And We're Officially DEAD: Don't Look Now BUT Rob Reiner Just Basically Committed Himself ... Over Trump
Long, long ago, we used to joke about Trump Derangement Syndrome because we were convinced nobody would actually ever take their hatred over one politician so seriously that it would destroy their mental health. Don't get this editor wrong, Obama was no picnic and we all know what a disaster Biden/Harris have been, but that being said, like millions of other conservatives we did not lose our marbles in 2020.
Sure, it was hard, there were lots of tears as we watched Biden/Harris destroy the country but ultimately you didn't see Biden Derangement Syndrome trending or taking place.
Like we have with Trump.
For example, Rob Reiner has checked himself into a facility because well ... Trump broke his brain.
We're not even making this up:
Rob Reiner
I have made the decision to take the next few days to check into a facility for peace and relaxation. No phones, social media , no trolls, just calmness to heal my pain.