Author Topic: UltraViolet Movies  (Read 3351 times)

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Offline Celtic Rose

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UltraViolet Movies
« on: August 25, 2012, 12:09:14 PM »
I recently bought a copy of the Hunger Games that included an UltraViolet movie storage code.  The concept sounded interesting, especially since I could add my brother to my account.  He is a film fanatic and I would love the chance to watch some of his movies while living in a separate state. 

Reading the small print though, I found that free streaming rights for the movies you own expires after one year (strictly speaking, the language is "may expire") and that if you want to include movies that you already own on your UltraViolet account you have have buy the digital rights from a retailer, and that Walmart is the only one that currently offers this service.  They are charging $2-5 dollars for each movie you decide to convert, and they don't actually convert them, you can simply purchase a code for a digital copy of select movies. 

Overall, I'm underwhelmed by this service.  I like the idea of offering an automatic digital copy with the physical copy of the movie, and I wish that book publishers would run with that idea, but I don't like the fact that I have to pay to include my existing  movies in the service.  I also have a policy against buying media from Walmart since I found out that they will edit books and movies to meet their standards before selling them. 

Tell me if I am missing some huge benefit of this service

Offline Gratiot

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Re: UltraViolet Movies
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2012, 02:55:53 PM »
Wouldn't it be easier to just get an Amazon Prime/Instant Video, Netflix, or Hulu service?  The only neat thing about that streaming I see, is it'd be easier to stream to a phone/tablet than having to pick a few movies at a time to rip onto them.