Author Topic: Fake "Fact-Checking" Outlet declares their 2024 "Lie of the Year"  (Read 417 times)

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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It’s time to announce the winner of PolitiFact’s 2024 Readers’ Choice Lie of the Year.

Although last year’s readers’ pick won by only a narrow margin, this year’s choice won by a landslide. And it’s proof that great minds think alike.

The reader pick for the 2024 Lie of the Year is also PolitiFact’s official editors’ choice: President-elect Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance’s claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were eating pets.

Trump and Vance's outrageous rhetoric about Springfield had real effects on the city and its residents. Government buildings, hospitals and schools faced bomb threats, and local residents say Haitian immigrants have moved away from the city.

Despite numerous fact-checks and condemnation from Republican leaders, Trump didn’t stop using Springfield as a scare tactic for what could happen to American cities everywhere if voters didn’t choose him.

Oddly, this reminded me of Dingy Harry Reid in 2012 and his claims about Mittens Romney during his Presidential campaign.

Harry Reid: No Regrets Over False Romney Charges

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has no regrets with falsely accusing Mitt Romney of paying zero taxes for ten years during the 2012 presidential elections.

“So the word is out that he has not paid any taxes for ten years,” Reid said on the Senate floor in August 2012. “Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn’t.”

“Well, they can call it whatever they want,” Reid said. “Romney didn’t win, did he?”

The veracity of the Springfield, Ohio "eating the cats and dogs" story might not have been completely correct but it did illustrate to a good extent the immigrants to our country are not the best people who actually legally immigrate and go through the proper procedures. And yes, I understand that the Haitians aren't technically illegals, as they are granted asylum automatically due to the sh*thole country they came from.

My personal lies of the year (your mileage may differ):

This is the best version of Joe Biden you've ever seen
I will not pardon my son

One final touch via Matt Vespa at Townhall:

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year Is So Absurd You're Gonna Need to Sit Down

PolitiFact loves to self-flagellate itself. I don’t get the reasoning behind it, whether it be out of penance, stupidity, or to feel pleasure from the self-inflicted wounds, the fact-checking outfit, which is laughably biased in every aspect, has decided to anoint the ‘eating of dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio’ as the 2024 Lie of the Year.

"A lie marked a town and its residents in the name of campaign rage. It was absurd. It was consequential," read the tweet to this absurd piece. Consequential how? Trump was going to win Ohio and the election because Kamala Harris was a mental invalid who helmed one of the most incompetent campaigns in modern history.

Oh, the city officials said it wasn’t happening, right? And we’re to believe the officials who say there are now saying that no drones are flying around New Jersey and shutting down US Air Force bases in Ohio, too?

‘The government says so’ line had died under Biden, thanks to this administration’s addiction to lying. Moreover, the supposed bomb threats that occurred after the ‘Haitians eating the dogs’ line, which remains hilarious, were the work of overseas agitators and pranksters. Did these two PolitiFact writers live under a rock, or is the liberal media bubble that dense? Either way, it’s inexcusable for an industry that views itself as the bulwark for facts and truth.

It's so pathetically transparent that the Lie of the Year should be awarded to Joe Biden, who for weeks said he would never pardon Hunter Biden for his federal firearm convictions or tax evasion shenanigans. We all knew it was coming. PolitiFact didn’t, and that’s why the ‘fact-checking’ beat has been rendered worthless. What a clown show.

Also, some Haitians were chopping up things and eating them, and it wasn’t regular street food or hot dogs. They also had a penchant for crashing their cars everywhere.
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