Author Topic: Discordia  (Read 4240 times)

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Offline Hawk

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« on: June 25, 2011, 11:52:27 AM »
Basically Discordia is a 50 year old joke that was invented by a couple of old hippies.

Not really, but for simplification ITT there are two kinds of Discordians. The Classical Discordian who thinks the Principia Discordia is a holy writ and should never be changed. This is not what you will find at PD.

The Discordians there have taken Discordia apart, dissected it, put it back together and then changed it. Collectively they are some of the most intelligent group of people I know. Staunchly independent. Once in a while a little magic happens, google Black Iron Prison. That was a spontaneous collective response that is still pretty damn amazing.

As for the "religion" itself, few of us hold it to any sacred standard. I certainly don't. There are some tenants that continually hold true though.

1) Believe nothing you read.

2) An increase in order brings an escalation of chaos.

3) Think for yourself.

4) Never take yourself too seriously.

5) There has to be 5.

Then there is The Church Of The Subgenius. Instead of Eris, they have "Bob".

So, yes they are both parody religions, largely agnostic with some random splattering pf pagans here and there.
Erisians can take Eris pretty serious though. Trying to put Discordians, SubGenii, and Erisians together is like mixing gasoline and fire though.

I have never personally even read the entire Principia Discordia, nor do I have any plans to. I tried, but those guys were stoned off their asses.

Offline rich_t

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Re: Discordia
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2011, 03:54:42 PM »
Basically Discordia is a 50 year old joke that was invented by a couple of old hippies.

Not really, but for simplification ITT there are two kinds of Discordians. The Classical Discordian who thinks the Principia Discordia is a holy writ and should never be changed. This is not what you will find at PD.

The Discordians there have taken Discordia apart, dissected it, put it back together and then changed it. Collectively they are some of the most intelligent group of people I know. Staunchly independent. Once in a while a little magic happens, google Black Iron Prison. That was a spontaneous collective response that is still pretty damn amazing.

As for the "religion" itself, few of us hold it to any sacred standard. I certainly don't. There are some tenants that continually hold true though.

1) Believe nothing you read.

2) An increase in order brings an escalation of chaos.

3) Think for yourself.

4) Never take yourself too seriously.

5) There has to be 5.

Then there is The Church Of The Subgenius. Instead of Eris, they have "Bob".

So, yes they are both parody religions, largely agnostic with some random splattering pf pagans here and there.
Erisians can take Eris pretty serious though. Trying to put Discordians, SubGenii, and Erisians together is like mixing gasoline and fire though.

I have never personally even read the entire Principia Discordia, nor do I have any plans to. I tried, but those guys were stoned off their asses.

Sort of like Scientology huh?  The part about it being a joke.
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Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: Discordia
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2011, 09:46:10 PM »
Yeah. From poking around the two sites, I kinda picked up it was just a big hoax too. serious pagans go elsewhere.

Interesting the emphasis on chaos. Thats where I got the idea it was an anarchist site. If anarchists ever get a hold of a bogus cult like this (to hide their antics behind a legal wall of religious protection), they will take over in a heart beat.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 09:57:12 PM by Mr Mannn »

Offline LC EFA

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Re: Discordia
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 12:26:47 AM »
I don't really believe chaos exists in a natural order - only our inability to describe and predict the results of a given system.

Take weather for example - Is there really any chaos , or randomness to the system or is it just our inability to accurately describe and reproduce the model that leads us to think there is.

Offline Hawk

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Re: Discordia
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2011, 10:56:45 AM »
Yeah. From poking around the two sites, I kinda picked up it was just a big hoax too. serious pagans go elsewhere.

Interesting the emphasis on chaos. Thats where I got the idea it was an anarchist site. If anarchists ever get a hold of a bogus cult like this (to hide their antics behind a legal wall of religious protection), they will take over in a heart beat.

We do have some pagan members and they are well accepted until they start sounding like a Harry Potter story.

As far as anarchists, we pretty much chew them up and spit them back out. They taste bad.

Offline Hawk

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Re: Discordia
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 11:00:52 AM »
I don't really believe chaos exists in a natural order - only our inability to describe and predict the results of a given system.

Take weather for example - Is there really any chaos , or randomness to the system or is it just our inability to accurately describe and reproduce the model that leads us to think there is.

Ah. Chaos and order must exist in balance with each other. That's why we say that an increase in one causes an escalation of the other.  Creation is chaos, until  the time where it is finished, then it is organized, thus in order. I live in tornado alley, yes, I honestly believe there is utter randomness in weather. Now, using a larger model, you can say that this front, etc, is causing the storm, but then as one digs deeper into the storm there is the chaos.

Offline Hawk

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Re: Discordia
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 11:07:44 AM »
Sort of like Scientology huh?  The part about it being a joke.

No, we proclaim right up front that it's a joke and make no attempt to maintain a false facade of a real religion.

Offline Hawk

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Re: Discordia
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2011, 11:10:29 AM »
Yeah. From poking around the two sites, I kinda picked up it was just a big hoax too. serious pagans go elsewhere.

Interesting the emphasis on chaos. Thats where I got the idea it was an anarchist site. If anarchists ever get a hold of a bogus cult like this (to hide their antics behind a legal wall of religious protection), they will take over in a heart beat.

Many of us also post on pagan boards. I have been a member at mystic wicks almost 10 years. Remember, EB&G is not a Discordian board.