Author Topic: Obama's latest executive action  (Read 10256 times)

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Offline Belle

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Obama's latest executive action
« on: December 30, 2015, 09:40:50 PM »
Obama's new executive action will be printed as "rule" in federal register.  Allows for huge expansion in number of alien work permits issued annually.
  In the article it states this new action bypasses Congressional lawmakers, but we know, that most want this as well for their donor classes.

From DHS, the executive action would retain "EB-1, EB-3 & EB-3 Immigrant Workers and program improvements affecting high-skilled nonimmigrant workers."  A New Year's present to all those big biz Obama supporters & fund raisers; cheaper labor wrapped in a bow, & to heck with American workers.  Senator Jeff Sessions, to his credit "proposed language to reduce and cap the number of employment authorization documents issued by the Administration by prohibiting funds for their issuance in the Omnibus pork bill.  It was rejected, &  Ryan "thus paved the way for President's new executive action."
Sessions’ language was proposed following the revelation that the Obama Administration was already printing massive numbers of excess work permits.

President Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security wants to give white-collar work-permits to a huge new group of foreign college-graduates, despite the large number of American graduates now stuck in lower-wage jobs, and struggling to pay off college debts.

Immigration lawyer John Miano: 
“Obama has gone the Full Monty to bust the immigration system.  What is going on is he is effectively giving Green Cards to people on H-1B visas who are unable to get Green Cards due to the [annual] quotas… it could be over 100,000.”

“The objective here is to strip American workers of their protections from foreign labor embodied in the Green Card quotas” that are set by Congress, not the White House.

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Re: Obama's latest executive action
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2016, 02:51:15 PM »
Michael Savage places the insatiable greed from big biz for more foreign visas in historical perspective.  & the paid access politicians will predictably comply. 
At a certain level, greed is insanity.
There’s such a thing as ambition, and then there’s such a thing as insane desires.

There’s an insane desire for more gold. I told you the Aztecs used to say that the Spaniards, who had invaded their nation, had an insatiable desire for gold.
After they had destroyed the Aztec civilization, killed so many of them, enslaved them, and stole their gold, they kept looking for more gold.
And the Aztecs then said to each other that the Spanish invaders — from whom they got their language, by the way — these Spanish invaders have an incurable sickness called gold sickness.

Guys like Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, the others in Silicon Valley, have a similar disease.
They care nothing about America. America is nothing but one market of many.
Although they got their educations here, although they were fed from infancy with the air and the water and the milk of America, they have no loyalty to the country they were born in.
They have a loyalty only to the bottom line.
And the bottom line is going to kill us all.

A hundred thousand H-1B visas, green cards to Indians, primarily, so that the pirates of Silicon Valley can continue their buccaneer actions.

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Re: Obama's latest executive action
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2016, 07:34:35 PM »
Savage's main thesis is borders, language, culture.
It's what makes a country a country.
He's been taking about it for years.
So at some point we have to come to some agreement if we are going to be our own country, or have our country slowly abrogated into a borderless, languageless cultureless free for all.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.