Author Topic: Misinformation 101 – The Jobs Report  (Read 281 times)

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Misinformation 101 – The Jobs Report
« on: January 08, 2012, 11:00:40 PM »
Misinformation 101 – The Jobs Report

- Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh  Sunday, January 8, 2012

My husband and I were browsing through a bookstore yesterday. I spotted a Barack Obama, The Out of Office Countdown Calendar. I read the title to him and a woman’s voice piped from behind, “Isn’t this sad?”

I turned around to see the source of the remark and repeated, “Sad?” She replied, “Yes, very sad, as Martin Luther wrote, better to vote for a good Turk than a bad Christian.

You do know who Martin Luther was, don’t you? Not Dr. Martin Luther King.”

At this point, I was trying very hard to keep my composure and ignore the insults and assaults to my intelligence. I told her, she was mistaken, and I walked away. Fighting with an ignorant liberal in the middle of a bookstore was not my idea of a fun Saturday afternoon.  In the meantime, my husband disappeared behind several bookshelves.

Like any bold and obnoxious liberal, the woman followed me, spewing typical progressive non-sense about the evil Christians and the good Muslims who were slaughtered mercilessly. I did not turn this time, gesturing for her to go away.

We are flooded with lies by the MSM, the progressive academics, the Obama crowd, the Democrat and RINO politicians; the last place I expected to encounter indoctrination into communist talking points was at my local bookstore.

Delusional pro-Muslim and anti-Christian liberals are everywhere, but particularly concentrated in the northeast. An informational takeover and coup of our values and of our country is waged by a small, atheist, anti-American, pro-Muslim minority with an agenda to destroy everything that millions of patriotic Americans have created in 235 years of exceptional history.

Spreading misinformation and communist propaganda is the Modus Operandi of liberals. If sleepy Americans hear the same lies repeated many times, they will believe them to be true.


 am not surprised that liberals/progressives/communists misinform Americans. I dislike the attempt to rewrite history and reality on a daily basis. Martin Luther never lived under a Muslim ruler. There is no evidence that he ever said, “I’d rather be ruled by a competent Turk than an incompetent Christian.” Scholarship disputes the claim made by Hubert Morken in “Pat Robertson – Where He Stands,” on p. 42 in which he attributes the comment to Martin Luther without any citation. As you saw, the liberal stranger I encountered had totally transformed the supposed quote to tailor her agenda. I studied Martin Luther, his 95 theses, I speak German, and I never saw such a quote.

Ignorant Liberals is redundant
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town