Author Topic: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread  (Read 2978 times)

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Offline ConservativeJoeG

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The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« on: August 06, 2010, 08:40:14 AM »
What disturbs me most about the often bitter arguments regarding America’s immigration policies is we continue to disregard the millions of immigrants that have contributed to our leadership in science, product innovation, medicine, computers and literature.   We have a short memory in this country, considering that nearly all of us originally came from somewhere else.  The difference is most of us chose to seek legal citizenship.

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Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 03:28:49 PM »
Texas Congressman John Culberson Maintains National Deficit is Threat to Security

“This nation is facing a financial tsunami – the biggest deficit since World War II.   This nation is spending more money faster than at any time in our history.  The only way out is either to impose draconian spending cuts or saddle future generations with huge tax hikes.  Our kids will become indentured servants trying to work off our debt – their tax rate might be 70 percent,” maintains Culberson.  He predicts that the nation’s total unfunded obligations will hit $63 trillion, which is more than the total worth of the United States, which he pegs at $61 trillion.

Entire interview here:

Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2010, 08:58:39 AM »
Barack Obama likes to quote Abraham Lincoln and often fancies himself as a reincarnation of our 16th president.  The fact is, he’s pulled it off!  Not since the Civil War has this nation seen such anger from its states, when 11 states seceded from the Union after Lincoln was elected president in 1860.  Ironically, one of the original four states that seceded was Virginia, now locked in a legal battle with the White House over provisions of Obama Care.

You might recall that after the Obama Care bill was passed on March 23rd of 2010, as many as 38 states threatened not to institute its mandatory insurance provisions in their states.

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Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2010, 11:29:45 AM »
Revitalizing the American Entrepreneur Exporter

It’s time for America to take back its title as the world’s most successful exporting nation. It begins when US entrepreneurs embrace global trade and accept the inherent challenges – and rewards – by becoming an exporter. As a successful entrepreneur and exporter to 130 countries, let me share with you some advice that will encourage you to consider seriously expanding your distribution to include overseas markets.

It may seem that support for America’s entrepreneurs is languishing. Between high taxes and scarce financing, entrepreneurs are running out of resources in their quest to successfully export products to foreign markets. I suggest the first stop for any entrepreneur seeking to export should be the Export-Import Bank (EX-IM). EX-IM is mandated by Congress to focus on small business, which is why 20 percent of all EX-IM Bank transactions go to small U.S. exporters (imports are not eligible).

A real benefit of working with EX-IM is that they guarantee foreign receivables so that American commercial lenders will accept them as collateral. Without the EX-IM guarantee it is nearly impossible to borrow against your foreign receivables and inventory destined to export markets. Because of the EX-IM guarantee advance rates are also much higher, so they provide the American exporter more working capital. This means that small businesses can purchase new equipment and inventory and hire more employees as they aggressively expand their international sales efforts.

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2010, 07:58:15 AM »
Just wanted to say good job this morning, Neal, on Fox & Friends!  Brian came back to you a second time instead of the lefties fav guy, Hartmann.  :-)
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"Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you." -- Quest for the Holy Grail

Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 09:26:04 AM »
Thanks for the compliment and for watching.  I will try to give a heads up whenever they have me on.

Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2010, 04:29:02 PM »

Is China Going Green....Or Just Going Under?

China likes to make noise that they are adopting “Green” standards that will take the target off their backs from environmental groups who see China as the world’s leading polluter. Just recently they announced they are closing down 2,000 steel mills and other industrial sites that are polluting the skies. Green initiative or propaganda? You choose.

The latest report out of China, as detailed in news reports, is that during the first half of 2010, China’s air quality actually deteriorated. In fact, for the first time in five years, acid rain is now making life miserable in more than 200 of its 440 cities.

I’ve seen this first hand during many visits to China and I can tell you it is a nightmare. A yellow mist hangs over its cities making it nearly impossible to breathe. People walk the streets choking while wearing masks. Pulmonary disease is off the charts.

Now comes word that a quarter of the nation’s surface water is contaminated. This will only add to their misery.

China put its priorities in the wrong order. They focused all their attention on supporting their manufacturing industries without thinking of ways to support the health of its citizens. This not only will harm today’s and future generations, but will doom the rest of the world as well if they don’t quickly learn some lessons about balancing their economic might with respect for the well being of everyone.

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Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2010, 03:34:14 PM »

When Unions Punish Mexican Truckers, They Punish Americans

As I have maintained countless times, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is by far the most beneficial trade legislation Congress has ever passed. Today, Mexico imports more U.S. made products than China and Japan combined. In fact, a guest on my radio show “Truth for America,” former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Carlos Gutierrez, noted that during 2008, the U.S. exported $115 billion to Mexico (up 13 percent). All in all, thirty percent of all U.S. trade goes to our two NAFTA partners.

You would think this country would do everything it could to nourish this relationship. But with the tacit approval of the Obama administration, the Teamsters Union has manufactured unsubstantiated data that Mexican truckers transporting goods into the U.S. from Mexico are unsafe. This despite a number of studies that have shown that the safety record of Mexican trucks in the U.S. is actually better than that of U.S. truckers. Consequently, the Teamsters have shut down Mexican truckers from trying to move goods across the border.

Entire Post Can Be Read Here:

Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2010, 02:00:12 PM »

What Happened to President Obama?

As I listened to the speech that President Obama delivered in Cleveland on Wednesday, a sudden shiver went down my spine.  I had the eerie feeling  that the President didn’t seem himself.  In fact, I was startled to discern that aliens had abducted the President and replaced him with a look-alike. My suspicions were aroused when I heard this cloned look-alike announce that small businesses needed tax relief since the private sector creates most of the jobs.  It was stunning.  The original President Obama never said such things.....

Entire Article Here:

Offline ConservativeJoeG

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Re: The Neal Asbury Blog Thread
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2010, 10:56:49 AM »

What are Trade Unions Smoking?

Trade unions are in such deep decline that only seven percent of all U.S. private sector workers are now union members. That leaves ninety three percent of our workforce who are not eligible, interested or have rejected union membership. So unions are desperate to get more workers on the union rolls. How desperate?

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