Author Topic: a speculative meaning of the Burning Man  (Read 594 times)

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Offline JustSomeModerate

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a speculative meaning of the Burning Man
« on: September 04, 2023, 03:18:05 PM »
Various ancient Hebrew apocryphal books are said to contain references to a group of people from the north called “the Angels.”  They were said to be more advanced than the cultures of the ancient Middle East.  They would occasionally come down and cause trouble such as arm the women to let them stand up to the men.  It is important to remember that even the Old Testament itself is the work of many authors and its creation spans centuries, so it should not be viewed as unlikely that one Ancient Hebrew author would call a people “Angels” and another would call supernatural beings the same thing, centuries later.
5500 years before the present, the Aryan/Yamnaya people are said to have undertaken a major expansion from their central Asian homeland to Europe, North Africa, West Asia, and Northern India.  It may have occurred because an outbreak of the Plague which left those areas underpopulated.  They on the other hand may have had a resistance to the Plague because they lived at the foot of mountain ranges where the Plague resides dormant between outbreaks. 
The Aryans now form a large part of Europe, North Africa, West Asia, and Northern India.  Most European nations except Malta are part Aryan.  The nation of Iran is named after the Farsi word for Aryan.  Their language formed the basis of all modern European languages except Basque, Finnish and the related Estonian, and Welsh.  Modern Lithuanian is said to be the closest thing to Proto-Indo-European alive today. 
The ancient Babylonian empire worshipped the goddess Ishtar.  Every woman who wanted to be devoted to Ishtar had to wait at the Temple of Ishtar until someone hired her as a prostitute at least once.  Every man who wanted to be in the cult of Ishtar had to patronize one of the prostitutes dedicated to Ishtar.
Whoever the Angels were, their descendants probably at some point adopted the Proto-Indo-European language or some descendant of it, because at some point, almost everyone in Europe did.  Suppose for a minute their version of Proto-Indo-European sounded a bit like Lithuanian, because it is the closest living language to Proto-indo-European, even though the people described in the Apocrypha are probably now gone or intermarried into the rest of Europe, and probably have adopted a newer language.   
Anyway, in Lithuanian, „Taryba“ means „council“.  For example, the name of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic in Lithuanian was Lietuvos Tarybų Socialistinė Respublika.    Can it be that occasionally, those Angels‘ ruling council would throw somebody „out of the council“ or „iš tarybos?“  (š=sh).  Perhaps these occasional exiles had to go down to Babylon to find work, where they became a little flip and spoke irreverently shortly and referred to one another as „iš tar“?  Or, maybe, they weren’t exiled but thought they could get a better deal outside the council, selling smarts to less developed people?  Perhaps they became enslaved so their wisdom could never leave the culture which enslaved them?  Perhaps the ruling council of the Angels, whoever they were, was sufficiently ahead of ancient Babylon‘s ordinary folk that the rulers of Babylon went to lengths to ensure their people got to know the exiles and shared a knowledge or memory of the exiles among themselves via the Cult of Ishtar?
The emerging science of epigenetics holds that under the right circumstances, people seem to be able to remember skills their ancestors had.  Or, maybe some people never lost their devotion to Ishtar. 

Perhaps that’s where the Burning Man festival gets its name.  The people there all seem young and beautiful, and they also seem to have unlimited cash to throw at unusual styles and temporary but expensive art projects.  Perhaps they want to say they are sacrificing themselves in exchange for the prestige of gang protection, easy money, and a lifestyle tolerant of drug abuse? 
What’s to stop the entire underdeveloped world from wanting to come here and get a professional job, or to traffic intelligent people out of the country for their own gain?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2023, 03:51:46 PM by JustSomeModerate »

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: a speculative meaning of the Burning Man
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2023, 10:36:38 PM »
Nah...  Try boomer-envy.  Woodstock, meet laughing-stock.

With a rip-off of Shirley Jackson (The Lottery)/Chistopher Lee (The Wicker Man) thrown in.  You know... the pagan 'good harvest ritual' as it relates to tossing an innocent into a volcano.


Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: a speculative meaning of the Burning Man
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2023, 03:33:52 PM »
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!