Thank you.
We are "coming along" and have a house to rent, food on the table and much more than so many other people.
We are now at the clean up portion of what needs to be done, property wise. Still not sure if we just plop a house down (eventually) and sell or just hang on to the lot and sell. Right now there appears to be a benzene issue with the water supply in whats left of the town. It may be a deciding factor.....
Ouch. Benzene is a carcinogen.
Family location notwithstanding, this may be a sign from God to escape Commiefornia. I'm dead serious. While Moonbeam may have been (and is) a world-class socialist and chump, he apparently pales in comparison to the new communist governor, Gavin Newsom.
Best to all of you involved in this horrific fire. So glad you weren't physically harmed.