The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: Javelin on July 19, 2010, 05:53:06 PM

Title: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 19, 2010, 05:53:06 PM
Here is the link, with internal links to places such as the Washington Times to verify the info.

I’ve written at length about the reasons why targeting American citizens for assassination who are far away from a "battlefield" is so odious and tyrannical, and I won’t repeat those arguments here.  Suffice to say — and I’m asking this literally — if you’re someone who believes, or are at least willing to acquiesce to the claim, that the U.S. President has the power to target your fellow citizens for assassination without a whiff of due process, what unchecked presidential powers wouldn’t you support or acquiesce to?  I’d really like to hear an answer to that.  That’s the question Al Gore asked about George Bush in a 2006 speech condemning Bush’s claimed powers merely to eavesdrop on and imprison American citizens without charges, let alone assassinate them:  "If the answer is yes, then under the theory by which these acts are committed,are there any acts that can on their face be prohibited? . . . If the president has th[is] inherent authority. . . . then what can’t he do?"  Can anyone defending this Obama policy answer that question?

Yet people believe that voting will be enough... I am just curious.  When exactly will Americans really wake up to the reality that they are living in?  Not many people here know me.  Yet I worked in the intelligence field.  More specifically counter intel and counter insurgency.  Americans have no idea what kind of battle lines are being drawn.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: thundley4 on July 19, 2010, 08:26:56 PM
Glenn Beck was all over this today.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Crazy Horse on July 19, 2010, 09:27:46 PM
Here is the link, with internal links to places such as the Washington Times to verify the info.

Yet people believe that voting will be enough... I am just curious.  When exactly will Americans really wake up to the reality that they are living in? Not many people here know me.  Yet I worked in the intelligence field.  More specifically counter intel and counter insurgency.  Americans have no idea what kind of battle lines are being drawn.

You've pointed this out a few times
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Chris_ on July 19, 2010, 10:57:12 PM
That's messed up. 

I missed the first 45 minutes of Beck's show, so I did not catch this story there.  I am glad you posted it here though.  Otherwise there was no way of knowing since our media doesn't cover stuff like this.  Sadly.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 06:40:20 AM
Plenty of German Americans went to Europe to fight for Hitler during WW2. Most endured their fates anonymously but even if we knew the name and face and location of any particular transgressor the fact that we were at war remained.

We are fighting a war where drones and targeted killing serve as the best practice. If ANY president can provide sufficient background as to how an American citizen's presence gives aid or comfort to an enemy actively engaged in acts of war in lands not subject to American jurisdiction I expect the government to take no extraordinary efforts to arrest that person or restrain the prosecution of the war simply to spare their life.

If killing that "American" hurts the enemy, then kill them without hesitation or remorse.

I'd damn well would expect Dick Cheney to do it.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: 5412 on July 20, 2010, 07:55:17 AM
That's messed up. 

I missed the first 45 minutes of Beck's show, so I did not catch this story there.  I am glad you posted it here though.  Otherwise there was no way of knowing since our media doesn't cover stuff like this.  Sadly.


Here is a transcript.


GLENN: So let's start here. If I told you that the president had a list of people that he could assassinate and it was a list of people that were on the battlefield and off the battlefield, your friends wouldn't believe me. If I told you that these were American citizens, that the president who campaigned against scooping Arabs off the street without due process had a list of people that he deemed a danger and a terrorist threat, American citizens that without due process would be assassinated, your friends wouldn't believe me. That's why I'm going to have to go to another source, and I apologize because I know it's cable news. So, you know, "Oh, well, then he just went to Fox." I want you to listen. Listen please carefully to this report.

GREENWALD: Well, I know that that's the fact. I mean, the Republicans are at least being consistent. When Bush was president they said, we think the president should be able to have whatever powers he wants in an unchecked fashion as long as it's justified by terrorism and war. The Democrats, though, said that they were against those things, that the president shouldn't have powers to exercise in an unchecked fashion. And again if you look at what Democrats, including Barack Obama, objected to, it was merely things like eavesdropping on Americans and detaining them without due process and without charges. And now Democrats have completely abandoned those objections now that there's a Democrat in the White House and apparently not just detaining and eavesdropping Americans but targeting them for murder is acceptable to the Democratic Party now that there's a Democrat in the White House.

GLENN: Now listen.

GREENWALD: And again if you justify that, targeting American citizens for assassination without any due process, what don't you approve of?

RATIGAN: Are you surprised at the media's lack of an outroar relative to this when you consider what it might have been if George W. Bush did the exact same thing? Quickly.

GREENWALD: Well, I think the media wasn't really particularly all that upset about what Bush did, either, and I think the problem is that if you justify something with the word terrorism, it scares the media and they are afraid to appear sympathetic to terrorism by opposing it. And what they have to get back to is the basic rights and Constitution that say that political leaders in the United States cannot exercise power in an unchecked way.

RATIGAN: Glenn, sing it loud, sing it proud. Thank you so much for —

GLENN: Of course that was — was something wrong with the tape? That didn't sound like Neil Cavuto. Oh. Oh, that's right. It wasn't. It was Dylan Ratigan, a name most of America had never heard of because he's in the witness protection program, otherwise known as MSNBC. And is that Glenn Greenwald from Salon?

PAT: Mmm hmmm.

GLENN: That's Salon and MSNBC.

Now, I tweeted this this weekend. Your friends wouldn't believe it if it came from me. But here it is, MSNBC saying where's the press on the president developing a list with the national security adviser of people that can be assassinated because they're a threat to terrorism. And not just on the battlefield. We are now giving — remember with Bush they talked about the FISA court. You are going to some FISA court? How dare you! For eavesdropping on American citizens overseas! That was their problem.

Now the president, who campaigned that he doesn't want to scoop up Muslims and just hold them without trial — I didn't know we did that in America but apparently so. American citizens that were held without trial, scoop them up because they're Muslim, that wasn't going to happen anymore, at least on a mass scale. But now we're not even talking about scooping them up. We're talking about executing them. We're talking about assassination.

Now, something's not right here because the president's men all say there is no terror. They all say there are no Islamic extremists. They all have done everything they can to shut down the war on terror. What is going on?

GLENN: So what is this really all about? We have the president when he is running for office saying that we're not going to round up Arab families anymore. I didn't know we were.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties.

GLENN: Okay, stop.

PAT: Whole families.

GLENN: Whole families were rounded up.

PAT: Wow, wow.

GLENN: Whole families were rounded up.

PAT: We shouldn't have done that.

GLENN: No, we shouldn't have. I didn't know we did.

PAT: That threatens my security. I'll second that emotion.

GLENN: Okay, it threatens your security. It threatens your security if the president is allowed to make a list of people, American citizens, American citizens that he wants to assassinate. Because they pose a threat to the nation.

PAT: Well, those are the only people who can pose a threat because we know there's no other terrorists around. We've heard that from John Brennan.

GLENN: We know that what?

PAT: There's no terrorism, there's no terrorists, there's no jihadists.

GLENN: Hold it.

PAT: There's no extreme Islam.

GLENN: Here's John Brennan. Here is the guy that is helping make the list and check it twice.

BRENNAN: The president's strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face. Our enemy is not terrorism because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not terror because terror is a state of mind. And as Americans we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as jihadists or Islamists because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam meaning to purify oneself of one's community. And there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.

GLENN: You know, he says terror in kind of a weird way, terror.

PAT: Terror.

GLENN: Terrorists, there's no terror. Maybe it's the fact that he went to school in Egypt for oh, so many years that he has that weird terror. Anyway, I'm sorry to such a sidetrack there. ADD, I don't know what that has to do with anything. Anyway, so who is the president targeting? Well, we know that there's one American citizen who is a cleric in Yemen. Okay. You know what? I'm probably with ya on the Yemen guy. Probably with ya. But he's an American citizen and he is also not on the battlefield. I'm not saying that we have to go capture him and bring him back or cut him any slack. Could we maybe have a little due process before we execute? If you're on the battlefield, shoot them in the head. Shoot them in the head. If you are now outside of the battlefield area, I don't think so call me old fashioned.

PAT: Like the guy said, if this was Bush saying these things or having this policy, the left would be in an uproar. Democrats would be screaming at the top of their lungs.

GLENN: So why is he doing this? Because he doesn't want innocent Arabs just scooped off the streets, but he will go without due process, any due process. Just make a list of people that need to be assassinated in case of an emergency. In an event happens, the orders are there from the president: Just shoot these people. Oh. Okay. Wow. Really? Hmmm.

[NOTE: Transcript may have been edited to enhance readability - audio archive includes full segment as it was originally aired]
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Revolution on July 20, 2010, 07:55:57 AM
Glenn Beck was all over this today.

Thanks to Javelin, I have a vague feel of what is going on here, but I'll really be listening when Beck comes on my local AM station here in 5 minutes. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It already reeks. I'll reserve comment until I get the full story from Glenn.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 20, 2010, 09:29:51 AM
Plenty of German Americans went to Europe to fight for Hitler during WW2. Most endured their fates anonymously but even if we knew the name and face and location of any particular transgressor the fact that we were at war remained.

We are fighting a war where drones and targeted killing serve as the best practice. If ANY president can provide sufficient background as to how an American citizen's presence gives aid or comfort to an enemy actively engaged in acts of war in lands not subject to American jurisdiction I expect the government to take no extraordinary efforts to arrest that person or restrain the prosecution of the war simply to spare their life.

If killing that "American" hurts the enemy, then kill them without hesitation or remorse.

I'd damn well would expect Dick Cheney to do it.
I have to agree here.
We *ARE* at war, just substantially different than what we saw with WWII. If a person is aiding our enemies, on the battlefield or in my back yard, they are fair game for elimination.
I just would like to eventually see the video on YouTube.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 10:22:47 AM
I have to agree here.
We *ARE* at war, just substantially different than what we saw with WWII. If a person is aiding our enemies, on the battlefield or in my back yard, they are fair game for elimination.
I just would like to eventually see the video on YouTube.
As I noted, the targetted killings should be based on findings.

Let the intel and law enforcement services collect information. Let them provide that information to the CinC and let the CinC make his decision.

A truly reputable CinC will proactively present his findings and decision to select members of the senate from both parties.

If they truly feel an injustice is being perpetrated they can go public otherwise they should STFU and let the CinC be CinC.

If a president doesn't want to be proactive he risks a political Hiroshima even if his targets are 100% legitimate. Still, the sensitivity of the issue is such I can see how any POTUS would want to keep his cards close to his vest.

If we can send a green beret dressed as a business man to some foreign shit hole where he creeps up on his target in the dead of night and drops a pair of .22 rounds behind the target's left ear while the target sleeps next to his own wife then jets home and by doing so disrupts enemy operations intent of violently disrupting peaceful political processes then I'm OK with that even if the target was born in Ox Snot, West Virginia and is a member of the Antioch Baptist Church in good standing.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 20, 2010, 02:03:48 PM
Beck, Napolitano & Co. are all wet on this for the reasons MSB puts actual war, it is not just the prerogative of the Executive to kill enemies without trial, it's his damned JOB.  It does not matter whether the target is under arms and immediately engaged in a firefight, or going about his grocery shopping in downtown Backwaterville between shifts at the enemy command bunker, he is a legitimate target either way. 

The Brits would no doubt have loved to have the G2 on when they could catch Lord Haw-Haw (A Brit citizen) on a lone plane the way we did to Yamamoto (A non-citizen enemy combatant, successfully targeted for assassination).  When Bush was President, were sure as Hell trying to assassinate Saddam when he was hiding out after the Iraq invasion, and we blew the holy living shit out of a restaurant full of people mistakenly thinking he was there one fine day.

The basic problem is establishing that the person targeted is actually in enemy service and engaged in the conflict ("Engaged" in the big sense, not the idiotic close-combat test Judge Napolitano was applying to it on Fox this morning), but when they self-declare it makes that determination relatively easy.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: NHSparky on July 20, 2010, 02:07:40 PM
Bingo.  Adam Gahan could be 1000 miles from the nearest firefight, but the fact he's given aid and comfort as well as all the other shit he's done only justifies a double tap to the back of the head, but in reality, if he's ever captured, he'll be brought back, given a VERY public trial, then plead down to something pathetic and spend a few years at Club Fed, much like Taliban Johnny--who, BTW, just applied for early release.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 20, 2010, 02:37:13 PM
Bingo.  Adam Gahan could be 1000 miles from the nearest firefight, but the fact he's given aid and comfort as well as all the other shit he's done only justifies a double tap to the back of the head, but in reality, if he's ever captured, he'll be brought back, given a VERY public trial, then plead down to something pathetic and spend a few years at Club Fed, much like Taliban Johnny--who, BTW, just applied for early release.

I would feel absolutely no remorse if that traitorous S.O.B. wound in up dead in one of our raids while I was here.

He gave up the rights and my PERSONAL opinion...afforded an American citizen the day he chose to side with the Taliban.

No reason...again in my PERSONAL opinion that he shouldn't find his life coming to an end thanks to a fine product from General Dynamics...Boeing or Raytheon.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 06:08:08 PM
As I noted, the targetted killings should be based on findings.

Let the intel and law enforcement services collect information. Let them provide that information to the CinC and let the CinC make his decision.

A truly reputable CinC will proactively present his findings and decision to select members of the senate from both parties.

If they truly feel an injustice is being perpetrated they can go public otherwise they should STFU and let the CinC be CinC.

If a president doesn't want to be proactive he risks a political Hiroshima even if his targets are 100% legitimate. Still, the sensitivity of the issue is such I can see how any POTUS would want to keep his cards close to his vest.

If we can send a green beret dressed as a business man to some foreign shit hole where he creeps up on his target in the dead of night and drops a pair of .22 rounds behind the target's left ear while the target sleeps next to his own wife then jets home and by doing so disrupts enemy operations intent of violently disrupting peaceful political processes then I'm OK with that even if the target was born in Ox Snot, West Virginia and is a member of the Antioch Baptist Church in good standing.

Some of you people are out of your friggin mind!  Some of you actually believe that this is a good idea.  The very fact that a US citizen can be assasinated on our own soil or elswhere in the world without due process.  Your no better than the left and like ******* Mao, Lenin and Hitler.

When we ran covert when it involved a US citizen there were serious implications that came to bare depending on what was needed.  So now you would have no problem being placed on a target list for me to come after you because the current administration sees YOU AS A TERRORIST or have you friggin lost your mind and forgotten?

Some here call themselves Republicans, others conservatives and if anyone agrees with this I call you a traitor.

Has the American people lost its sensibility?  Have they really awaken from a sleep?  Or are we just pining away at each other for the party out of power here?  WTF!

I didnt fight for this.  I didnt serve for this.  One thing is for sure, in the end I will not be fighting on your side.

[youtube=425,350]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Some of you actually believe this is ok?  Yet some still wonder why Three Percenters and Constitutionalists are a breed apart.  May God help us all.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 20, 2010, 06:15:29 PM
Call us whatever makes you happy, but since we're American citizens I guess we don't have to worry about you doing anything except trying to get a warrant served on us.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 06:18:54 PM
Call us whatever makes you happy, but since we're American citizens I guess we don't have to worry about you doing anything except trying to get a warrant served on us.


One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Crazy Horse on July 20, 2010, 06:34:56 PM
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?

WTF is wrong with you??

Whether a citizen of this country or not, when one works with, lives with etc the enemy they should be shot on site.

FOAD :bird:
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 06:44:33 PM
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?
Settle down, Francis.

What I've said is absolutely nothing new in history or the law including the constitution.

If given the choice between engaging an enemy combatant or letting innocent Americans die the choice is clear. You can froth and fume all you want but you're trading 1 life that has pledged war against the US against hundreds or thousands simply trying to go about their lives.

Show me the due process for the victims of the terrorists. Show me their legal rights. If the government cannot/will not protect them it loses all justification for taking their money and governing their society.

You can wave your credentials all you want. Well, guess what, so can we. ESPECIALLY those who do not serve because it is those people we're supposed to defend. They are our sole purpose for existing. Not some pederastic camel ****er that would cut their heads off.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 06:46:16 PM
WTF is wrong with you??

Whether a citizen of this country or not, when one works with, lives with etc the enemy they should be shot on site.

FOAD :bird:

Ahh so I take it that the Tea Party being branded as racists and terrorists have no real issues for you.  I mean I see you flying that little dont tread on me flag there under your name.  So you have no worries ever about becoming the target of the left?  Hmmm, so apparently everyone that does not feel threatened by this are nothing but political lap dogs which live in an illusion that your security is forever secured.  You idiot.  If they so choose they will kick down your door and put a bullet through your head and say its for national security.  Now your the enemy.  But you have no problem with that or is all this "Dont Tread On Me" jive just a wad of BS for your party?

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 06:47:38 PM
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?

Have you ever once wondered why your arrogant pompous bombast on every thread you appear always leaves you looking like a ranting fool?
You are not worth having a discussion with and to be honest I give your claims of having worked in some sort of intel no better then a 50/50 chance of being true.

Even to a complete civilian I doubt a person of your temperament or thinking ability would allow for that.

There are lots of current and former military folks here and would ask what has been the official policy regarding treason,because that is what we are talking a battle theater.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 06:50:37 PM
Settle down, Francis.

What I've said is absolutely nothing new in history or the law including the constitution.

If given the choice between engaging an enemy combatant or letting innocent Americans die the choice is clear. You can froth and fume all you want but you're trading 1 life that has pledged war against the US against hundreds or thousands simply trying to go about their lives.

Show me the due process for the victims of the terrorists. Show me their legal rights. If the government cannot/will not protect them it loses all justification for taking their money and governing their society.

You can wave your credentials all you want. Well, guess what, so can we. ESPECIALLY those who do not serve because it is those people we're supposed to defend. They are our sole purpose for existing. Not some pederastic camel ****er that would cut their heads off.

First of all it is unconstitutional.  Secondly we are not talking about a combat zone in Iraq.  We are talking about anywhere in the world including at home.  Thirdly I love your phrase about the rights of the victims... ahhh you sound just like Van Jones... the ends justify the means?  Oh yeah, I forgot that.  So amazing how you agree but your supposed to be for the conservative side.

You stand upon no principles and have no bearing.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
Have you ever once wondered why your arrogant pompous bombast on every thread you appear always leaves you looking like a ranting fool?
You are not worth having a discussion with and to be honest I give your claims of having worked in some sort of intel no better then a 50/50 chance of being true.

Even to a complete civilian I doubt a person of your temperament or thinking ability would allow for that.

There are lots of current and former military folks here and would ask what has been the official policy regarding treason,because that is what we are talking a battle theater.

Great so quit replying to my threads it would make this easier.  Perhaps you can explain to me how you justify that the administration can do this act of MURDER anywhere in the world including FAR AWAY from a COMBAT ZONE? 

Now I am not sure what ego trip you just stepped off of but I have presented nothing but facts and your chiming in with the crowd saying murder is good for the last time I checked we were allowed due process and to face our accusers.  Hmmm.  Im sorry I am just not buying the ranting fool bs.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 06:59:03 PM
First of all it is unconstitutional.  Secondly we are not talking about a combat zone in Iraq.  We are talking about anywhere in the world including at home.  Thirdly I love your phrase about the rights of the victims... ahhh you sound just like Van Jones... the ends justify the means?  Oh yeah, I forgot that.  So amazing how you agree but your supposed to be for the conservative side.

You stand upon no principles and have no bearing.

OK, you have a US citizen who has openly vowed war against the US directing attacks against the US from foreign soil. The national government there cannot/will not arrest him. His attacks are costing American lives. You have an armed drone over his location.

Why won't you push the button?

What inside the COTUS prevents the pushing of the button?

BTW - George Washington personally lead federal troops against tax protesters. Not a conservative? Impeachable? America-hater? Unprincipled? Or maybe he's a commie like Van Jones.


Here's some more commie propaganda for you, Francis:

The authorities essential to the common defense are these: to raise armies; to build and equip fleets; to prescribe rules for the government of both; to direct their operations; to provide for their support. These powers ought to exist without limitation, because it is impossible to foresee or define the extent and variety of national exigencies, or the correspondent extent and variety of the means which may be necessary to satisfy them. The circumstances that endanger the safety of nations are infinite, and for this reason no constitutional shackles can wisely be imposed on the power to which the care of it is committed. This power ought to be coextensive with all the possible combinations of such circumstances; and ought to be under the direction of the same councils which are appointed to preside over the common defense.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 07:02:08 PM

OK, you have a US citizen who has openly vowed war against the US directing attacks against the US from foreign soil. The national government there cannot/will not arrest him. His attacks are costing American lives. You have an armed drone over his location.

Why won't you push the button?

What inside the COTUS prevents the pushing of the button?

BTW - George Washington personally lead federal troops against tax protesters. Not a conservative? Impeachable? America-hater? Unprincipled? Or maybe he's a commie like Van Jones.


Here's some more commie propaganda for you, Francis:

Ahh I see.  So I take it that when they have finished declaring that the Republican party along with all of my other extremist right wing buddies are terrorists... Hmm kind of like the document they issued last year with the start of the Tea Party movement, and they begin to assassinate you then you still have no problem with it then?

I understand.  Your still a moron.

The ends justify the means is what you say, until your the one being taken out in the end. 
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 07:04:09 PM
Great so quit replying to my threads it would make this easier.  Perhaps you can explain to me how you justify that the administration can do this act of MURDER anywhere in the world including FAR AWAY from a COMBAT ZONE? 

Now I am not sure what ego trip you just stepped off of but I have presented nothing but facts and your chiming in with the crowd saying murder is good for the last time I checked we were allowed due process and to face our accusers.  Hmmm.  Im sorry I am just not buying the ranting fool bs.

Dude,take a deep breath and step away from the coffee.
I suspect that this has been SOP for decades and as military folks have pointed out that seems to be the case.
It seems that you are the one extrapolating it into a conclusion you somehow will be declared an enemy of the state and summarily "assassinated".

Tell me again now who is on an ego trip?

Fwiw you posted a thread,there was discussion and a segment was in disagreement with your conclusions or assertions.
What was your response?

To blow back in with wild histrionics accusing all that dared take a different opinion to yours virtually un-American.
That will get you no where and as always you look like a mental case,ranting idiot.

Take some friendly advice and :) and tone it down a notch or two before you call a member here that has proudly served this country in the armed forces a moron again.

You are treading very thin ice with that.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 20, 2010, 07:09:44 PM
You've pointed this out a few times
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 07:17:31 PM
Ahh I see.  So I take it that when they have finished declaring that the Republican party along with all of my other extremist right wing buddies are terrorists...

Hmm kind of like the document they issued last year with the start of the Tea Party movement, and they begin to assassinate you then you still have no problem with it then?

They already use charges of racism which are demonstrably untrue so WTF makes you so naive as to believe the COTUS would stop them?

Actually I'm more worried about hyperventilating wild-eyed jackholes who imagine themselves to be God's gift to liberty and go around denouncing other people for not being of the truer faith.

I understand.  Your still a moron.
I think you meant "you're" as in the contraction of "you are a moron."

The ends justify the means is what you say, until your the one being taken out in the end. 
So you're declaring George Washington and the Federalist papers to be un-American.

Got it.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: 5412 on July 20, 2010, 07:22:05 PM
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?


I have no problem targeting american citizens providing there are some reasonable checks and balances.  What concerns me is the fact there appears to be none so how long before an out of control government can target the voice of dissent or their political enemies like Chavez did in Venezuela?

I guess innocent until proven guilty is only in the minds of the politicians. 

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 20, 2010, 07:23:04 PM
It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing, officials said. A former senior legal official in the administration of George W. Bush said he did not know of any American who was approved for targeted killing under the former president.

But the director of national intelligence, Dennis C. Blair, told a House hearing in February that such a step was possible. “We take direct actions against terrorists in the intelligence community,” he said. “If we think that direct action will involve killing an American, we get specific permission to do that.” He did not name Mr. Awlaki as a target.

Both the C.I.A. and the military maintain lists of terrorists linked to Al Qaeda and its affiliates who are approved for capture or killing, former officials said. But because Mr. Awlaki is an American, his inclusion on those lists had to be approved by the National Security Council, the officials said.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Thor on July 20, 2010, 07:23:21 PM
Ahh I see.  So I take it that when they have finished declaring that the Republican party along with all of my other extremist right wing buddies are terrorists... Hmm kind of like the document they issued last year with the start of the Tea Party movement, and they begin to assassinate you then you still have no problem with it then?

I understand.  Your still a moron.

The ends justify the means is what you say, until your the one being taken out in the end.  

It seems to me that Javelin needs to re-take 3rd grade English. Your= possessive; You're= a contraction, meaning "you are".......... learn it, memorize it. There WILL be a test.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 07:26:19 PM
Dude,take a deep breath and step away from the coffee.
I suspect that this has been SOP for decades and as military folks have pointed out that seems to be the case.
It seems that you are the one extrapolating it into a conclusion you somehow will be declared an enemy of the state and summarily "assassinated".

Tell me again now who is on an ego trip?

Fwiw you posted a thread,there was discussion and a segment was in disagreement with your conclusions or assertions.
What was your response?

To blow back in with wild histrionics accusing all that dared take a different opinion to yours virtually un-American.
That will get you no where and as always you look like a mental case,ranting idiot.

Take some friendly advice and :) and tone it down a notch or two before you call a member here that has proudly served this country in the armed forces a moron again.

You are treading very thin ice with that.

Apparently we are all on thin ice are we not?  When they can broadly announce that they can assassinate an American ANYWHERE in the world that is defined as a terrorist especially when they refuse to call jihadist extremist or a terrorist a terrorist if they are in the middle east as so clearly demonstrated over the last year.

I am glad that you are so comfortable with giving them the power to define a terrorist by any means they wish just as they have our constitution.  Apparently none of you should then have an issue with bailouts, take over of the banks, the health care bill nor the financial reform bill.  For after all they hold all the keys to defining whatever they wish however they wish whenever they wish.  Or has not enough taken place for this to become apparent enough for you?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 20, 2010, 07:26:36 PM
Listen for the helicopters javelin......
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 20, 2010, 07:27:50 PM
Apparently we are all on thin ice are we not?  When they can broadly announce that they can assassinate an American ANYWHERE in the world that is defined as a terrorist especially when they refuse to call jihadist extremist or a terrorist a terrorist if they are in the middle east as so clearly demonstrated over the last year.

I am glad that you are so comfortable with giving them the power to define a terrorist by any means they wish just as they have our constitution.  Apparently none of you should then have an issue with bailouts, take over of the banks, the health care bill nor the financial reform bill.  For after all they hold all the keys to defining whatever they wish however they wish whenever they wish.  Or has not enough taken place for this to become apparent enough for you?

That is really not the case is it?   

Due diligence.  It's not just for intelligent debaters anymore.   Try it sometime. 
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 07:29:06 PM

Misread your quote, my apologies.  Yet I will allow my statement to stand for the record of what was said.  Disregard what is below about Bush doing the same as is now taking place.  Point moot.  Yet my main topic point I will not recant nor retreat from.  Goodnight.

Ahhh so Bush did it so its ok right?  Oh wait didnt he also introduce Homeland Security and the Patriot Act.  Oh yeah and the whole border issue that is a war zone even back then.  

Absolutely amazing.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 07:30:37 PM
That is really not the case is it?   

Due diligence.  It's not just for intelligent debaters anymore.   Try it sometime. 

Perhaps you should take some of your own advice.  Sleep well.  With this I end my case.  Goodbye for now.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 20, 2010, 07:31:35 PM
Ahhh so Bush did it so its ok right?  Oh wait didnt he also introduce Homeland Security and the Patriot Act.  Oh yeah and the whole border issue that is a war zone even back then. 

Absolutely amazing.

Um, Bush did it? 

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 20, 2010, 07:32:44 PM
Perhaps you should take some of your own advice.  Sleep well.  With this I end my case.  Goodbye for now.

Super-top-secret-squirrel-mission taking you away?   

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 07:40:40 PM
Super-top-secret-squirrel-mission taking you away?   


Damn...meds are kicking in,must sleep.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Cool Breeze on July 20, 2010, 08:50:43 PM
Great so quit replying to my threads it would make this easier.  Perhaps you can explain to me how you justify that the administration can do this act of MURDER anywhere in the world including FAR AWAY from a COMBAT ZONE? 

Now I am not sure what ego trip you just stepped off of but I have presented nothing but facts and your chiming in with the crowd saying murder is good for the last time I checked we were allowed due process and to face our accusers.  Hmmm.  Im sorry I am just not buying the ranting fool bs.


Sounds like Constitutional due process is up for interpretation...until the abuse of it concerns the person holding that misguided view.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: lsmurphy on July 20, 2010, 08:59:37 PM

So let's follow some logic here....

So Holder wants to guarantee that the 'enemy comabatents' receive their due process rights guaranteed under the trials.....constitutional rights.....yada yada

BUT!!!!! and a big ole fat BUT!!!!!

You conservitives (loosely) want to argue that an executive order to assasinate a US citizen is justifiable !!WITHOUT!! due process???????

And you call yourselves conservitive?

You really need to be ashamed of yourselves.

You have NO respect for the rule of law.

You  guys are way in over your head.


Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: lsmurphy on July 20, 2010, 09:04:55 PM
Excuse my misspellings...I see no edit button here..

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Plague on July 20, 2010, 09:10:00 PM

Who left the lid off the crazybait ?

'fess up !
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Doc on July 20, 2010, 09:10:45 PM
Excuse my misspellings...I see no edit button here..


Use "modify"

On Edit:  Newbies must amass 50 posts before full board functions are available to you.  Further it is customary for a newcomer to introduce themselves in the "Welcomes and Introductions" forum......that said, welcome to CC

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 09:14:44 PM
Yet another genius from the left...when you post there is a "Spell Check" button you can click if you want to attempt to post correctly.
It is in plain view.

As to your point,the discussion is about two different things...a person that commits treason by aiding and siding with a sworn enemy and the assertion that such will someday be applied to civilian and domestic dissent.

I can make a bug eyed post claiming that O is going to round us all up and have us shot in the back of the head over a ditch because XYZ event can be stretched to that point.
It is no different then the crazy talk of the DUmp and far left regarding the same or suspended elections and so on.

To suggest it is hysterics does not mean one isn`t conservative enough as has been suggested,only that they hold a sane and rational viewpoint of things.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 09:15:25 PM
Oh goody.

Francis can't handle the school yard so he summons the rest of the Glee Club.

Instead of tossing around dime-a-dozen ad homs how about you kiddies actually discuss matters of law.

Sounds like Constitutional due process is up for interpretation...until the abuse of it concerns the person holding that misguided view.

"Due process" does not apply in matters of war. That's what makes it a war: the normal legal strictures do not apply.


So let's follow some logic here....

So Holder wants to guarantee that the 'enemy comabatents' receive their due process rights guaranteed under the trials.....constitutional rights.....yada yada

BUT!!!!! and a big ole fat BUT!!!!!

You conservitives (loosely) want to argue that an executive order to assasinate a US citizen is justifiable !!WITHOUT!! due process???????

And you call yourselves conservitive?

You really need to be ashamed of yourselves.

You have NO respect for the rule of law.

You  guys are way in over your head.

Whatever Nancy.

You aren't even internally consistent. REAL conservatives, not you Ron Paul anus lickers (see how easy it is to apply and strip credentials), don't approve of Holder's actions because combatants are not subject to civil jurisprudence they are subject to the laws of war because their actions are acts of war. National origin matters not one iota because an act of war is an act of war and people who levy war against any nation are not granted the legal protections of the nation they seek to destroy. They gain a military response.

Get it? Or do I need to type slower?

 One thing is for sure, in the end I will not be fighting on your side.
Yes, well...

...if you ever fight against me all I have to do is take sanctuary in a hostile foreign nation where I can bomb your cities with impunity and you can't touch me so...

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 09:18:57 PM
Good God,is it a full moon or something?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 09:20:34 PM
Good God,is it a full moon or something?

I'm guessing they were invited over.

Jackelyn: Hey guys! Come check out this crazy-assed rabbit that like wants to kill terrorists an' stuff! He's insane! Insane I tell ya!
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 09:24:20 PM
I'm guessing they were invited over.

Jackelyn: Hey guys! Come check out this crazy-assed rabbit that like wants to kill terrorists an' stuff! He's insane! Insane I tell ya!

I would concur with that and the slinking away yet remaining active online for an hour would indicate the same.

Has anyone asked the intel guy his credentials as far as what all military personal recognize as service records?
Confirmable stuff such as dates and duty assignments.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 09:26:55 PM
Has anyone asked the intel guy his credentials as far as what all military personal recognize as service records?
Confirmable stuff such as dates and duty assignments.
He's insipid, thin-skinned, excitable and paranoid with delusions of grandeur.

I'd say his credentials are unimpeachable.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 09:29:29 PM
I would concur with that and the slinking away yet remaining active online for an hour would indicate the same.

Has anyone asked the intel guy his credentials as far as what all military personal recognize as service records?
Confirmable stuff such as dates and duty assignments.

Oh what.. you want copies from my SRB?  Are you out of your damn mind?  Perhaps I should just send all my information to the local Russian collecting credit card numbers and socials to resell.  Yeah sure, let me hand over my private information to people that would prefer to hang me... hey you want my wife too?  Dont be such an ***.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 09:32:29 PM
Oh what.. you want copies from my SRB?  Are you out of your damn mind?  Perhaps I should just send all my information to the local Russian collecting credit card numbers and socials to resell.  Yeah sure, let me hand over my private information to people that would prefer to hand me... hey you want my wife too?  Dont be such a smuck.

End of discussion as even a civilian on these boards know that there are things that can be openly posted and confirmed without revealing private info.
Have seen it happen more then once with a poser called are busted dude.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: lsmurphy on July 20, 2010, 09:36:08 PM
Oh goody.

Francis can't handle the school yard so he summons the rest of the Glee Club.

Instead of tossing around dime-a-dozen ad homs how about you kiddies actually discuss matters of law.

"Due process" does not apply in matters of war. That's what makes it a war: the normal legal strictures do not apply.
Whatever Nancy.

You aren't even internally consistent. REAL conservatives, not you Ron Paul anus lickers (see how easy it is to apply and strip credentials), don't approve of Holder's actions because combatants are not subject to civil jurisprudence they are subject to the laws of war because their actions are acts of war. National origin matters not one iota because an act of war is an act of war and people who levy war against any nation are not granted the legal protections of the nation they seek to destroy. They gain a military response.

Get it? Or do I need to type slower?
Yes, well...

...if you ever fight against me all I have to do is take sanctuary in a hostile foreign nation where I can bomb your cities with impunity and you can't touch me so...


You are not so smart as you think.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 09:37:49 PM
Oh what.. you want copies from my SRB?  Are you out of your damn mind?  Perhaps I should just send all my information to the local Russian collecting credit card numbers and socials to resell.  Yeah sure, let me hand over my private information to people that would prefer to hang me...
Nobody here expects you to be well hung, Jacelyn.

hey you want my wife too?

Oh God in Heaven, no.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 09:38:05 PM
End of discussion as even a civilian on these boards know that there are things that can be openly posted and confirmed without revealing private info.
Have seen it happen more then once with a poser called are busted dude.

Yep Im busted... your investigation techniques are about as good as Obamas.  Perhaps you learned from him.  Tell you what.  I will at least give you this much but this is as much as I am willing to give in non friendly territory.

Boot camp.

1Bn Alpha Co. Plt 1048 and the graduation date for that Co was on July 4th..

So shove it.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: lsmurphy on July 20, 2010, 09:39:26 PM
Good lord...this forums functions suck....

As for you your war and due dumbass....first off there is no declared war....secondly who is to decide who the enemy is that will be assassinated? Obama? the enemy himself? You may someday be on his list....this is the point  you are too stupid to get.


Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Doc on July 20, 2010, 09:45:27 PM
Good lord...this forums functions suck....

As for you your war and due dumbass....first off there is no declared war....secondly who is to decide who the enemy is that will be assassinated? Obama? the enemy himself? You may someday be on his list....this is the point  you are too stupid to get.



Perhaps if the forum is uncomfortable for you, no one is keeping you here.......

Starting your tenure here (however brief that may be), insulting long-standing members is not might want to tone it down a bit.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 09:48:06 PM
Yep Im busted... your investigation techniques are about as good as Obamas.  Perhaps you learned from him.  Tell you what.  I will at least give you this much but this is as much as I am willing to give in non friendly territory.

Boot camp.

1Bn Alpha Co. Plt 1048 and the graduation date for that Co was on July 4th..

So shove it.

I will let those familiar with military terms respond or not but what was wrong with that in the first place if legit?

You made the claims in the OP,you back them up...fully and 100 % or you keep your trap shut as it asserts you to be an authority of some type yet the first thing you do when challenged is go over the edge.

All your new buddies part of your fringe 3 percenter group?

Take your fantasies to computer playland.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 20, 2010, 09:53:54 PM
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?

I guess you didn't understand just what the oath could mean when it said, "...Against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

If your idea of liberty is joining AQ, and then being immune from attack unless we actually catch you with an AK in your hands, you have a terminal case of stupid.  Warfare is not a damned game of 'Red rover.'

And for the other idiot, it is extremely well-settled law that a declaration of war is not a condition precedent for the US to be 'At war.'
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 09:56:30 PM
Good lord...this forums functions suck....

As for you your war and due dumbass....first off there is no declared war....secondly who is to decide who the enemy is that will be assassinated? Obama? the enemy himself? You may someday be on his list....this is the point  you are too stupid to get.


It's nice you could take time out of your busy schedule of dodging tornados and chasing your sister to grace us with your presence.

No, really, I mean that.

War was declared on 9/11/2001. Maybe you heard about it; I'm sure it was in all the papers. It kind of follows in the vein of when the pasha or Tripoli had a flagpole on the grounds of the US embassy sawed-down. Congress at that time declared it an act of war declared on us thus abrogating the need for their own declaration. Now bunnies are only timid woodland creatures but I'm going to go out on a limb and say slaughtering nearly 3,000 Americans and attacking our government buildings and economic centers qualifies as at least equal to cutting down a flagpole.

I would also remind the hypocephalic amongst us that I pointed out Washington's march against the Whiskey Rebellion. No declaration of war. No whiff of due process. Just a president with lots of federal troops telling the rebels to disband or die.

I also cited Federalist 23. I have crayons, if need be I can draw you a picture.

BTW - our forum controls operate on the 10% rule.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 09:56:52 PM
I will let those familiar with military terms respond or not but what was wrong with that in the first place if legit?

You made the claims in the OP,you back them up...fully and 100 % or you keep your trap shut as it asserts you to be an authority of some type yet the first thing you do when challenged is go over the edge.

All your new buddies part of your fringe 3 percenter group?

Take your fantasies to computer playland.

Heres the thing.  I never asked for you to believe me.  Proving myself to you is completely pointless and I stand to gain absolutely nothing but I stand to lose something especially considering I do not know you nor trust you.  Even if some information can be confirmed "anonymously" anyone with common sense knows nothing is completely anonymous.

So why dont we cut the bs.  You dont like me fine, you dont believe me fine, you want a difference of opinion fine.  You wish to attack me fine but you refuse to really answer my question but demand EVERYTHING from me.  I will not be surprised if you want my friggin blood type next or fingerprints.  

Why would you support the idea of the assassination of Americans that ARE NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD and when the term TERRORIST has been shown it can be applied to ANYONE for whatever reason which meets THEIR definition especially without due process?

Or perhaps you would prefer to reinstate the gulag but here in America?

Oh wait I know, you would prefer to attack me rather than deal with the topic...

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 09:58:29 PM
I guess you didn't understand just what the oath could mean when it said, "...Against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

If your idea of liberty is joining AQ, and then being immune from attack unless we actually catch you with an AK in your hands, you have a terminal case of stupid.  Warfare is not a damned game of 'Red rover.'

And for the other idiot, it is extremely well-settled law that a declaration of war is not a condition precedent for the US to be 'At war.'

Dude how thick is your head or are you blind?  Perhaps try reading what I say.....

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Cool Breeze on July 20, 2010, 09:59:24 PM
So, it's obvious that the founding fathers of our republic built in the founding documents safeguards for citizens to throw of the current government, if it were needed to preserve liberty.

With the logic I'm reading in this post, had you been a participant in a revolution scenario where arms were taken up, you would be labeled a domestic terrorist during a time of war. This would make you a target for elimination without any due process.

My point is that all of these new executive orders are, in fact, legislative acts that are reserved for the legislative branch. To think that this would not be used against patriotic Americans, if civil unrest were to break out is putting your head in the sand.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 10:02:08 PM
Time for bed people.... cya round the next time. 
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: lsmurphy on July 20, 2010, 10:03:47 PM
Perhaps if the forum is uncomfortable for you, no one is keeping you here.......

Starting your tenure here (however brief that may be), insulting long-standing members is not might want to tone it down a bit.


No. Don't really give a shit. Waller in your own ignorance.

Bunnyboy.....war was never declared....just ask your butt buddy Obama.....overseas contingency operation...or some happy shit.

I'll leave you ****tards to your own assholes.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 10:05:19 PM
Heres the thing.  I never asked for you to believe me.  Proving myself to you is completely pointless and I stand to gain absolutely nothing but I stand to lose something especially considering I do not know you nor trust you.  Even if some information can be confirmed "anonymously" anyone with common sense knows nothing is completely anonymous.

So why dont we cut the bs.  You dont like me fine, you dont believe me fine, you want a difference of opinion fine.  You wish to attack me fine but you refuse to really answer my question but demand EVERYTHING from me.  I will not be surprised if you want my friggin blood type next or fingerprints.  

Why would you support the idea of the assassination of Americans that ARE NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD and when the term TERRORIST has been shown it can be applied to ANYONE for whatever reason which meets THEIR definition especially without due process?

Or perhaps you would prefer to reinstate the gulag but here in America?

Oh wait I know, you would prefer to attack me rather than deal with the topic...

If I am not mistaken it will only take a short perusal of this thread to see I made no comment before you went off the deep end regarding anyone that disagreed or took issue with your assertions regarding the topic you posted.
Post something and be prepared to defend and debate if needed,that is only reasonable.

Now you claim to be a victim,that is just so perfect given that any attempts to engage you with your claims have been met by sarcasm and arrogance.

Remember one thing about me,I am most generally unflappable and will stick to the subject.
You have failed in every manner to address things you have been called on.
Tell us all as a former military and intel person what the official policy regarding treason has been through your terms of service.

No personal info required but again as a complete civilian I expect that issue was brought up.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 10:06:35 PM

No. Don't really give a shit. Waller in your own ignorance.

Bunnyboy.....war was never declared....just ask your butt buddy Obama.....overseas contingency operation...or some happy shit.

I'll leave you ****tards to your own assholes.


Uhm let me wish you an early goodbye. :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 10:07:16 PM
Time for bed people.... cya round the next time. 

You mean after you recruit more backup like last time?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Mike220 on July 20, 2010, 10:09:55 PM

What the ****?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 10:14:09 PM
Heres the thing.  I never asked for you to believe me.  Proving myself to you is completely pointless and I stand to gain absolutely nothing but I stand to lose something especially considering I do not know you nor trust you.  Even if some information can be confirmed "anonymously" anyone with common sense knows nothing is completely anonymous.

So why dont we cut the bs.  You dont like me fine, you dont believe me fine, you want a difference of opinion fine.  You wish to attack me fine but you refuse to really answer my question but demand EVERYTHING from me.  I will not be surprised if you want my friggin blood type next or fingerprints.  
Then stop waving your credentials in our faces.

Why would you support the idea of the assassination of Americans that ARE NOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD and when the term TERRORIST has been shown it can be applied to ANYONE for whatever reason which meets THEIR definition especially without due process?
Asymmetrical warfare has no battlefield.

Jeez, you'd think someone from Very Special Forces would know that.

Or perhaps you would prefer to reinstate the gulag but here in America?

I thought that's why we were paying for Gitmo?

Oh wait I know, you would prefer to attack me rather than deal with the topic...
You made you the topic when you wanted us to look to your credentials.

Dude how thick is your head or are you blind?  Perhaps try reading what I say.....

He did and he noted that since the oath of a soldier includes domestic enemies the notion that military force cannot be levied against US citizens is ergo false.

Time for bed people.... cya round the next time.  

I told you guys it was past his bedtime and that's why he was cranky.

No. Don't really give a shit. Waller in your own ignorance.
Then why did you come over here pusstard?

Bunnyboy.....war was never declared....just ask your butt buddy Obama.....overseas contingency operation...or some happy shit.
AQ declared war and historical precedent is on my side. But you agree with Obama but supposedly I'm his sympathizers.


I'll leave you ****tards to your own assholes.

Good boy. Keep your sister off the streets.


What the ****?
I guess his smoochies come with cooties.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Mike220 on July 20, 2010, 10:16:23 PM
I guess his smoochies come with cooties.

Occupational hazard I guess.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 10:32:23 PM
Time for bed people.... cya round the next time. 

Javelin 11:28:31 pm   Viewing the board Politics.

You do realize that you can be seen online don`t you?
Would have thought a super spy person would have researched that before making a move.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: lsmurphy on July 20, 2010, 10:36:25 PM
'smootchies'.....that's what your bunnyboy said...not me.

Just so you know....

The way I found myself here is others are post links on other forums and talking about how dumb you guys are....really you all are showing your ass to the world.

Yeah this is my last post here...just needed a last little chuckle.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 20, 2010, 10:38:12 PM
Dude how thick is your head or are you blind?  Perhaps try reading what I say.....


Well, see, I did write that in direct response to your somewhat-insulting post (Which at least relieves me of any further burden to be tactful in addressing your ill-informed and unsupported Constitutional opinions).  In fact that's why I quoted it in my response, because what you wrote was so damn' silly that a response wouldn't be all that easy to understand without seeing the reference (I.e. your post), particularly with wide stretches of your furball with MSB in between.  I'm beginning to think you don't understand the scope or implications of what you yourself write, and trying to point out the logic flaws in it is a waste of effort since you aren't exactly demonstrating a 'Gifted and talented' potential here.

Bush and Rumsfeld came up with the phrase "Global War on Terror."  There is inherent in that turn of phrase the idea that there exists a global state of war, waged by the US against a globally-distributed network of pan-national terrorists, and in turn by those terrorists against us.  There is absolutely nothing in the phrase, or the concept behind it, which precludes US citizens from being on the side of the terrorists and thus at war with the US, or limits the location of the terrorists to only non-CONUS locations for their operations.  

As MSB points out, and as those with any sophistication in the subject are well aware, there is indeed a secretive and highly-particularized finding process that has to be gone through to target any individuals for assassination, arising out of certain past abuses under Presidents of both parties between say, oh, about the end of WWII and the mid-1980s.

One person, I don't recall if it was you, noted upthread that it is the job of the Legislative Branch to wage war, which is completely mistaken.  It is in fact the exclusive domain of the Executive, the power of the Legislative Branch is to declare war, raise armies and navies (And by interpretation, air forces and any other arms necessary) and provide for them, which essentially gives them the power of the purse to rein in the Executive, but by no means to dictate their use short of mustering a veto-proof majority to impose a statutory prohibition on the Executive.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 20, 2010, 10:42:26 PM
'smootchies'.....that's what your bunnyboy said...not me.

I spelled it "smoochies".

Epic fail.


Just so you know....

The way I found myself here is others are post links on other forums and talking about how dumb you guys are....really you all are showing your ass to the world.

God forbid we fall out of favor with the Very Special Forces.

The only thing worse would be Jackelyn trying to pimp off his wife to us.

Yeah this is my last post here...just needed a last little chuckle.
Now you get to make your sister chuckle.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Chris_ on July 20, 2010, 10:48:15 PM
The way I found myself here is others are post links on other forums and talking about how dumb you guys are....really you all are showing your ass to the world.

Don't go away mad, just go away.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 20, 2010, 10:50:11 PM
'smootchies'.....that's what your bunnyboy said...not me.

Just so you know....

The way I found myself here is others are post links on other forums and talking about how dumb you guys are....really you all are showing your ass to the world.

Yeah this is my last post here...just needed a last little chuckle.


Don't let the screen door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.  Unless you're into that, of course.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 10:50:29 PM
Don't go away mad, just go away.

Lunatics outside the DUmp can have computers too? :o
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Cool Breeze on July 20, 2010, 10:51:30 PM
One person, I don't recall if it was you, noted upthread that it is the job of the Legislative Branch to wage war, which is completely mistaken.  It is in fact the exclusive domain of the Executive, the power of the Legislative Branch is to declare war, raise armies and navies (And by interpretation, air forces and any other arms necessary) and provide for them, which essentially gives them the power of the purse to rein in the Executive, but by no means to dictate their use short of mustering a veto-proof majority to impose a statutory prohibition on hte Executive.

If you're referring to my post about EO's, you read too much into my statement and your assumptions are your own. An EO that allows assassination of an American citizen is a de facto legislative act. Problem is that EO's are never challenged, as they should be.

The Executive branch's power under Obongo is absolutely out of control. He's more like Hugo Chavez than anything I can think of.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Mike220 on July 20, 2010, 10:52:21 PM
Lunatics outside the DUmp can have computers too? :o

Forgot about our "friend" Peter Dow already?  :-)
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 20, 2010, 10:53:15 PM
Forgot about our "friend" Peter Dow already?  :-)

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 20, 2010, 11:07:32 PM
If you're referring to my post about EO's, you read too much into my statement and your assumptions are your own. An EO that allows assassination of an American citizen is a de facto legislative act. Problem is that EO's are never challenged, as they should be.

The Executive branch's power under Obongo is absolutely out of control. He's more like Hugo Chavez than anything I can think of.

No, it was an entirely different post and the writing style was much shriller, it was either one of Javelin's or Scott's but the thread's very long and I wanted to finish the post before it got buried even deeper.  The post about Congress having the power to wage war to which I referred was pretty close to the way I paraphrased it, and was talking about the power to conduct war generally, not about the EOs or findings.

The entire findings process really comes from an era where there was not an extant state of global war as a backdrop, so it is not well-matched to the entire GWOT concept.  Thus, the way this really functions is kind of a patchwork of overlapping turf issues between State, DOD, CIA, and the NCA on the one hand who approach it as a warfare issue, and a faction that approaches it from a domestic legal perspective on the other, such as the AG, Main DOJ, and FBI Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism.  Really the abuse of power is to some accidental extent kept in check by the incredible Byzantine inefficiency of our Executive organization.

I'm certainly no fan of Obummer and his power grabs, but he just isn't as gregarious as Chavez, he is more like the personality of a Wilson combined with the capability of a Carter, plus the intelligence (cough), low cunning, and connections of a Kennedy.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 20, 2010, 11:20:21 PM
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.

ESAD **** stick. He's got more class in his little finger and more military knowledge in his big toe about than you've got in your entire body.

You should just say sorry sir...and shut the **** up.

Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.

Awww look.  How sweet...we get rid of bkg and his moronic statements about our bases in France...and this d'bag comes in to take his place.

Same ****ing language and stupid accusations...different screen name.

I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.

Perhaps you'd prefer the latest volume of hooked on phonics.  He didn't mock the use of a warrant.

He mocked YOU you retard.

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?'re the punchline around here.  Actually the anwser to the question "What does a 100%'er asshat look like?"

Wtf is wrong with you?

Quit taking yourself so seriously.  YOu're not as important or as smart as your self aggrandizing bluster would lead you to believe.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 20, 2010, 11:22:02 PM

No. Don't really give a shit. Waller in your own ignorance.

Bunnyboy.....war was never declared....just ask your butt buddy Obama.....overseas contingency operation...or some happy shit.

I'll leave you ****tards to your own assholes.


Oh look...a new chew toy.

And a very ignorant one at that.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Mike220 on July 20, 2010, 11:25:43 PM

No. Don't really give a shit. Waller in your own ignorance.

Bunnyboy.....war was never declared....just ask your butt buddy Obama.....overseas contingency operation...or some happy shit.

I'll leave you ****tards to your own assholes.


And it's "wallow" Einstein. If you're going to throw around the ignorant label, you might want to not look like an uneducated douche.

Waller is a town and county in Texas. Or a jazz pianist.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 20, 2010, 11:28:52 PM
You are not so smart as you think.


But YOU are as stupid as we all know you to be.

Guess javelin needed reinforcements.

Too bad the call went out to the shallow end of the gene pool.

And to answer some vague brag about your "credentials farther back in the thread...I've ALWAYS been skeptical...and you know that.

The ignorance and self important "I worked intel" crap you keep sticking in our faces only reinforces my belief that you were near as important in what ever military service you did as you think you were/are.

There are people here who are current and former military with far more of a grasp of concepts...tactics and the operational picture than you can grasp...yet THEY don't rub our noses in it every chance they get like you do.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 20, 2010, 11:34:19 PM
WTF is wrong with you??

Whether a citizen of this country or not, when one works with, lives with etc the enemy they should be shot on site.

FOAD :bird:

He got the response he was looking for...thus giving him the opening he needed  to act exactly like he is now.

He's trying to get payback for me embarrassing his little buddy bkg.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 21, 2010, 01:16:20 AM
He mocked YOU you retard.

Well, I'm glad somebody understood exactly what I was saying in that one!

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 21, 2010, 01:19:02 AM
Well, I'm glad somebody understood exactly what I was saying in that one!


Well it doesn't take an alleged Intel Weenie to figure it out.  :fuelfire:
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 21, 2010, 04:15:23 AM
Oh what.. you want copies from my SRB?  Are you out of your damn mind?  Perhaps I should just send all my information to the local Russian collecting credit card numbers and socials to resell.  Yeah sure, let me hand over my private information to people that would prefer to hang me... hey you want my wife too?  Dont be such an ***.

Dude, you see dead people too don't you?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 21, 2010, 04:18:27 AM
Good lord...this forums functions suck....

As for you your war and due dumbass....first off there is no declared war....secondly who is to decide who the enemy is that will be assassinated? Obama? the enemy himself? You may someday be on his list....this is the point  you are too stupid to get.



No declared war ........ :whatever:

I posted a link to exactly how Americans are targeted.  Perhaps you should actually research the topic, or is chicken little the only act you have?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 21, 2010, 04:20:15 AM
You do realize that you can be seen online don`t you?
Would have thought a super spy person would have researched that before making a move.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: formerlurker on July 21, 2010, 04:27:16 AM
No, it was an entirely different post and the writing style was much shriller, it was either one of Javelin's or Scott's but the thread's very long and I wanted to finish the post before it got buried even deeper.  The post about Congress having the power to wage war to which I referred was pretty close to the way I paraphrased it, and was talking about the power to conduct war generally, not about the EOs or findings.

The entire findings process really comes from an era where there was not an extant state of global war as a backdrop, so it is not well-matched to the entire GWOT concept.  Thus, the way this really functions is kind of a patchwork of overlapping turf issues between State, DOD, CIA, and the NCA on the one hand who approach it as a warfare issue, and a faction that approaches it from a domestic legal perspective on the other, such as the AG, Main DOJ, and FBI Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism.  Really the abuse of power is to some accidental extent kept in check by the incredible Byzantine inefficiency of our Executive organization.

I'm certainly no fan of Obummer and his power grabs, but he just isn't as gregarious as Chavez, he is more like the personality of a Wilson combined with the capability of a Carter, plus the intelligence (cough), low cunning, and connections of a Kennedy.

There is so many layers to actually finding one's self on this list.  I posted a link which not only explains it, it gives an example of the type of POS who would America would love to see dead.

Of course during the American Revolution, our founding fathers would put a bullet in your head and ask questions later if you were suspected of being a traitor.   They didn't footnote that in the Constitution, so Dr. Ron's worshipers wouldn't exactly be "aware" of that.  

The misfits that they are.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 21, 2010, 09:46:38 AM
Beck, Napolitano & Co. are all wet on this for the reasons MSB puts actual war, it is not just the prerogative of the Executive to kill enemies without trial, it's his damned JOB.  It does not matter whether the target is under arms and immediately engaged in a firefight, or going about his grocery shopping in downtown Backwaterville between shifts at the enemy command bunker, he is a legitimate target either way. 

The Brits would no doubt have loved to have the G2 on when they could catch Lord Haw-Haw (A Brit citizen) on a lone plane the way we did to Yamamoto (A non-citizen enemy combatant, successfully targeted for assassination).  When Bush was President, were sure as Hell trying to assassinate Saddam when he was hiding out after the Iraq invasion, and we blew the holy living shit out of a restaurant full of people mistakenly thinking he was there one fine day.

The basic problem is establishing that the person targeted is actually in enemy service and engaged in the conflict ("Engaged" in the big sense, not the idiotic close-combat test Judge Napolitano was applying to it on Fox this morning), but when they self-declare it makes that determination relatively easy.
Ok, I agree with much of what is being said here. What I am most concerned with is the potential of drawn out hackneyed debates within our CiC's inner circle over which enemy is MOST eligible for termination.

Due process?

Ok, if it was good enough for the Rosenberg's (, I guess it is good enough for our other enemies. My greatest concerns emanate from the amount of time spent hand wringing over who to snuff while the danger to America, American civilians, and American military personnel escalates. In *MY* opinion, the objective of this nation's military is NOT for her soldiers to die for this nation, but to solidify, backup, and enforce the "tip of the spear" unrelenting power as that spear is projected anywhere in the world to at the very least, poke the enemy in the ass making then cower and stop their evil ways or ultimately die. In most cases, quick termination of the enemy, specifically by blowing them up, is preferable to housing them in the criminal-legal system for five years before we hang them.
This is we have bombs, napalm, and UAV's...
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 21, 2010, 09:51:50 AM
Bingo.  Adam Gahan could be 1000 miles from the nearest firefight, but the fact he's given aid and comfort as well as all the other shit he's done only justifies a double tap to the back of the head, but in reality, if he's ever captured, he'll be brought back, given a VERY public trial, then plead down to something pathetic and spend a few years at Club Fed, much like Taliban Johnny--who, BTW, just applied for early release.
Now that guy really pisses me off!
Funny - with all of his bravado he propagandizes through his Al Jazeera supported videos, you never see that goat-****er carrying a gun on the battlefield. I wonder why?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 21, 2010, 10:00:03 AM
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?
I agree with the termination of *ANY* traitor of this nation regardless of which flag they drape themselves with. We have NEVER nor will we EVER execute ANYONE for stealing an apple so cut the condescending bullshit. Over the last 60+ years, this nation has caught thousands of AMERICANS that were traitors and they were given full due process. 99% were/are run through the United State's LEGAL SYSTEM and went to prison or were extradited.

Recent Times Square bomber anyone?

We are in a substantially different war now - a symmetrical war whereas just destroying the enemy's village will NOT stop them. If you are knowingly aiding, helping the enemy thus creating great danger to America, American civilians or her soldiers - all I can say is - BOOM!


If you have a problem with "the murder of American citizens", then please explain state sanctioned execution of criminals.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 21, 2010, 10:10:46 AM
It seems to me that Javelin needs to re-take 3rd grade English. Your= possessive; You're= a contraction, meaning "you are".......... learn it, memorize it. There WILL be a test.
So THAT is why the third grade was so hard!

Silly? No shit! Such as this thread has become...
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 21, 2010, 10:28:10 AM
Ok, I agree with much of what is being said here. What I am most concerned with is the potential of drawn out hackneyed debates within our CiC's inner circle over which enemy is MOST eligible for termination.

An absolutely legitimate concern, and so far as anyone can know for sure, to date the processes involved have been used extremely sparingly and with appropriate safeguards including geographical limitations and classified briefings to key Congressional Intelligence Committee members, but the possibility of abuse is irreducibly present...but at the same time, the availability of the means to serve up a hot one to our sworn enemies is not foreclosed by the Constitution generally, and certainly during a state of warfare.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: NHSparky on July 21, 2010, 10:47:03 AM
Aw, man!  I take ONE NIGHT off from the computer and this happens!

This is why we can't have nice things, kids.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 21, 2010, 10:59:42 AM
Aw, man!  I take ONE NIGHT off from the computer and this happens!

This is why we can't have nice things, kids.

At least you're in the same time zone!
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 21, 2010, 11:57:43 AM
An absolutely legitimate concern, and so far as anyone can know for sure, to date the processes involved have been used extremely sparingly and with appropriate safeguards including geographical limitations and classified briefings to key Congressional Intelligence Committee members, but the possibility of abuse is irreducibly present...but at the same time, the availability of the means to serve up a hot one to our sworn enemies is not foreclosed by the Constitution generally, and certainly during a state of warfare.
What amazes me about this entire exchange is these shrill, shrieking shit shiners will, on any other moment, gleefully spew quotes from Thomas Jefferson but as soon as you point out a DoW is not required for a president to fight a war because Jefferson prosecuted the Barbary War without a DoW from congress these twits suddenly fall silent.

The speak glowing about about the founders and the COTUS, but when you point out Federalist 23 and how the founders designed the COTUS to impose no shackles on the president's ability to wage war these rubes can only find, "dumbass" as a retort.

George Washington? Why, they're practially masturbating to his portrait but then you point out the Whiskey Rebellion was suppressed without due process, just federal troops and all you get in response is a bunch of name calling and not even creative name-calling at that.

In short: they got nothing so they like to screech and fling poo.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 21, 2010, 12:02:44 PM
What amazes me about this entire exchange is these shrill, shrieking shit shiners will, on any other moment, gleefully spew quotes from Thomas Jefferson but as soon as you point out a DoW is not required for a president to fight a war because Jefferson prosecuted the Barbary War without a DoW from congress these twits suddenly fall silent.

Even before that, there was the undeclared naval war with France, from 1798-1800 (We kicked their ass, btw).
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 21, 2010, 12:12:31 PM
Even before that, there was the undeclared naval war with France, from 1798-1800 (We kicked their ass, btw).
And yet Jackelyn and his merry band of morons wrap themselves in this idealized mythology created within their own minds but when historical fact is presented to them it's as if their brains suddenly stop processing, being wholly unable to apprehend, comprehend and respond.

As I noted up-thread: He's insipid, thin-skinned, excitable, ill-informed and paranoid with delusions of grandeur.

Ergo his credentials as a member of the intelligence community are unimpeachable.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Eupher on July 21, 2010, 12:20:19 PM
After having read the entire thread and realizing that the "shrieking shit shiners" (  :lmao: ) are apoplectic in their rage about how the authorities are pounding the door down, the helicopters are hovering outside, and how everybody's got a laser finder between their eyes, well gosh, I just get all weepy inside. Makes me wanna check with my congressman or somethin'.

It's this kind of weeping hand-wringing that goes right along with most of the PC crap we have to contend with these days.

Gawd.   :whatever:
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 21, 2010, 01:17:09 PM
And yet Jackelyn and his merry band of morons wrap themselves in this idealized mythology created within their own minds but when historical fact is presented to them it's as if their brains suddenly stop processing, being wholly unable to apprehend, comprehend and respond.

As I noted up-thread: He's insipid, thin-skinned, excitable, ill-informed and paranoid with delusions of grandeur.

Ergo his credentials as a member of the intelligence community are unimpeachable.
Being a member of the "intelligence community", imagined or otherwise, does not guarantee nor denote ones level of said "intelligence".
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Cool Breeze on July 21, 2010, 06:23:01 PM

If you have a problem with "the murder of American citizens", then please explain state sanctioned execution of criminals.

Apples and oranges. Well, hope you like your new AmeriKa with no due process assassination of American citizens, terrorist or not. This will come state side and you will see the error of going along with this. Also, UAV's are now flying over U.S. land, a clear breach of the Constitution. They will eventually use them against American citizen groups e.g. militia's. Hope you like your new AmeriKa...ain't the America I grew up ain't the Republicans I have ever known. Somehow, many of you have become watered down and subverted.

Wake TF up. We are on the verge of a race war and the collapse of civil society, and maybe even an EMP attack and all you guys have on your mind is the election. While that is important, the momentum of the collapse of our nation is at hand. It may be too late. Wake up from your sleep!!

I dust my feet off and will not return to debate any more. Enjoy posting to each other and making cute little comments and feeling important to each other.

God Bless America and God Bless Ronald Reagan.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 21, 2010, 06:26:41 PM
Another martyr is born.  :rotf:

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 21, 2010, 06:34:04 PM
Apples and oranges. Well, hope you like your new AmeriKa with no due process assassination of American citizens, terrorist or not. This will come state side and you will see the error of going along with this. Also, UAV's are now flying over U.S. land, a clear breach of the Constitution. They will eventually use them against American citizen groups e.g. militia's. Hope you like your new AmeriKa...ain't the America I grew up ain't the Republicans I have ever known. Somehow, many of you have become watered down and subverted.

I can only assume his cpmplaint revolves around *****-commie-twatus

Wake TF up. We are on the verge of a race war and the collapse of civil society, and maybe even an EMP attack and all you guys have on your mind is the election. While that is important, the momentum of the collapse of our nation is at hand. It may be too late. Wake up from your sleep!!


Smells like White Aryan Resistance in here.

I dust my feet off and will not return to debate any more.

****stick you never even entered the debate. You made an absurd and unsupported statement, history was thrown in your face and you limped away.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: rich_t on July 21, 2010, 07:37:41 PM
Holy crap, and folks like TxR calls me a 100%?

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Crazy Horse on July 21, 2010, 08:07:49 PM
Holy crap, and folks like TxR calls me a 100%?


You should have a grievance and recourse on that,,,,,,,,,,,,and tex probably agrees.

I'll agree you give 100% mantra some of the time, but I see that as usually stick poking in a hive
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 21, 2010, 08:08:06 PM
We're sorry, Rich!


Well, not really, but with you at least we're slap-boxing with a brother instead of brawling with some idiots from out of town.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 21, 2010, 10:20:00 PM
Apples and oranges. Well, hope you like your new AmeriKa with no due process assassination of American citizens, terrorist or not. This will come state side and you will see the error of going along with this. Also, UAV's are now flying over U.S. land, a clear breach of the Constitution. They will eventually use them against American citizen groups e.g. militia's. Hope you like your new AmeriKa...ain't the America I grew up ain't the Republicans I have ever known. Somehow, many of you have become watered down and subverted.

Wake TF up. We are on the verge of a race war and the collapse of civil society, and maybe even an EMP attack and all you guys have on your mind is the election. While that is important, the momentum of the collapse of our nation is at hand. It may be too late. Wake up from your sleep!!

I dust my feet off and will not return to debate any more. Enjoy posting to each other and making cute little comments and feeling important to each other.

God Bless America and God Bless Ronald Reagan.

Blodoy Hell....who the **** left the cage open and let all these damn 100%'ers run free through here.

Don't y'all have a cave n WV or some place like that you can **** off to and wait for the upcoming Revolution?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 21, 2010, 10:39:01 PM
Blodoy Hell....who the **** left the cage open and let all these damn 100%'ers run free through here.

Don't y'all have a cave n WV or some place like that you can **** off to and wait for the upcoming Revolution?
These are worse than 100-percenters.

It is remarkable though that while they have so many conundrums about killing jihadists in foreign lands the little turd garglers practically salivate at the prospect of a 2nd civil war where they get to kill nothing but Americans.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 22, 2010, 10:01:33 AM
Apples and oranges. Well, hope you like your new AmeriKa with no due process assassination of American citizens, terrorist or not. This will come state side and you will see the error of going along with this. Also, UAV's are now flying over U.S. land, a clear breach of the Constitution. They will eventually use them against American citizen groups e.g. militia's. Hope you like your new AmeriKa...ain't the America I grew up ain't the Republicans I have ever known. Somehow, many of you have become watered down and subverted.

Wake TF up. We are on the verge of a race war and the collapse of civil society, and maybe even an EMP attack and all you guys have on your mind is the election. While that is important, the momentum of the collapse of our nation is at hand. It may be too late. Wake up from your sleep!!

I dust my feet off and will not return to debate any more. Enjoy posting to each other and making cute little comments and feeling important to each other.

God Bless America and God Bless Ronald Reagan.
HA HA HA HA HA HA (deeeeeeeeep breath) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Prove it, using the specific context. If you think for one ****ing second that this nation's 'government' has not been spying on her citizens, for the past 200 years, you are a moron. Justify it?
No but you need to keep your head-up-the-butt interpretations within the appropriate context.

Research Project Echelon then get back with me.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Mike220 on July 22, 2010, 10:08:45 AM
How is flying UAVs over the US against the Constitution?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 22, 2010, 10:12:31 AM
HA HA HA HA HA HA (deeeeeeeeep breath) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Prove it, using the specific context. If you think for one ****ing second that this nation's 'government' has not been spying on her citizens, for the past 200 years, you are a moron. Justify it?
No but you need to keep your head-up-the-butt interpretations within the appropriate context.

Research Project Echelon then get back with me.

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Carl on July 22, 2010, 10:18:29 AM
How is flying UAVs over the US against the Constitution?

You missed more lunatic fun last night.,46695.msg512922.html#msg512922
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 22, 2010, 10:31:01 AM
Research Project Echelon then get back with me.
Cool Breeze lacks the spine to stick aorund and actually talk points but I'll hazard a guess he disapproves of ECHELON as well.

You see, this sort of moron believes it is wrong for the government to use surveillance, it is wrong for the government to detain without warrant, or remand to military custody or interdict with military assets anyone who is born in the US or occupies US soil without those person being afforded full legal protections.

The government must have probable cause, sign affadavits, obtain warrants, affect arrest, provide council, habeas corpus, discovery, sources and methods, public witness testimony etc etc etc.

IOW: exactly like Bill Clinton and the ACLU would have it done.

If the enemy--sorry--defendant is in a hostile foreign land then you will simply have to endure whatever mischief they conjure because they cannot be interdicted because that's the way the founders *really* wanted it. It's all in the name of freedom of course. CB and Jackelyn know the tree of liberty must occassionally be refreshed with the blood of patriots and by gumption they are perfectly willing to see your blood refresh their tree.

Of course I wish CB had stuck around long enough to help me draw up a bill of indictment against George Washington. You see, once upon a time there were some tax protesters...certainly a sacred species to all REAL CONSERVATIVESTM. Well, George Washington, being the bloody-minded communist fascist that he was actually lead a column of federal troops against these patriots! Can you imagine! No warrants, no due process, just some president deploying US troops on US soil against US citizens without so much as a declaration of war let alone an arrest warrant. Surely this was the harbinger of the tyranny under which we find ourselves suffocating from the likes of Reagan and the BFEE.

How is flying UAVs over the US against the Constitution?

Because the military uses drones ergo all drones are military ergo it's a violation of *****-commie-tatas.

DUH! You sheep!
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Mike220 on July 22, 2010, 10:32:43 AM
You missed more lunatic fun last night.,46695.msg512922.html#msg512922

No, I saw it. I just couldn't figure out what point was being made.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: Mike220 on July 22, 2010, 10:35:52 AM
Because the military uses drones ergo all drones are military ergo it's a violation of *****-commie-tatas.

DUH! You sheep!

To which I would say to them, PC ain't in the Constitution.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: PatriotGame on July 22, 2010, 10:46:51 AM
No, I saw it. I just couldn't figure out what point was being made.
I saw it too.
I did not jump in because the only method available to survive wallowing in that pile of horse shit would involve drilling a 1/2" hole in my forehead and sucking 3/4 of my brains out.

As I have proven here multiple times, I have little to spare...
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 22, 2010, 11:42:44 AM
Holy crap, and folks like TxR calls me a 100%?


You're birds of a feather with these twits.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: vesta111 on July 24, 2010, 07:42:01 AM
You're birds of a feather with these twits.

Now, Now, kids has there ever been a time in America when the government in a time of war dragged its citizens off to a camp because they were the same race as the Enemy.? Confiscated their homes businesses and all personal belongs ?

Has our country ever forced it's citizens to go before Congress and explain why they joined a political party at any time in their lives and saw to it their lives were ruined because of it.?

Can anyone think of any time the government has rounded up people of one race and forced them to move out of their homes to a piece of land that was covered under a Government grant to them.?    Then when Gold or Oil was found on their property, uprooted them again for another God forsaken place.?

Who decides with this law that is somewhat brilliant in today's world how far this law can be taken and for what reasons.

Can fraternising with the enemy be included in this law if stretched far enough ??

I would say few if any of us have ever had the experience of being interrogated by police or FBI because they associate with some one that
had family ties to a someone who was a real life terrorist.

Just more and more division among the people.

Good grief, if 5 year old children turn up by mistake on the NO FLY list, whats to say you or I could not turn up on a list of people that aid and abet the Enemy.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DefiantSix on July 24, 2010, 06:04:31 PM
Good grief!!  You know a thread has gone downhill (or was pretty low to begin with) when Vestanumbers is one of the more coherent posters to it.

Congratulations on a well thought out and articulated post, ma'am.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: asdf2231 on July 29, 2010, 09:45:56 PM
Quote from: Javelin on July 20, 2010, 06:08:08 pm
 One thing is for sure, in the end I will not be fighting on your side.

Excellent! Because now we can apparently punch your ticket without a trial!

So, bonus! My tax dollars wont have to feed and cloth your ass when you are taken under arms fighting U.S. military members following their oaths to defend us against ALL ENEMIES FORIEGN *AND* DOMESTIC. 

If you are gonna pull a koresh could you sprinkle some A-1 or Famous Daves around before hitting the match? It'll smell nicer while you cook for the guys holding the perimeter. K'thx.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 30, 2010, 02:38:41 AM
Excellent! Because now we can apparently punch your ticket without a trial!

So, bonus! My tax dollars wont have to feed and cloth your ass when you are taken under arms fighting U.S. military members following their oaths to defend us against ALL ENEMIES FORIEGN *AND* DOMESTIC. 

If you are gonna pull a koresh could you sprinkle some A-1 or Famous Daves around before hitting the match? It'll smell nicer while you cook for the guys holding the perimeter. K'thx.

I was thinking that some Mesquite logs tossed in would be nice too.
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: ConservativeMobster on July 30, 2010, 12:07:02 PM
This was the most confusing thread I've read here, thus far.  Not you MSB or DAT....are these nutjobs Javelin et al for tyranny or what?  No, that would exclude quoting the Constitution, so they are Reaganites?  NO, he's spinning about now....

And most importantly, what is a 100 %er?
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 30, 2010, 12:24:54 PM
CM, Javelin & Co. are mainly Ron Paul Libertarian types, who are heavily isolationist and want to pretend the US has no real business conducting military operations overseas without a formal declaration of war against another nation-state, but otherwise should pull everything back into the States.  Within the US, they do sort of believe in the Constitution, but they are just the opposite side of the same coin the Dems represent - they mean the Constitution as THEY interpret it, not what 220-odd years of law, scholarship, and Supreme Court rulings have said it means.

The '100 percenters' are not necessarily the same bunch, though there's certainly overlap.  Still, there are other members active here who are basically 100 percenters, without being Paultards.  It means they are against anyone who isn't absolutely 100 percent square with their own views, and wouldn't support a GOP candidate (For example) who had five out of seven important positions in common with them against a Democrat who had zero in common and stood for their total destruction to boot (Note to other readers, I'm not talking about anyone in particular here, but if the shoe fits, wear it).   
Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: ConservativeMobster on July 30, 2010, 12:47:25 PM
Thanks DAT! 

Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: TheSarge on July 30, 2010, 12:49:15 PM
CM, Javelin & Co. are mainly Ron Paul Libertarian types, who are heavily isolationist and want to pretend the US has no real business conducting military operations overseas without a formal declaration of war against another nation-state, but otherwise should pull everything back into the States.  Within the US, they do sort of believe in the Constitution, but they are just the opposite side of the same coin the Dems represent - they mean the Constitution as THEY interpret it, not what 220-odd years of law, scholarship, and Supreme Court rulings have said it means.

The '100 percenters' are not necessarily the same bunch, though there's certainly overlap.  Still, there are other members active here who are basically 100 percenters, without being Paultards.  It means they are against anyone who isn't absolutely 100 percent square with their own views, and wouldn't support a GOP candidate (For example) who had five out of seven important positions in common with them against a Democrat who had zero in common and stood for their total destruction to boot (Note to other readers, I'm not talking about anyone in particular here, but if the shoe fits, wear it).  


Title: Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 30, 2010, 12:56:58 PM
This was the most confusing thread I've read here, thus far.  Not you MSB or DAT....are these nutjobs Javelin et al for tyranny or what?  No, that would exclude quoting the Constitution, so they are Reaganites?  NO, he's spinning about now....

And most importantly, what is a 100 %er?
They believe that if the gov't targets US citizens bearing arms against the US that somehow that will bode ill for anyone daring to criticize the government.

It basically descends from an over-inflated sense of self, as if they are somehow important enough to merit government scrutiny and they are more vigilant then the average American. The 100-percenters (because it's 100% their agenda or the entire nation is too corrupt to be allowed to endure with these cats) will point to examples such as DHS's report looking at people who oppose abortion or assert the primacy of the 10th Amendment as a reason to fear for their lives. What they obviously miss is the fact that there was a media to expose the report in the first place and good Americans inside DHS willing to spill the beans by leaking the report.

The notion that anyone bearing arms in an act of war is entitled to civil judicial proceedings is unheard of except in modern America only by those who dream of leading a 2nd American Revolution or Civil War...ironically, that engenders them killing thousands of Americans without due process by acts of war as the prime method of their effort to protect us from those who would kill people engaged in acts of war without due process.