Author Topic: 17 minutes of carnage: how New Zealand gunman broadcast his killings on Facebook  (Read 8970 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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17 minutes of carnage: how New Zealand gunman broadcast his killings on Facebook

LONDON (Reuters) - A gunman who killed 49 people at two New Zealand mosques live-streamed the attacks on Facebook for 17 minutes using an app designed for extreme sports enthusiasts, with copies still being shared on social media hours later.

The live footage of Friday’s attacks, New Zealand’s worst-ever mass shooting, was first posted to Facebook and has since been shared on Twitter, Alphabet Inc’s YouTube and Facebook-owned Whatsapp and Instagram.

The killer is identified as Brenton Tarrant. He live streamed the massacre. Sickening!
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Offline Ptarmigan

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New Zealand suspect Brenton Tarrant ‘says he is racist eco-fascist who is mostly introverted’

A suspect in the New Zealand mosque shootings appears to have described himself as an “ordinary white man” who “decided to take a stand”.

Brenton Tarrant, 28, from Australia, was named in media reports in his home country as the gunman who appeared to have live-streamed the attack in Christchurch on Facebook as he shot victims in a mosque.

In a 74-page manifesto, believed to have been written by Tarrant, he describes anti-immigrant motives, saying the victims were a “large group of invaders” who he says “seek to occupy my peoples lands and ethnically replace my own people (sic)”.

He describes himself as “a private and mostly introverted person” and admits he is racist, adding that he is an “Eco-fascist by nature”.
He sounds more like an eco-terrorist.

On whether or not he is a supporter of US President Donald Trump, he wrote: “As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.”
He does not like Donald Trump at all.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
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Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
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Offline Ptarmigan

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Radicalization & Degeneration

One of the biggest lies we hear whenever there is a mass terror attack, such as the one against New Zealand’s Muslims, is that the killing was “senseless.” It’s not without reason when ISIS does it, and it’s not without reason when people like Brenton Tarrant, the alleged NZ shooter, do it. The acts are evil, but not senseless; there is a rationale for what they do. To be clear: do NOT read me as saying Tarrant’s acts “made sense” in the general sense of the term; I’m speaking narrowly here, to mean that causation is at work. We need to know this so we can better combat things like this.

I read Tarrant’s manifesto, which is easy to find online, though I’m not going to link to it here. It’s a chilling document, for a couple of reasons. First, it’s grounded in both paranoid, racist grievance, and legitimate, realistic concerns. Second, as with ISIS videos and propaganda, the Internet distributes this stuff worldwide; we may be certain that Tarrant’s manifesto will strike many resonant chords with murder-minded fanatical racists like himself.

Though I don’t want to be part of spreading the manifesto, I do want to talk about a few parts of it, including parts you may not hear about in the media reporting. It’s important to talk about it. I will say here clearly that any reader who in any way attempts to justify this atrocity in New Zealand will NOT be posted. It was a despicable act, and if you pray, join me in praying for the souls of the murdered, and the families they left behind.

Other interesting aspects.
Tarrant identifies himself as an “ethno-nationalist eco-fascist.” He says he was first a communist, then an anarchist, then a libertarian, and finally an eco-fascist. He’s 28. This is not a stable person.
He despises conservatives for having conserved nothing. “Conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it,” he writes. He adds, in all caps, “CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD.” He also despises France’s National Front, or whatever it’s called today. He calls them “milquetoast.” He praises the emergence of Trump as a sign of hope, but mocks Trump too. He says his idea leader is Oswald Mosley, the 20th century British fascist. Point is, the idea that Tarrant has any meaningful connection to the mainstream right is nonsense. The man is true radical.
He says his aim is to accelerate history by frightening people and creating conflict. In particular, he wants to cause the US to move to take away people’s guns, and the Second Amendment supporters to respond to this violently.
He wants the US to be balkanized into warring racial and regional factions, to destroy the ability of the US to project power around the world.
He was radicalized by traveling in Europe and seeing immigrant crime, by seeing how many immigrants are present, and how the dispirited native populations are dying out. Overcome by emotion, he decided that he must do something about it.
He said he chose the firearms for his attack specifically to incite an argument within the US, leading to the left attempting to confiscate guns, thereby starting a civil war.
He says he is not a Nazi, but it’s hard to know what to make of his politics except to say that he is a national socialist obsessed with race, and hating capitalism. Plus, he loves the environment (“there is no traditionalism without environmentalism”).
This was a brutal slap: “Above all, don’t be stale, placid, and boring. No one is inspired by Jeb Bush.”
He praises the People’s Republic of China as his ideal state.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du

Offline Ptarmigan

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Evidence Indicates Link Between North Korean Embassy Break-In And Christchurch Attacks

As the world reels from the tragic terrorist attack against two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, much attention has been given to sensational information about the single named suspect, Brenton Tarrant. However, the hyperfocus on Tarrant distracts from the fact that the Australian national was arrested along with other suspects.

An investigation and analysis by Disobedient Media indicates that Tarrant and the group he worked with likely have professional military connections, are part of the same cell that perpetrated a February 22nd break-in of the North Korean embassy in Spain and potentially have intelligence ties to various agencies that cooperate under the UKUSA Agreement popularly known as Five Eyes (FVEY).

Interesting possibility.

The North Korean Embassy Break In,119828.0.html
« Last Edit: March 17, 2019, 12:50:28 PM by Ptarmigan »
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du

Offline Will Morningstar

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Thank you for your wise and intelligent commentary, Ptarmigan.

My conservative friends and I have much in common, most notably our shared concern for the preservation of our historic ideals, in the face of those who would provoke us and have us fight.

Once again, I offer my thanks to Frank and Carl for welcoming me to Conservative Cave, following my prior experience after 9,170 posts on Discussionist.