Author Topic: Is The Sea Level Rising, Or Is The Seashore Subsiding ?  (Read 9591 times)

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Is The Sea Level Rising, Or Is The Seashore Subsiding ?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:40:03 PM »
No one has ever been able to answer that question authoritatively, until Hansen, and he isn't either...


Scientists Say Claim by Hansen Has ‘Zero Credibility’

Despite the liberal media hype, there are plenty of critics within the scientific community -- from the skeptics and the alarmists.
Hansen and 16 other co-authors published their study on sea levels in the open-access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Their study said a “sea level rise of several meters” could occur in as few as 50 years, and that even the U.N.’s global warming target of 2 degrees Celsius was “highly dangerous.”
The study even took friendly fire from global warming alarmists like Dr. Kevin Trenberth, a former lead author for the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Trenberth, one of the scientists whose name was on emails released during the Climategate scandal, said Hansen’s study was “rife with speculation and ‘what if’ scenarios,” and contained “many conjectures and huge extrapolations based on quite flimsy evidence,” according to The New York Times Dot Earth blogger Andrew Revkin.
Trenberth even said the study was “not a document that can be used for setting policy for anthropogenic climate change, although it pretends to be so.”

Revkin has often promoted climate alarmism in his role at the Times, yet his coverage of Hansen’s study was unusually critical.
Other scientists also found fault with Hansen’s claims.

Western Washington University Professor Emeritus of Geology Don Easterbrook told MRC Business that Hansen’s prediction was “absurd” given previous sea level patterns.
Easterbrook said temperatures abruptly increased by 20 degrees Fahrenheit after the previous ice age, which caused a “catastrophic” melting of the ice sheets and even then sea levels only increased by 3 feet per century.

He said that the current “warming of about 1 degree per century” with far less widespread melting of ice meant Hansen’s latest prediction has “zero credibility.” Michaels agreed that “[h]is idea has no credibility” and said that it would take a much longer time and much warmer temperatures to cause sea levels to rise as much as Hansen claimed.
Michaels pointed to a study published in Nature Jan. 23, 2013, by University of Copenhagen Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen.

That study showed that while sea levels were once several meters higher than current levels, this occurred during a span of 6,000 years with temperatures averaging 6 degrees Celsius warmer than the previous millennium.
Other scientists think sea levels will rise far less than Hansen has claimed.

Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, former professor of paleogeophysics and geodynamics at the University of Stockholm, said an “excellent value of the maximum rate” for annual sea level rise was 1 centimeter, or less than 0.4 inches.
By that estimate, seas would only rise 0.5 meters or about 1.6 feet in the next 50 years, a fraction of the 10 feet Hansen predicted.

Coastal oceanographer Dr. Willem de Lange and geologist and environmental scientist Dr. Robert Carter wrote a report on sea level rise, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation on July 5, 2014.
They said that sea levels were “likely to rise 18 cm [7.1 inches] or less by 2100.”

De Lange and Carter said there was debate about exactly how much sea levels change, but the “one certainty is that future sea-level will continue to change at differing rates and in different directions at locations around the world, as it always has in the past.”

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