Author Topic: The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget  (Read 12998 times)

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Offline Chris_

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The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget
« on: November 12, 2010, 11:11:01 AM »
The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget

Facing a $25 billion deficit for their next two-year budget cycle, Texas lawmakers are considering closing the gap by dropping out of Medicaid. “This system is bankrupting our state,” State Representative Warren Chisum told The New York Times. “We need to get out of it. And with the budget shortfall we’re anticipating, we may have to act this year,” he said.

And Texas is not alone. American Legislative Exchange Council director of the health and human services Christie Herrera tells NYT: “States feel like their backs are against the wall, so this is the nuclear option for them. I’m hearing below-the-radar chatter from legislators around the country from states considering this option.”

Medicaid already eats up a huge share of state budgets. In Texas, for example, more than 20 percent of the state budget is spent on Medicaid. The crisis facing states across the country is that Obamacare forces states to massively expand their already burdensome Medicaid rolls. Starting in 2014 states must expand Medicaid to all non-elderly individuals with family incomes below 138 percent of the federal poverty level. At first, Obamacare picks up the first three years of benefit costs for expansion. But in 2017 states begin to shoulder a larger and larger share of these benefit costs, maxing out at 10 percent by 2020.


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Offline thundley4

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Re: The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 07:04:21 PM »
The more states that drop out, the better for the federal budget, also.

Offline Lacarnut

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Re: The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2010, 05:11:44 PM »
It is time for all this free shit to stop.

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Re: The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2015, 05:43:49 PM »
One can always hope there'd be just a little good news about scaling back Obamacare.  But that won't be the case with a majority of liberal R's in Congress & its now an entrenched entitlement.

But cost it will.  & lose money it will.  But what's to worry, ask the politicians; its not their money being wasted.

Bad news for New Yorkers, thanks to ObamaCare: More than 100,000 policyholders just learned that their Health Republic insurance plans will be canceled on Dec. 31. The start-up insurer (spun off from the Freelancers’ Union) is hemorrhaging red ink and has to close down.
That’s unfortunate for the policyholders, who now have to scramble to find other coverage and try to keep their doctors.
But even worse is the abuse of taxpayers across the country: Congress loaned a whopping $2.5 billion of taxpayers’ money to Health Republic of New York and 22 other boondoggle insurance co-ops, even after being warned by its own budget experts that many co-ops would fail and not repay the loans. How carelessly politicians spend other people’s money.
If anything, the experts’ warnings were understated. Across the nation, 21 out of the 23 co-ops are either shut down already or losing money. And it’s your money going down the rathole.

The article reminds us that Solyndra's cost was $500 million.  As bad as that throw-away money was, its miniscule compared to the co-ops losses.

A co-op in Vermont closed in 2013. Iowa’s CoOpportunity Health collapsed in January, taking $145 million in federal loans with it.
Louisiana’s Health Cooperative shut down in July, after a steady stream of red ink. And in August, Nevada’s co-op announced it will close up by Jan. 1. It had $65.9 million in federal loans on its books.

& like any other group of liberals, place the blame for failure on someone else & keep trying the failed policies because eventually they'll work.

A Health Republic executive suggested that the co-ops are failing because a “bitterly partisan Congress” provided less funding than they actually needed. 

Offline Boudicca

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Re: The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2015, 09:26:08 PM »
Damn, I hate whatever bureaucracy drives our medical system.  For example, Tricare Prime will pay whatever amount on a bill my surgeon will submit shortly.  Were this an actual surgical procedure bill it would be understandable, but no, thanks to who knows what idiotic freaking regs are in existence in order for me to receive, not my first, but my second surgery from the same doctor for the same problem (right wrist surgery carpal tunnel release) instead of my left wrist, I hate to drive 78 miles to his office in Tucson for a five minute interview so I could sign a release form and let him know all about my Med cruise since he and I remembered each other from this past December's surgery.  For that, Tucson Orthopedics will bill Tricare some ungodly amount, Tricare will reimburse at it sees fit and meanwhile the gas money and $12 co-pay I spent is about all the visit was worth, if that.  Medicine has to be streamlined.  It was not my choice to do this dumbshit interview, particularly because I know and trust the surgeon and we've done this before, AND he likewise would rather have spent his time fixing severe carpal tunnel syndrome cases instead of listening to my itinerary.  We are all victims of this system and I, for one, would love to find someone who had the capacity to streamline procedures so that time and money are not wasted with ridiculous CYA procedures and paperwork drills.
Tricare is basically obamacare, except it only serves a limited amount of the population who are or were affiliated with the military.  I shudder to envision the future abyss.
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Re: The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2015, 06:29:56 PM »
Here's the article from Michelle Malkinthat Maxiest was talking abuot...


It's deja screwed all over again.
In the fall of 2013, our family received notice from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado that we could no longer keep our private health insurance plan because of "changes from health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA)."

We liked our high-deductible preferred provider organization plan that allowed us to choose from a wide range of doctors. But Obamacare wouldn't let us keep it.
Reluctantly, and after great bureaucratic difficulty, my hubby and I enrolled in an individual market plan with Rocky Mountain Health, which offered a much narrower provider network than the Anthem PPO plan we had before the feds snuffed it out.

Thanks to "reform," our two kids' dental care was no longer covered, and we had our post-Obamacare insurance turned down at an urgent care clinic
— something that had never happened before.
This summer came another bombshell.

In August, we were informed of the "discontinuation of your Rocky Mountain Individual and Family plan effective December 31, 2015." Over the past month, we have received several bold-faced notices alerting us that "IMPORTANT ACTION IS REQUIRED: YOU MUST CHOOSE A NEW INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY PLAN TO MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH COVERAGE IN 2016."

The clock is ticking: open enrollment begins Nov. 1.
The coerced choices are pretty damned crummy.

Individual market PPOs have evaporated.
We are being shoved once again toward the Obamacare government health insurance exchange vortex known as Connect for Health Colorado (which should really be called "DISconnect from Health Colorado).

Or into a narrow regional HMO.
So much for "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period.

If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what," eh, Mr. President?
Obama lied and our health plan has now died — twice.

"Progressives" sneered at millions of us who received the first round of individual market health plan death notices.
Mother Jones called it the "phony canceled health insurance scandal" when I first reported my 2013 health plan homicide by Obamacare.

But it's real, it sucks, and we know we are not alone among the estimated 22 million other Americans who purchase health insurance directly on the ever-shrinking individual market.
In Illinois, Blue Cross announced it was eliminating its most popular individual plan with the largest network of doctors and hospitals of any of its offerings, Blue PPO.

More than 170,000 enrollees will have to scrounge up an alternative.
Customers are panicking, and insurance broker Mike Troha told the Chicago Tribune last week: "I wouldn't be shocked if all the PPOs are gone in a few years in the individual markets."

Last month, the Maryland Insurance Administration approved premium rate increases for small group and individual health insurance plans effective next year, with some rates spiking by double digits thanks to "significant changes in regulation and market dynamics over the past two years."
Remember: One of the reasons for those rate hikes is that Obamacare's mandated benefits provisions force insurers to carry coverage for items that individual market consumers had deliberately chosen to forgo.

Americans who had willingly and willfully opted for affordable catastrophic coverage-style plans now have fewer and fewer choices.
In Texas, some 300,000 individual health insurance subscribers are watching their plans disappear and their access to specialists.

In New Mexico, the state Obamacare exchange ended all of its PPO offerings in favor of HMOs.
And in Arizona, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna and Meritus are all dropping PPO plans offered to tens of thousands of individuals and families.

As the Arizona Republic's editorial board noted this weekend, "Rosy predictions of cost savings bandied by advocates five years ago are now running into the harsh economic reality of unanticipated consequences."
Hospitals are consolidating.

Doctors are quitting their private practices or hitching themselves to the big hospital wagons.
"And bigger means fewer options.

Only a handful of critics predicted in 2010 that one consequence of Obamacare would be the return of HMOs.
But, in retrospect, no one should be surprised."

In other words: The destruction of the private health insurance market is going exactly according to plan and as many of us warned.
Thanks, Obamacare.

full article...
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.