Author Topic: The Eyes may have it.  (Read 4639 times)

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Offline vesta111

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The Eyes may have it.
« on: December 28, 2009, 07:40:29 AM »
Aways back Hubby and I both needed new glasses.

It was a lousy day, cold with ice rain.  We headed for a Pearl Center at the mall that we had used before and found the eye tester had stayed home and some older retired Doctor had come to fill in.   

Because of the weather this Doctor had sat about for half the day with no customers until we arrived.   After the test we had to wait for 90 minutes to get the lens cut so the Dr. brought out a couple cups of coffee and we talked.

According to him, he just by examining the eye could tell more then enough information on the health of the customer then some blood tests will do.

I was just joking when I asked what he had seen in our eyes and he said it might not be a bad idea for both of us to get our blood pressure checked.

So in the last few years I have noticed information about" eye reading  " being put out on the market by those who practice alternative medicine.

At one time I decided to Fungi Sui my house and found a wonderful Herb Shop.  I believe there must be 15-100 people in the area advertising on the shops notice list and this was becoming a fad one could say.     One multi talented woman had that on the list of can-do's besides besides reading palms, tarrot cards, had helped solve 3 missing persons cases.

My question to you guys from all over the country, is this just a regional thing or is it practiced all over.?

BTW, I live in the Witch Belt of the country.  North of Boston where every small town has a Witch Trot ROAD.  -----So these little Herb Shoppe or what ever they are called make a fortune from each new generation that comes along with more and more MEN getting in on a traditional WOMANS work.

I am off to make up a cup of CatNip tea----stomach has been acting up.



Offline formerlurker

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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 07:57:25 AM »
They are everywhere Vesta - alternative medicine is really not a fad, just a lost medicine.   Lots of reputable places around the Boston area.   

Offline Inga

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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 08:41:28 AM »

I think you are speaking of Iridology. Make sure the Iridologist has a certificate or a degree.They're a lot who try eye reading, but there is a lot more to it.I have take the first half of a degree program at Clayton College Alabama. It's a 2 year program. I like 1 more year. Very intensive.

Iridology is a science and practice that reveals inflammation, where located and in what stage it is manifesting.The iris revaels body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the transitions that take place in a person's body according to the way he lives.

The iris represents a communication system capable of handling an amazing quantity of information.

The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window to the soul. We now acknowledge them as a mirror of the body.

Through the application of iridology, it is possible to observe normal and abnormal reflex signs. It does not compare all people together to ceate a normal, but rather an individual's strenghts to their weaknesses; a weak organ in a strong body produces different characteristics, yet it is still a weakness for that person.

The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. It is  an extension of the brain, being incredibly endowed with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissues.

The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system.The nerve fibers receive their impulses by way of their connections to the optic nerve, optic thalami and spinal cord. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are present in the iris.

Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in the body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and location.

There is a Iridology Association of America, you could possibly look up online...for a creditable Iridolgist.  

This link may help:

Also Ignatz Von Peczely discovered Iridology in the early 1800's. And Dr Bernard Jensen brought it to America.

I hope this has help, need to go to work.Check back later.

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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2009, 09:00:26 AM »
JohnnyReb used to read "Damn fellow. How much did you drink this weekend?" .....and "How much have you had to smoke today?"
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Offline Flame

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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2009, 10:02:56 AM »
I go every year to someone who reads my eyes...called an optometrist.  He can tell me if there is a dangerous amount of pressure, along with numerous other things,  by doing the regular, yearly exam.

Offline vesta111

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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2009, 04:56:59 PM »
I go every year to someone who reads my eyes...called an optometrist.  He can tell me if there is a dangerous amount of pressure, along with numerous other things,  by doing the regular, yearly exam.

Really interesting this old-new practice.    Imagine my surprise to find Leaches used in todays surgery.  Medical labs raise those damn things to be pure and fit to use to close off very tiny veins with their saliva  in brain surgery----WOW who would have thunk it.?

I had an uncle that was given bee stings for some ailment, not my method of choice.

The days of people having an Enema bag hanging over the shower has become a multimillion dollar machine that cost the earth.

Next few years will be interesting as with people looking for and finding unorthodox medical methods and unfortunately all the charlatans that will pop up.

The odds are some of these people may hit on a cure but be ignored for 50 years due to the things they tried that didn't work.  The person is put down as a quack.

No one seems to be researching human paracites lately. With hygiene no one gets worms any more.        Except people that travel over seas and eat the local diet, they come home jam packed with the nasty.     One can live their whole life in one area and those killers are brought in on food imported from areas where it is common.

At one time I believed that Aroma therapy was bunk, a pure scam.  So I tried that myself and found that the sense of smell can in fact alter moods.   

I was very leery of Rickie until it was used on me----how the Hell do those people do that .??

I watch as the number of live births result in problems for the child, problems that seem to be escalating every year.  I watch as people 100 years old still smoke a pack a day of tobacco and drink 2 glasses of wine a day, they do everything that causes death in people half their age--Why.??   

Ain't life a hoot, one never knows what will kill them or cure them.


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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2009, 05:31:53 PM »
Let's try to stay on topic, Vesta.   :(  Not something barely tangential.
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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2009, 05:36:52 PM »
I had a girlfriend in the '90s who practiced this.
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Offline thundley4

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Re: The Eyes may have it.
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2009, 05:37:52 PM »
Let's try to stay on topic, Vesta.   :(  Not something barely tangential.

That's like telling zombies not to eat brains.