, zygotes, fetuses, etc are human (as in members of the human species)
2) Species is morally irrelevant.
3) Minds ARE morally relevant.
4) Members of the human species (or any other species) that possess minds are morally relevant
5) Members of the human species (or any other species) that DON'T HAVE minds, are morally irrelevant... or at least or moral obligations towards them are severely reduced.

So, does (or did) the human in the picture have a mind?

Offline Airwolf

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #181 on: February 17, 2011, 03:28:45 PM »
People he is playing you. All he is doing is arguing for arguments sake.

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Offline thundley4

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #182 on: February 17, 2011, 03:29:36 PM »
People he is playing you. All he is doing is arguing for arguments sake.

The same thing he did in the Religion section.

Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #183 on: February 17, 2011, 03:31:28 PM »
People he is playing you. All he is doing is arguing for arguments sake.

Arguing... discussing... Those are the two biggest reasons for the existence of sites like these.

Offline catsmtrods

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #184 on: February 17, 2011, 04:10:35 PM »
Holy shit! He's still at it.  :loser:
"Liberalism is an essentially feminine, submissive world view. Perhaps a better adjective than feminine is infantile. It is the world view of men who do not have the moral toughness, the spiritual strength to stand up and do single combat with life, who cannot adjust to the reality that the world is not a huge, pink-and-blue, padded nursery in which the lions lie down with the lambs and everyone lives happily ever after."

~ Dr. William Pierce


"How many more times are we going to cower under tables and chairs, whimpering like mindless dogs, thinking that someone else has the responsibility to save and protect us?"

Offline dandi

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #185 on: February 17, 2011, 04:17:50 PM »
This conversation is becoming less interesting by the second, since your points are becoming increasingly silly and departed from the actual substantive parts of the debate.

Hardly, wilbur.  The subject of this thread is/was/has been about killing an unborn child for convenience; in this case it was killing a child for it's sex (female).

During this 13 page odyssey, we have gotten a good hard look at you and your inhumanity.  We have also gotten a chance to keep you talking which, while not being too terribly difficult, has been very illuminating of the thought processes of a childless individual who thinks value and non value can be placed on human life; any human life.

I have been very consistent in every point I have made, wilbur, and have not hesitated to ensure you knew exactly when you were being stupid.  If you no longer wish to discuss this with me, fine, I don't care.  As far as I'm concerned you have shown yourself to be exactly what every pro-death liberal ends up being.

You have convinced no one with your ignorant, sophomoric bleating.  Your ideas and "beliefs" are far from original and are as devoid of any type of humanity as the vacuum of space.  The more you type, the more you reinforce it.

I don't blame you for not addressing the points in the post you are quoting, though.  You don't seem to do very well when you can't "frame" the debate.

Quibbling over definitions is boring and frustrating.  I'd much rather talk about what we actually mean, rather than create semantic landmines for one another.

Words have meaning, wilbur.  You don't get to pick and choose what you want them to mean.

I don't quibble over definitions.  Definitions, by the very meaning of the word, are standards and don't bend to whatever a pseudo intellectual liberal thinks they should mean.

If we encounter confusion based on miscommunicated definitions, then lets clear it up, and agree to definitions that meaningfully convey the points we want to make.

I did clear it up, wilbur.  I gave you the definitions and made sure that you had a link to go read it yourself, that way there was no confusion as to what was being discussed.

Sorry if it didn't conform to your opinion.

If we have to rephrase previous arguments in light of new definitions great - that's progress.

There is nothing new about the definitions of those words, wilbur.  Well, at least not to the rest of us.

If you're not interesting in allowing that to happen, well then have a nice day, and I'll take your refusal to play ball as surrender.


Now, what definition of "human" does the pro-life argument depend on?  Well, since you seem so adamant here, you tell me.

Go back and reread the thread, wilbur.  Pay particular attention to the phrase all human life and how it is used.

You pasted 3 different definitions of human in your last post. Do you know what an equivocation is?  As per wikipedia, "it is the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning or sense (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time)".

No, I quoted the ones you purposefully glossed over.  You know, the ones that take the meaning of "human" far past a species categorization?


So you need to pick a definition and stick with it, or at least be clear about what definition you are using at what time, or else you're just committing the fallacy of equivocation and subjecting this conversation to more impossible ambiguity.


Sorry, kid, I don't play by your rules. 

Same with human being - you've referred to more than one definition and apparently expected me to, maybe through telepathy or something, know which one you want to use.,55189.msg631900.html#msg631900

Reread and try that again, wilbur.  

And amoral.. well, you're just plain confused about that. It sounds as if you are confused about the difference between "amoral" and "immoral".

Well now that is interesting.  Let's see, shall we?

Quote from: amoral
having no moral  standards, restraints, or principles; unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong

Quote from: immoral
violating moral  principles; not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics.

Nope, got a pretty good grasp on what both of those mean, too. 
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Offline FreeBorn

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #186 on: February 17, 2011, 04:31:14 PM »
OMG! I finally "see the light" wilbur.  It's amazing that after all my years on this earth, the 2 beautiful children I birthed, myriad forum conversations, untold books I've read, politicians I've admired, ad nauseum, YOU finally made me cognizant of the fact that I was wrong in my belief that conception meant life.  How could I have been so ignorant?  I must re-think this whole GOD thing.

 :banghead:   :argh:

I hate how these trolls think they can wander into a conservative site and school us on the issue of "life begins....abortion" debate. 

The fact that a Cletus or a Maynard or whoever can place so many posts here certainly highlights the difference between this site and others, indeed the very difference between libtards and conservatives. Over at the DUmp if I place a post there, not in the least bit inflammatory BTW, rather seeking to engage in any level of debate it is almost instantly erased. Here everyone is accommodated, beyond simply being tolerated and their opinions are not expunged from the public square. What ever happened to the democrats being the champion of the multitudes?
BTW- What's the latest on those errant Wisconsin State Senators?

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Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #187 on: February 17, 2011, 06:09:00 PM »
Hardly, wilbur.  The subject of this thread is/was/has been about killing an unborn child for convenience; in this case it was killing a child for it's sex (female).

No, the topic of this particular tangent in which we are currently embroiled was whether the term "human" (ie, "human being", "human zygote", "human fetus") implies moral value.

I don't blame you for not addressing the points in the post you are quoting, though.  You don't seem to do very well when you can't "frame" the debate.

Heh - If we remove all the ad hominem attacks, insults, ridicule, and the points where you just reassert your position without argument (that abortion is murder, or killing for convenience, etc), there'd be precious few words left.   Almost nothing.  That's how YOU try to frame the debate - just act like an ass and pretend like you've made argument.  To the unreachable here, it probably looks like you're doing a bang up job... but to those who aren't entrenched already, I'd have to say, you probably aren't looking very good at all.

Not to toot my own horn, but I've been mostly calm, polite, fairly articulate, open minded and I have been earnestly wishing that you and others could actually make genuine attempts to understand my beliefs.  You, on the other hand, come off as someone who is unhinged and one step shy of going on a shooting spree at an abortion clinic.

Words have meaning, wilbur.  You don't get to pick and choose what you want them to mean.


No, I quoted the ones you purposefully glossed over.  You know, the ones that take the meaning of "human" far past a species categorization?


Sorry, kid, I don't play by your rules.  

Haha, Ok, so you blatantly endorse equivocation as a form of argument.  Nice.  But really, the multiple definitions of "human" you listed are independent of one another.  They are to be used separately, not all at once - as is the case with any word which has multiple definitions.  They aren't always necessarily mutually exclusive, but you need to be clear about that.   Here's why that's a problem in this debate.

Take the case of a newly conceived embryo.  When one identifies it as human, what characteristics is one looking at that to make that determination?  Well, about the best we can say is that it is a distinct organism from the mother, and its got DNA that is characteristic of a human.  Other than that, its got no similarity to you or I.  If one challenges the humanity of an embryo, most pro-lifers will cite the fact that embryos are distinct organisms and that they have human DNA as a refutation of said challenge.  And they're right, embryo's do have those traits.  And those traits are actually enough to conform to a scientific definition of the term "human" (aka, homo sapein).  Great.  I agree.   "Human" means "a distinct organism with human DNA", therefore embryos are human.

So then there is much rejoicing right?! You can now declare victory! You've won the argument, right?  You just classified an embryo as human, and "human" necessitates moral value?  Wrong.  

You've succeeded in classifying an embryo according to a scientific definition of the term human.  And that particular definition of the term "human", as I've said a million times now, doesn't even consider or acknowledge moral value (ie, its amoral), much less necessitate it, and was created based on essentially two criteria - the ability to interbreed, and/or DNA.  That's it.

Other definitions of the term "human" are more poetic and/or ambiguous and may or may not imply some moral value;  we use these other definitions when we say things like "to err is human", "she's only human", "its just human nature").  They usually smuggle in or assume the existence of a wide range of characteristics which are usually present in mindful people (ie, people with thoughts, feelings, desires, wishes - in other words, minds).  These sorts of definitions are quite a ways departed from the amoral species designation used by scientists - the designation used by pro-lifers to establish the humanity of a mindless embryo or fetus.   As soon as you add any more content to the definition of the term "human", you then necessarily exclude embryos, fetuses and generally any human thing without a mind.

Get it?  

That's an equivocation, and that's exactly what your argument depends on.  
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 06:15:43 PM by rubliw »

Offline ConservativeMobster

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #188 on: February 17, 2011, 06:37:07 PM »
That's a nice anecdote, but it doesnt confront the fact that most women who procure abortions have a child already... obviously, they have quite a different experience than you.  I'm not making it up.

Another anecdote for you wilbur, then I'm done with you and this tired debate with people like you.  This story will address your specific point.

My sister had a son with her first husband.  A second son with her second husband, worked a full time job as an EMT and did her very best to be a good mother and wife.  It was hard, damn hard.  Both of those babies nearly killed her because she was physically too small to carry them to term.
She was ultimately an unhappy person and she began to drink.  Her marriage was going down fast and she found herself pregnant for the 3rd time.  In her mind, at the time, she justified the abortion as the right thing to do.  She was medically warned not to get pregnant, her husband was divorcing her and she knew she would never handle 3 young ones on her own.  Well, her life went to shit.  Lost both sons to their fathers and lived in the bottle for 15 years.
Last February she was diagnosed with lung cancer and pronounced terminal.  I spent many nights with her, talking about the end, her life and what she would do over given the chance.  She had 2 concerns.  Leaving my parents with the hurt her death would bring and facing GOD over that abortion.  She silently, all of the time since the abortion, grieved for that child. 
So yeah, maybe your damn statistic is correct.  But it's just that, a freaking number.  It doesn't answer the emotion, pain or regret that many of those women feel. And just maybe, if someone did a study concerning alcohol abuse and the cause, just maybe more than a few women would say that that procedure haunted them all of their days and helped fuel terrible decisions there after.  My sis felt beyond redemption.  And people like YOU encourage the idea that it's ok to rid yourself of a clump of cells because it's YOUR right and not really a human after all.  Take the easy way out because before 22 weeks there is no pain or thought process.  Bullshit.  A life unborn can haunt for a lifetime. 
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?***Ronald Reagan

Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #189 on: February 17, 2011, 07:01:43 PM »
Another anecdote for you wilbur, then I'm done with you and this tired debate with people like you.  This story will address your specific point.

My sister had a son with her first husband.  A second son with her second husband, worked a full time job as an EMT and did her very best to be a good mother and wife.  It was hard, damn hard.  Both of those babies nearly killed her because she was physically too small to carry them to term.
She was ultimately an unhappy person and she began to drink.  Her marriage was going down fast and she found herself pregnant for the 3rd time.  In her mind, at the time, she justified the abortion as the right thing to do.  She was medically warned not to get pregnant, her husband was divorcing her and she knew she would never handle 3 young ones on her own.  Well, her life went to shit.  Lost both sons to their fathers and lived in the bottle for 15 years.
Last February she was diagnosed with lung cancer and pronounced terminal.  I spent many nights with her, talking about the end, her life and what she would do over given the chance.  She had 2 concerns.  Leaving my parents with the hurt her death would bring and facing GOD over that abortion.  She silently, all of the time since the abortion, grieved for that child.  
So yeah, maybe your damn statistic is correct.  But it's just that, a freaking number.  It doesn't answer the emotion, pain or regret that many of those women feel. And just maybe, if someone did a study concerning alcohol abuse and the cause, just maybe more than a few women would say that that procedure haunted them all of their days and helped fuel terrible decisions there after.  My sis felt beyond redemption.  And people like YOU encourage the idea that it's ok to rid yourself of a clump of cells because it's YOUR right and not really a human after all.  Take the easy way out because before 22 weeks there is no pain or thought process.  Bullshit.  A life unborn can haunt for a lifetime.  

That's an interesting story, and one to think about.

I have a question though, and this is genuinely honest - not to be snarky or an ass or anything...

Do you think its even just a little bit possible that the anguish she feels over her abortion has been, in any small part, generated or exacerbated by the influence of peers who act like and believe that abortion is murder and/or the belief that God (allegedly) condemns it as a sin (possibly a mortal one)?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 07:05:46 PM by rubliw »

Offline FreeBorn

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #190 on: February 17, 2011, 07:42:06 PM »
Another anecdote for you wilbur, then I'm done with you and this tired debate with people like you.  This story will address your specific point.

My sister had a son with her first husband.  A second son with her second husband, worked a full time job as an EMT and did her very best to be a good mother and wife.  It was hard, damn hard.  Both of those babies nearly killed her because she was physically too small to carry them to term.
She was ultimately an unhappy person and she began to drink.  Her marriage was going down fast and she found herself pregnant for the 3rd time.  In her mind, at the time, she justified the abortion as the right thing to do.  She was medically warned not to get pregnant, her husband was divorcing her and she knew she would never handle 3 young ones on her own.  Well, her life went to shit.  Lost both sons to their fathers and lived in the bottle for 15 years.
Last February she was diagnosed with lung cancer and pronounced terminal.  I spent many nights with her, talking about the end, her life and what she would do over given the chance.  She had 2 concerns.  Leaving my parents with the hurt her death would bring and facing GOD over that abortion.  She silently, all of the time since the abortion, grieved for that child. 
So yeah, maybe your damn statistic is correct.  But it's just that, a freaking number.  It doesn't answer the emotion, pain or regret that many of those women feel. And just maybe, if someone did a study concerning alcohol abuse and the cause, just maybe more than a few women would say that that procedure haunted them all of their days and helped fuel terrible decisions there after.  My sis felt beyond redemption.  And people like YOU encourage the idea that it's ok to rid yourself of a clump of cells because it's YOUR right and not really a human after all.  Take the easy way out because before 22 weeks there is no pain or thought process.  Bullshit.  A life unborn can haunt for a lifetime. 
Not being female I cannot offer an opinion of personal experience concerning abortion. My two daughters were both wrought from extensive fertility enhancement administered to my ex wife, they were very hard won pregnancies and I wouldn't trade the universe for my girls. My second wife (to whom I am currently married) lost a son aged four months when first married, 21 years ago. My mom's best friend also lost an infant son about the same age forty years ago. My Grandmother had nine children, one was dropped accidentally on his head aged one year in the 1930's by a baby sitter. To that I can attest the pain NEVER goes away, whenever the subject came up, mentioned in a movie on t.v. etc, it showed on their faces, even my Grandmother in the 1980's more than fifty years after the death of her one year old it still hurt her like a punch to the gut if the subject came up.

I know two different women who have each had an abortion but neither of them knows that I know this. Just like the others who lost living children, many years after still it is the same with them. If the subject comes up you can see it on their faces, like they have just taken a knife to the ribs.

I simply cannot understand how one human being can deliberately end the life of another but I do know that they will most certainly come to regret it forever after.

"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin; And how do you tell an anti-communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." ~Ronald Reagan

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #191 on: February 17, 2011, 08:33:38 PM »
I simply cannot understand how one human being can deliberately end the life of another but I do know that they will most certainly come to regret it forever after.

Yes, yes they do.   :(

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #192 on: February 17, 2011, 09:14:48 PM »
"Yep it's human. But so what"?

An incredibly profound statement. One no doubt shared by many like minded personages, enough to fill a vast board room seated elbow to elbow around a grand conference table. Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates Sr., Jared Loughner, Timothy McVeigh, Charles Manson, Heinrich Himmler, Saddam Hussein, Slobidon Milosevic, Kim Il Sung, Josef Tito, Idi Amin, Ghengis Khan, Poppa Doc Duvalier, Jim Jones, Gloria Feldt...

And a packed hallway for lack of seats.

Gee, I wonder what the topic of conversation would be ???

"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin; And how do you tell an anti-communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." ~Ronald Reagan

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #193 on: February 18, 2011, 12:35:55 AM »
"Yep it's human. But so what"?

An incredibly profound statement. One no doubt shared by many like minded personages, enough to fill a vast board room seated elbow to elbow around a grand conference table. Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates Sr., Jared Loughner, Timothy McVeigh, Charles Manson, Heinrich Himmler, Saddam Hussein, Slobidon Milosevic, Kim Il Sung, Josef Tito, Idi Amin, Ghengis Khan, Poppa Doc Duvalier, Jim Jones, Gloria Feldt...

And a packed hallway for lack of seats.

Gee, I wonder what the topic of conversation would be ???

Oh good grief man, have you read nothing in this thread?

If I found myself at such a table, I'd pose the question, "Who else affirms the moral value of beings with minds, like I do?".  How many do you guess would raise their hands?

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #194 on: February 18, 2011, 01:18:55 AM »
It's always the same tripe with those of your stripe, agitate, agitate, agitate...

For crying out loud man, go buy yourself a fishing rod, begin a stamp collection, maybe even Gasp find a girl to encounter life and love with.

Just sayin'...

Change your shorts once in awhile. You might find that to be nice.

Engaging in meaningful discourse is always enlightening but there comes a time when the nurse gazes up at the clock and calls it.

"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin; And how do you tell an anti-communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." ~Ronald Reagan

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #195 on: February 18, 2011, 10:44:19 AM »
It's always the same tripe with those of your stripe, agitate, agitate, agitate...

For crying out loud man, go buy yourself a fishing rod, begin a stamp collection, maybe even Gasp find a girl to encounter life and love with.

Just sayin'...

Change your shorts once in awhile. You might find that to be nice.

Engaging in meaningful discourse is always enlightening but there comes a time when the nurse gazes up at the clock and calls it. :beathorse:


"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #196 on: February 18, 2011, 11:16:16 AM »
Yeppers, I'm done. Thank you wasp and all who participated, good discussion and nope, haven't changed my mind.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?***Ronald Reagan

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #197 on: February 18, 2011, 11:24:34 AM »
I have been following this thread, though have not commented in they are almost always the same discourse.

The one who believes in abortion, is usually a man and either does not have children, or if he does, the mother of his children had no problems getting pregnant, there were no complications during the pregnancy and has healthy children.

If he has no children....he has absolutely no concept of what he's debating. Oh, he's very capable of writing every "fact", discussion, or argument he's ever heard in favor of abortion.

I could look up how to repair a car engine, repeat it as fact...and still not have a clue how to actually repair a car engine. While I might "appear" to be knowledgeable about engine repair...I know I don't have a clue.

The pro-abortion man - particularly a relatively young one - is truly just as clueless about when does life begin, when is a baby "real" , etc.

Reading his "oh so knowledgeable" comments about abortive miscarriages, reflects his cluelessness. He obviously has never been associated with anyone who has miscarried a "lump of nothing but cells and bits of tissue" and seen firsthand the devastating anguish the parents go through afterwards. Particularly to a couple that it happens to again, and again, and again.  

As always, a lot of time, energy and emotion expended towards someone who is not willing to hear because they already know it all.  :(
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #198 on: February 18, 2011, 11:29:30 AM »
I have been following this thread, though have not commented in they are almost always the same discourse.

The one who believes in abortion, is usually a man and either does not have children, or if he does, the mother of his children had no problems getting pregnant, there were no complications during the pregnancy and has healthy children.

If he has no children....he has absolutely no concept of what he's debating. Oh, he's very capable of writing every "fact", discussion, or argument he's ever heard in favor of abortion.

I could look up how to repair a car engine, repeat it as fact...and still not have a clue how to actually repair a car engine. While I might "appear" to be knowledgeable about engine repair...I know I don't have a clue.

The pro-abortion man - particularly a relatively young one - is truly just as clueless about when does life begin, when is a baby "real" , etc.

Reading his "oh so knowledgeable" comments about abortive miscarriages, reflects his cluelessness. He obviously has never been associated with anyone who has miscarried a "lump of nothing but cells and bits of tissue" and seen firsthand the devastating anguish the parents go through afterwards. Particularly to a couple that it happens to again, and again, and again.  

As always, a lot of time, energy and emotion expended towards someone who is not willing to hear because they already know it all.  :(

that says it all!  thank you!

"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #199 on: February 18, 2011, 05:52:07 PM »
So after 13 pages does anyone else here get the feeling Wilbur is about as
sharp as a bag of wet mice ?

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