Author Topic: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks  (Read 1123 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« on: October 21, 2011, 08:14:44 PM »

Du's Kook Koolaid Kids Roast some Herman Cain

Warning: The OP is reproduced in toto for that full rich dummy flavor but I have bolded a few lines if you are would prefer a quicker look. :-)

Empowerer (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-20-11 08:46 PM
Original message
Why many black Democrats* are uncomfortable w/Herman Cain: He embarrasses us in front of white folks
Edited on Thu Oct-20-11 09:20 PM by Empowerer

Some people - including Herman Cain himself, plenty of Republicans and even some Democrats - are claiming that black Democrats harbor a particular animus toward Herman Cain because he is a black Republican. Wrong.

Let's be clear - it's not because he's a black Republican. We disagree with most black Republicans on many things - and often wonder how any black person and their right mind could BE a Republican. But we don't dislike most of them and certainly don't feel uncomfortable with all of them. Most of us have friends and family members who are Republican, so we aren't going around hating on black folks just because they've cast their lots in the GOP.

No, our issues with Herman Cain have little to do with his Republican Party affiliation.

Our problem with Herman Cain is that he's embarrassing us in front of white folks.

He makes us cringe. He makes us cringe in the way that, for centuries, certain black people who not only align themselves with whites who do not have our best interests in mind but offer themselves up as examples of the kind of black person that certain white folks wish we all were, the kind of black person that has as much disdain for the majority of blacks as they do, the kind of black person who falls all over himself to laugh at us, castigate us, call us names, treat us like there's something wrong with us, insist that our second-class citizenship and/or second-class treatment is OUR fault, the kind of black person who is all too willing to help white folks keep us in our place by placing HIS foot on our neck - in order to advance himself by doing the bidding of white folks like a modern day overseer on the political plantation he claims that black folks who see through him and want nothing to do with him live on. And he does all of this while grinning and entertaining and engaging in buffoonery that delights and entertains white folks and makes other blacks wish he would just go somewhere and shut up.

To use an analogy of a friend of mine - Herman Cain is the guy many of us knew in college who would go to parties and do the worm and breakdance while white people gathered around laughing and clapping. He's the guy that white folks are talking about when they ignored everything we have to say and insist that our perspective is meaningless and irrelevant because HERMAN is black and HE doesn't feel that way. He's the one they're thinking about when they say, "You seem so angry all the time. Why can't you be more like Herman?"

Herman Cain makes many, many black people cringe, not because he doesn't represent ANY viewpoint within the black community - there are many people in our community who think just like he does. He makes us cringe because, given the limited exposure to and interest in the broad range of black personalities, viewpoints, and experiences of a significant slice of the white community, we know that they will assume that he represents a larger segment of us than he does, that he is a reflection of ALL us when he is a reflection of only a tiny sliver of us.

He makes us cringe in the way that Jimmie "JJ" Walker did when he grinned and shouted "DynoMITE!" To tell the truth, we thought JJ was hilarious. We all likely knew people just like JJ - maybe even had one or more JJ's in our family. But we didn't want white folks to think we all WERE JJ. So even though we laughed our asses off whenever JJ did his schtick, we only laughed like that when white folks weren't looking. Otherwise, we often wished he'd just stop acting like that in front of white folks since they might take it the wrong way and mess up everything we were trying to accomplish - like the associate of mine who tried to get me to slap him five whenever I said anything he happened to agree with.

It would be nice if we didn't have to deal with this, if we didn't have to worry that one silly man could lead others to think that we were all like him just because he's the same skin color. But the collective judgment of an entire race is still a reality in this America. And one doesn't have to be a racist Republican - or even Republican - to impose such judgments on blacks. Just a few weeks ago right here on DU, we were treated to Democrats insisting that if Barack Obama failed as president, it would be a disaster for all black people. That is the very essence of collective racial judgment. To his credit, Barack Obama doesn't embarrass us. In fact, he makes us very, very proud - we might not deserve to feel proud of someone else just because he has the same skin color, but if we have to be blamed for black folks' foolishness, we might as well get credit for their achievements.

But I know few black people who feel proud of Herman Cain. Yes, his achievements are to be commended. But his out-dated jive-talking, shallowness, lack of preparedness, braggadocio, his strutting-and-preening-like-he's-auditioning-to-play-George-Jefferson diminish his achievements. Herman Cain is behaving, not like someone to be admired or respected. He's behaving like a silly man - even worse, he seems to take great pride in behaving like a silly BLACK man.

Black Democrats* don't have a problem with Herman Cain because he's black or Republican or both. We have a problem with him because he makes us cringe. He makes us cringe because he's embarrassing us in front of white folks whom we know still don't understand that he is not the sum total of who we are or who we should strive to be.

And let me be clear about this - people who raise these issues about Herman Cain are not engaging in racism or treating him badly because he's black. Hell, his being black is one of the only things we actually LIKE about him.

* This also applies to many black Republicans and plenty of white Democrats, as well . . 

DontTreadOnMe (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-20-11 08:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. As an American...
 I am embarrassed that Herman Cain is considered serious a CANDIDATE for the President of the United States.

I can go to EVERY town in this entire country, and in EVERY TOWN find 5 people more qualified than Cain to be the President.

We have stooge candidates who are backed by people with money, being used to push 1%er agendas.


Empowerer (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-20-11 09:00 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. He's only considered a serious candidate BECAUSE he's black
 No white person who behaved like Herman Cain would be a serious contender. They would laugh him out of the room - much as they have Perry, Palin and Bachmann.


MadMaddie (1000+ posts)      Fri Oct-21-11 07:13 PM
Response to Reply #5
49. I would mostly agree with you in some other cases
 and I felt that way until Cain said the other week. He said it because Obama mother was white and Obama is light skinned. My mother's father was full blooded Indiand from Oklahoma and her mother black and so her shade of skin was light. She had to fight because of her skin color among other blacks she lived the black experience in America.

How dare Cane criticize how the President grew up, it wasn't exactly a holiday being a black child in a white family in the 60's.

No Cain made this about race and he needs it shoved back in his face.

Cain appeared on Neil Boortz’s show today, and said the following:

Boortz, at the tail end of the interview, asks Cain how he’d do in a debate against Obama:

“It would almost be no contest.”

Ticking off ways he could compete with Obama, Boortz says that Cain would be able to talk about the black experience in America.

Cain’s response: “ never been a part of the black experience in America.”


Hey, Hey, Hey, DU's Kook Koolaid Kids[/i] in convention. Quick someone call Louie, or Jessie, or Al, dem's real black internet dems posting this krap.

There are lots more great DUer non racial kool komerade komments at the lin where all you need is a sheet and hood to join the fun. :fuelfire:

< watch this space for coming distractions >

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2011, 08:17:45 PM »
DontTreadOnMe (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-20-11 08:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. As an American...
 I am embarrassed that Herman Cain is considered serious a CANDIDATE for the President of the United States.

I can go to EVERY town in this entire country, and in EVERY TOWN find 5 people more qualified than Cain to be the President.

We have stooge candidates who are backed by people with money, being used to push 1%er agendas.

We could probably find five people on the DUmp more qualified than Obama. It might be hard to ferret them out and figure out exactly how, but I firmly believe it is true.
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Offline Ballygrl

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2011, 08:21:35 PM »
DontTreadOnMe (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-20-11 08:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. As an American...
 I am embarrassed that Herman Cain is considered serious a CANDIDATE for the President of the United States.

I can go to EVERY town in this entire country, and in EVERY TOWN find 5 people more qualified than Cain to be the President.

We have stooge candidates who are backed by people with money, being used to push 1%er agendas.

It actually sounds like you're talking about Obama.
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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2011, 08:24:04 PM »
Empowerer (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-20-11 08:46 PM
Original message
Why many black Democrats* are uncomfortable w/Herman Cain: He embarrasses us in front of white folks
Edited on Thu Oct-20-11 09:20 PM by Empowerer

If Obama hasn't already driven them to the brink of suicide, they have no sense of shame in the first place, and any claim like this about Cain is nothing but crocodile tears.
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Offline JakeStyle

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2011, 08:42:01 PM »
Short version:  DUmmie Empowerer, who presumes to speak for the entire black population, thinks Herman Cain needs to get back on the plantation.

Offline thundley4

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2011, 08:46:58 PM »
Short version:  DUmmie Empowerer, who presumes to speak for the entire black population, thinks Herman Cain needs to get back on the plantation.

Exactly. Herman doesn't hold white society responsible for the ills of the black community.  That is the number one requirement to be an accepted black by the dems and it's a requirement even to be a dem.

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2011, 09:03:49 PM »
If that isn't racism, what is? They're accusing a very accomplished business man, a freaking rocket scientist of performing for "the white man". His accomplishments, straight talk and his willingness to talk about things (like eliminating some fed departments and changing the way taxes are raised) are why I'm supporting him. If he was lily white and all other things were equal, I'd still support him. Not because of the color of his skin but the content of his character.

But here's the bitter irony, are so completely jealous all you can do is make truly disgusting comments about him and the other blacks who've made it off the democrat plantation to a world where color doesn't matter. And the majority of those who cross over to this side almost always come from poor backgrounds with parents who instilled in them the fact that they could be anything they want. Herman Cain worked his way up the corporate ladder through hard work and a keen foresight with the ability to understand where a company should go and how to get it there.

But all you do is hate him because he's a black conservative who didn't buy into the white democrat's constantly harping that you can't do anything on your own. And isn't it easier, regardless of the life you're dooming your children to, to take their handouts. What kind of parent tells their children (by words & example) that they'll never have anything or do anything so they might as well just not even try. And the real reason why you hate him and other black conservatives is because it forces you to face your own laziness & selfishness.

And the worst thing: your children have no heroes because you tell them these very successful men are nothing more than Uncle Toms, court jesters for conservatives. Imagine the ways you could change your children's lives by showing them if they're willing to work hard they can grow up to be a Supreme Court Justice, a CEO with a string of successes in the corporate world that most people never achieve, or a highly respected Economics professor. Heck, you could even tell them you don't agree with their politics but they can still reach such heights themselves. It's pathetic you can't see you're being used and shame on you for keeping your children hopeless and helpless.

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2011, 09:04:32 PM »
MadMaddie (1000+ posts)      Fri Oct-21-11 07:13 PM
Response to Reply #5
49. I would mostly agree with you in some other cases
 and I felt that way until Cain said the other week. He said it because Obama mother was white and Obama is light skinned. My mother's father was full blooded Indiand from Oklahoma and her mother black and so her shade of skin was light. She had to fight because of her skin color among other blacks she lived the black experience in America.
Ticking off ways he could compete with Obama, Boortz says that Cain would be able to talk about the black experience in America.
Cain’s response: “ never been a part of the black experience in America.”
I seem to recall the quote as being in the order of "Pres. Obama has never been part of the black experience in America".
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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2011, 09:22:04 PM »
DontTreadOnMe (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-20-11 08:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. As an American...
 I am embarrassed that Herman Cain is considered serious a CANDIDATE for the President of the United States.

I can go to EVERY town in this entire country, and in EVERY TOWN find 5 people more qualified than Cain to be the President.

We have stooge candidates who are backed by people with money, being used to push 1%er agendas.

You could also go into every town in this entire country, and in every town find that everyone in town (including the pets) is either as qualified or more qualified than the 0 who you voted for and worship.
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Offline dandi

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2011, 09:49:57 PM »
You're not embarrassed by an Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, Kamau Kambon, Cynthia McKinney, Wanda Sykes or Charles Barron, but you're embarrassed by Herman Cain.

You have got some seriously ****ed up sensibilities, my friend.
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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2011, 10:33:17 PM »
Do these people still support Jesse Jacking after he claimed to have a need to remove a certain part of Barrys anatomy?

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2011, 07:22:26 AM »
I seem to recall the quote as being in the order of "Pres. Obama has never been part of the black experience in America".

Yep, that's exactly what Cain said, and it's true.

apres moi, le deluge

Offline whiffleball

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2011, 07:41:35 AM »
Short version:  DUmmie Empowerer, who presumes to speak for the entire black population, thinks Herman Cain needs to get back on the plantation.

Those claiming to be black on DU are continually speaking for all blacks.  They would prefer blacks to be chained to the Democrat plantation than use their minds and free will.  Empowerer is only one.  When challenged in any way they scream racism.

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2011, 07:42:12 AM »
Herman can call them what they are...Oprah said he could but you can't.

They are scared to death he can and will at least try to straighten out what is wrong with 13% of our population....and cost the dems 20/25% of their voters.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

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Offline franksolich

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2011, 07:50:34 AM »
Those claiming to be black on DU are continually speaking for all blacks.  They would prefer blacks to be chained to the Democrat plantation than use their minds and free will.  Empowerer is only one.  When challenged in any way they scream racism.

The most obnoxious, overbearing, of them is the dorkio primitive, "MrScoprio," the authenticator of blackness on Skins's island.

I'm sure he's going to rank among the Top DUmmies of 2012, having spent most of next year defending his Oreo cookie, who has more in common with franksolich than with the dorkio primitive.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline whiffleball

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2011, 08:00:35 AM »
The most obnoxious, overbearing, of them is the dorkio primitive, "MrScoprio," the authenticator of blackness on Skins's island.

I'm sure he's going to rank among the Top DUmmies of 2012, having spent most of next year defending his Oreo cookie, who has more in common with franksolich than with the dorkio primitive.

And well he should rank high, although FrenchCat is almost as obnoxious. 

I can't remember if dorkio was in on it, but Hamden Rice might have been:  running the bonkers Xultar off the Island.  A bunch of those claiming blackness decided that since Xultar never posted in their African Americans Group that she was lying about being black. 

Then the Jackeens Primitive had this racial meltdown and rant where she accused everyone on the Island of being racist.  It was quite colorful.  She was banned, then immediately reinstated because Skins didn't want anyone to think he was racist.

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2011, 08:08:07 AM »
And well he should rank high, although FrenchCat is almost as obnoxious.

FrenchieCat is a white woman of French derivation married to a black man of French colonial derivation--one of the Caribbean islands the French own.

I've always suspected the word "negrophilia" (a real word) was coined to describe FrenchieCat specifically.  

I can't remember if dorkio was in on it, but Hamden Rice might have been:  running the bonkers Xultar off the Island.  A bunch of those claiming blackness decided that since Xultar never posted in their African Americans Group that she was lying about being black.  

Then the Jackeens Primitive had this racial meltdown and rant where she accused everyone on the Island of being racist.  It was quite colorful.  She was banned, then immediately reinstated because Skins didn't want anyone to think he was racist.

I vaguely recall that brouhuahua.

HamdenRice was later banned by my fellow alum Skins, although I don't remember why.

It was too bad for the integrity of Skins's island, though, because HamdenRice, unlike the professional black primitives and the wannabe black primitives, was the only authentic black person on Skins's island.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2011, 09:21:57 AM »
Quote from:

He makes us cringe in the way that Jimmie "JJ" Walker did when he grinned and shouted "DynoMITE!" To tell the truth, we thought JJ was hilarious. We all likely knew people just like JJ - maybe even had one or more JJ's in our family. But we didn't want white folks to think we all WERE JJ. So even though we laughed our asses off whenever JJ did his schtick, we only laughed like that when white folks weren't looking. Otherwise, we often wished he'd just stop acting like that in front of white folks since they might take it the wrong way and mess up everything we were trying to accomplish...

This is a very troubled primitive.  How paranoid do you have to be to believe that those laughing at JJ were doing it because it was a black stereotype?  How about just the fact that he was funny?  In fact the whole show 'Good Times' was funny, that's why it was successful.  It had nothing to do with Americans wanting to  reinforce black stereotypes.

This primitive needs to step out into the real world and figure that that, when it comes to dealing with people on a day-to-day basis, we as conservatives view individuals as individuals and don't subdivide them into separate boxes based on sex, race, etc...  It certainly appears as though the problem with Cain is all on the left who doesn't want anyone, much less a black man or woman, who can stand on their own two feet apart from spouting Dem talking points.

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2011, 02:26:09 PM »
You're not embarrassed by an Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, Kamau Kambon, Cynthia McKinney, Wanda Sykes or Charles Barron, but you're embarrassed by Herman Cain.

You have got some seriously ****ed up sensibilities, my friend.
You hit he bullseye with that one, dandi. ^5!
Best comment on this thread.

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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Dat Herman Cain, he embarrass us in front white folks
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2011, 03:00:20 PM »
JJ....heck, I miss Kingfish, Andy and Rodchester, especially Rodchester... :rotf:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin