The DUmp may be a bit precognitive, but most times the truth of their precognition is clouded by their hate. For instance, they knew that the lawfare trials against Trump would affect the election outcome, and it very well did affect the outcome. It just affected the outcome inversely to what the DUmmies wanted. That, however, is not what got me to thinking about their precognitive abilities, but I guess I need to go back to the beginning...
Back in the old days at our old home, CU, and even early on here at the Cave, we all saw the DUmp constantly going on about the BFEE. Their precognitive ability revealed to the DUmmies that a there was an “Evil Empire” (or crime family) that involved a “B” name. Since Bush was in office when the premonition was revealed to them AND because of their hatred of Bush, they incorrectly assumed that the premonition was about Bush and went with “Bush Family Evil Empire” of BFEE, but they once more had let their hatred cloud the truth. It turns out that there would indeed be a crime family (or evil empire) that involved a “B” name, but the “B” was for Biden instead of Bush.
For the lurking DUmmies who are reading this and are doubting, please try to briefly resolve your cranial-rectum inversion and use common sense just this once. You don’t pardon someone for the past 11 years for crimes that have been charged AND for crimes that have not yet been charged UNLESS there are indeed other crimes that should be charged. If you have 11 years of crime that involves family, then that is a crime family. Since The Big Guy reached the top office, that could easily be loosely viewed as an empire. Since crime is involved it could also easily be viewed as evil; therefore, the BFEE. There is a valuable lesson here for the DUmmies. If you wouldn’t have been so blinded by hate, you maybe could have accurately interpreted your premonition and hooked your minionship and overlord worship to a different wagon.