Author Topic: Interest Check: Star Trek Online  (Read 14928 times)

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Offline ColonelCarrots

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Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« on: January 21, 2013, 03:57:46 PM »
I was wondering if anyone wants to band together and start a CC fleet in Star Trek Online. I know some other guy was talking about it in the shoutbox earlier. My personal thoughts are at the end. I'm also always willing to help anyone with any questions or maybe a mission if I'm not busy.

We need 5 people to start the fleet and a name. I'm thinking something to do with "FrankSolich's Federation" and if we start a Klingon faction "Klingon Kavers."
Incase of TL;DR Check it out on Steam.

Game takes place 30 years after Star Trek Nemesis. The Federation and Klingons are at war. The Borg are flexing their muscles. The Romulans and Remans are trying to rebuild. You can choose from a plethora of races or create your own. You can be a Human, Vulcan, Andorian, Ferengi, Klingon, or if that doesn't interest you; you can always create your own. Like Champions Online, Star Trek Online has an amazing character creation system. You can design your uniforms and crew to whatever you want. At level 25 you unlock the Klingon Faction. You can play as a Klingon, Gorn, or my favorite an Orion.  :naughty:

Its a free game so all you need to do is download it and create an account. You're probably thinking "Is its free how do they make money?" through a cash shop. You can buy various things from new uniforms, new ships, and even new playable races. They use a currency called Zen. You can earn it using an in-game material called Dilithium so you don't have to spend money, but instead exchange it for Zen. It will take some time to save up for the Zen you need though.

Through Steam you can buy a starter pack. Its not a bad deal for $25. You get a starter ship at level 2 with gear and decent crew members. At level 50 you get a retrofit of the ship as well. The Steamrunner escort is designed for survivability.

The different types of ships and classes.

Tactical officers tend to be your high damage class. They work well in an ship really, but excel in an escort.

Engineers are more defensive. They can last longer in space and on ground combat they are great for turret support. In space they excel in a cruiser mostly. They can work well in escorts and science ships and offer more survivability skills.

Science officers are your support classes. They can heal, buff, and debuff in ground combat. In space they buff and debuff mostly.

Escorts ships are quick and agile ships that whip around in space and do high amounts of damage. They're not that durable so quick thinking is often the way to save them.

Science ships are medium when it comes to durability. You can use science powers to debuff, stop your enemy in their tracks, or even offer healing to the group. You can target subsystems, such as shields, and potentially knock them offline for a short duration.

My favorite ships are the Cruisers. The lumbering beasts of Starfleet. They have high durability and offer a wide variety of survivability powers. They're slow but offer the most amount of weapons on the ship. Its a beautiful sight when you see six anti-proton beams hitting a Borg cube.

Personal thoughts. I've been playing since launch practically. The game has changed tremendously and is a lot more polished now. It offers a lot more variety with the addition of player created missions found in the Foundry. They do try to bring a Star Trek feel. Cryptic has been trying hard bring the game up to par. The Player vs Player (PVP) system is a little lacking, but the Player vs Environment (PVE) is fun. I've been creating my own race of fish people in the game and creating a story to go with it. I enjoy the game a lot.

Offline redwhit

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Re: Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 09:41:30 AM »
I just downloaded this and started playing last week.  You're right, it is fun and the learning curve isn't too ridiculous - they do a nice job of giving that Star Trek feel while layering on the different aspects to the game.  I just got this bee in my bonnet and downloaded the game, didn't even think to look at Steam.   :doh:

I'd be down to make a fleet, the only thing is I can't use the chat interface yet.  Not sure if it's because I'm free, haven't logged enough hours, or need to buy something in the shop, but I'll give you a shout when I get my act together.

Offline ColonelCarrots

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Re: Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 01:04:31 PM »
I just downloaded this and started playing last week.  You're right, it is fun and the learning curve isn't too ridiculous - they do a nice job of giving that Star Trek feel while layering on the different aspects to the game.  I just got this bee in my bonnet and downloaded the game, didn't even think to look at Steam.   :doh:

I'd be down to make a fleet, the only thing is I can't use the chat interface yet.  Not sure if it's because I'm free, haven't logged enough hours, or need to buy something in the shop, but I'll give you a shout when I get my act together.

Its probably because you haven't logged enough hours playing or bought something from the store. I believe you need like 2 days to be able to use chat. You can use custom channels and fleet chat I believe.

Offline ColonelCarrots

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Re: Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2013, 08:00:20 PM »
Just some writing I've done on the race I created in STO. They're called the Taqians.

Taqia is a planet located in the B’Tran cluster. It orbits a giant blue star that maintains its humid and wet client. A Taqian year last 451 days with days lasting 27 hours. Taqia is currently inhabited by near 50 million souls with only 25% living in large cities and towns.

Taqia is class O planet with water covering nearly 83% of the surface. Taqia is informally called a swamp world; however, Taqia has a large area of volcanic activity in it’s south eastern hemisphere. Due to the volcanic activity, Taqia has increased in land mass over the past 100 years reducing the water coverage from 85% to its current status. Though the area is largely inhabitable due to the large amount of gases and other environmental dangers.

The temperature on Taqia is on average 105 degrees during the day and dropping to 75 degrees at night. The humidity level stands at a constant of 90%. With an average of daily rainfall to be about one foot to three feet of water. Winter months seem to have a significant drop in temperature. The constant is usually at 60 degrees with 70% humidity and a decrease in rainfall. Though the winter season does not last very long roughly two forty day long months.

Due to the water levels Taqians often live in houses built on stilts in rural communities. Building a city is long and laborious. An area must be dammed, covered, and have all water extracted. The Taqians have built their large cities over the course of hundreds of years even though their cities may only have 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 souls. This is due to the extreme and harsh working conditions.

Rural communities are the backbone of Taqian society. They are often populated with farmers who raise livestock and crops. Ra’ki, a manatee like creature, are the staple of Taqian diet. A Taqian would on average eat a pound of Ra’ki a day; thus the need and demand for farmers. As stated before most buildings in rural communities are built on stilts. The Taqians use the river ways as a mean to farm Ra’ki in an enclosed area.

Before the evolution of technology the rivers were often used for transportation. Now the common means of travel is by repulsor vehicles which hover safely over the water by about ten feet. Some highways have been created for faster travel and marked by beacons so travelers can easily get from one place to another usually linking large cities rather than the rural communities.

(More to come)

Offline ColonelCarrots

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Re: Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 03:04:53 PM »
The 3 year anniversary is here! You can get a free ship for all your characters. A tier 3 and a tier 5 retrofit. Get it now before they go away.

Offline rich_t

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Re: Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 07:26:00 PM »
I'm game for trying it.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

Offline rich_t

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Re: Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2013, 07:44:59 PM »
Taking a while to download.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

Offline ColonelCarrots

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Re: Interest Check: Star Trek Online
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2013, 08:01:39 PM »
Taking a while to download.

The anniversary has caused a lot of lag today.