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Prayer for Gilad Shalit
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:01:46 PM »
Got this in the email from my synagogue yesterday and thought I would share.

Today, June 25, is the fourth anniversary of the kidnapping of Corporal Gilad Shalit of the Israeli Defense Forces. The Internal Red Cross has been denied access to Gilad, and his exact whereabouts and physical condition are unknown. A video of Gilad, released by Hamas in late 2009, is the last his family has seen of him.

Our shul is participating in a program organized by The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism to help further awareness of this ongoing tragedy. As a participating synagogue, we displayed yellow balloons on a special chair for Gilad on the bimah and a special solidarity prayer for Gilad will be included in our Shabbat services.

Please bring your children to services tonight and/or tomorrow and provide them with the opportunity to participate in the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim; freeing captives. According to Maimonides, this mitzvah supersedes that of charity to the poor. "Captivity is harder than all other forms of suffering because it includes the suffering of all other forms." Talmud Bara Batra 8B

Thanks for your support.
Shabbat Shalom,

Special Prayer for Gilad Shalit

May God who blessed our ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, show mercy on Gilad Shalit, who is being held in captivity.

May God, who frees the imprisoned, strengthen the hands of the leaders of the government of the State of Israel with resolute wisdom as they seek to free Gilad from his captors.

Oh, God, healer of the injured of the people of Israel, send emotional and physical healing to Gilad and strengthen his resolve during his lengthy imprisonment.

May it be the will of our Father in Heaven to fulfill the words of Scripture, as it is written, "And God's ransomed shall return home in joy and with gladness, crowned with everlasting happiness."

May it be Your will, Amen.
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