Author Topic: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)  (Read 3515 times)

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« on: April 21, 2024, 08:48:31 AM »
doc03 (35,315 posts)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:18 PM
Was at the mall a while today. I saw two people with open carry
pistols. One was a man with a "Let's Go Brandon" shirt and a "III" tattoo on his arm. The other a women dressed in
black wearing a black belt with several magazines and a "**** your feelings" shirt. They weren't together. Security
was nowhere to be seen.

Why would security need to be alerted, DUmb-ass?

PlutosHeart (1,266 posts)
4. And worse is that little or nothing can be done
Reply to Skittles (Reply #2)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:21 PM
and many have to just feel fear, horror, shock or any number of emotions and put up with it.
It is oppressive and terribly sad.

I also think it is Saturday night date night. Maybe they got lucky to find each other.

Trekologer (997 posts)
5. Might as well be wearing a sign "Free gun if you hit me over the head"
Reply to Skittles (Reply #2)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:22 PM
All one would need to do is sneak up behind these doofuses.

A voice of sanity:

TexasDem69 (1,690 posts)
8. I've lived in Virginia, Montana, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina
Reply to doc03 (Original post)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:41 PM
Last edited Sat Apr 20, 2024, 09:05 PM - Edit history (1)

All open carry states. I’ve seen open carry many, many times. And never been the least concerned about it. Not sure why anyone gets so wound up about someone doing something that is perfectly legal in the vast majority of states.

doc03 (35,315 posts)
9. You don't know if they are a good guy or a bad guy, unless they start shooting. Mall security
Reply to TexasDem69 (Reply #8)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:46 PM
can't carry any weapons all they can do is call the sheriff. Who is going to put their life on
the line for minimum wage and they aren't in any kind of shape to fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
At least i haven't seen anyone with an AR 15 yet. I see your favorite topic is Guns.

TexasDem69 (1,690 posts)
16. I don't know if anyone is a good guy or bad guy
Reply to doc03 (Reply #9)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 09:07 PM
And I still don’t get worried about it. Maybe they are law enforcement? Maybe not, but they aren’t breaking the law.

Tickle (2,497 posts)
18. I feel safe when I see
Reply to doc03 (Reply #9)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 09:25 PM
open carrying. I get nervous when I know someone is packing and hiding.

Wonder Why (3,133 posts)
38. They are "bad guys". More likely to spray their bullets anywhere or run if a "bad guy" starts shooting or kill an
Reply to doc03 (Reply #9)
Sun Apr 21, 2024, 09:35 AM
innocent person than get the other "bad guy". "Good guys" don't go around advertising their hate mongering. Good guys don't show off.

One can always call security and report you saw someone with a gun and where they were in the mall then hang up and leave (before the police arrive to stop people from leaving) and let them handle it. After all, you know they have dangerous weapons and you don't know why.

Emile (22,559 posts)
17. Fascists have no shame.

Using your 2nd Amendment rights is now fascist? :whatever: :whatever: :whatever:

dclarston13 (407 posts)
37. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume they were white folks
Reply to doc03 (Original post)
Sun Apr 21, 2024, 09:22 AM
I have never seen a person of color open carry. Just saying, it's probably a coincidence, right??

Black folks and women are buying more guns than any other demographic, but stick with your comfortable narrative.
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Offline SVPete

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2024, 10:42:49 AM »
doc03 (35,315 posts)
Was at the mall a while today. I saw two people with open carry
pistols. One was a man with a "Let's Go Brandon" shirt and a "III" tattoo on his arm. The other a women dressed in
black wearing a black belt with several magazines and a "**** your feelings" shirt. They weren't together. Security
was nowhere to be seen.

1. Two people independently publicly rejecting Prog hoplophobia! Horrifying! How dare they!!!

2. IRL, Security were watching everything via camera.

3. IRL, Security people know that open carry is legal in their state.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2024, 11:35:45 AM »
A lot of stupidity and projection in that thread.

 I don’t get the III tattoo.
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

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Offline Texacon

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2024, 12:03:20 PM »
dclarston13 (407 posts)

37. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume they were white folks

Reply to doc03 (Original post)
Sun Apr 21, 2024, 09:22 AM

I have never seen a person of color open carry. Just saying, it's probably a coincidence, right??

Racist. I know a lot of black folk who carry. Mexicans too!  None of them scare me and I’m not surprised by it. We are Texans!

Where does this Lily white poster live, I wonder.

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Offline SVPete

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2024, 12:04:02 PM »
 I don’t get the III tattoo.

I haven't swum over to DU, but found this wrt the "III" tattoo, :

The ‘III” tattoo is one of the most popular tattoo designs in recent years. It is seen as a sign of strength, resilience, and courage. It is also a symbol of family and the strength between family members.

The ‘III tattoo’ is a representation the number 3, which is an important and meaningful number for many cultures. In Christianity, the Holy Trinity is represented by the number 3. This is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Judaism it is associated with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the three patriarchs. In Hinduism the number three is connected to the three gods Brahma Vishnu and Shiva.

The III tattoo meaning is also a symbol of safety. In many cultures, three is a protective number. It is believed to ward of evil and bring luck. It is also used to remind people of the importance of family, and the bond that exists between family members.

The meaning of the III tattoo is also a symbol for strength and resilience. It reminds us that we can always find the strength and courage to continue on, no matter how hard life gets. It is a gentle reminder that we can always count on our friends and family for support and guidance.

That website is slo-o-owww to load. It may be from a tattoo artist. According to that writer, the tattoo has been used since at least Roman times. Trump isn't that old, :rotf:  :tongue: . So the tattoo isn't the Trumpista Gang-Sign some DUpipo probably seek.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline SVPete

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2024, 12:19:15 PM »
Somebody posted very dangerous advice:

Trekologer (997 posts)
5. Might as well be wearing a sign "Free gun if you hit me over the head"
All one would need to do is sneak up behind these doofuses

Somebody is looking to get a granite pizza:

Tickle (2,498 posts)
18. I feel safe when I see
open carrying. I get nervous when I know someone is packing and hiding.

I knew someone would "go there":

doc03 (35,315 posts)
14. Concealed carry is also legal in Ohio with no permit, they only reason
I see to open carry is just to intimidate people. They guy had a Three Percenter Militia tattoo, you know
the ones that went to the Capitol to hang the VP and Congress.

I cannot say that a "III" cannot mean "Three Percenter Militia". I don't do tattoos, and I'm not omniscient. That someone (the link in my previous post) who is into tattoo culture and may be a tattoo artist would not mention such a connection probably means there is none. Someone did post a link to the W'pedia page about "Three Percenters". It says nothing about group-specific tattoos, symbols, or paraphernalia.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 02:40:14 PM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline jukin

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2024, 02:05:35 PM »
IIRC isn't the proggie fascist go to yell, "Private business they can do what they want. "
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Offline Airwolf

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2024, 02:19:05 PM »
So someone wants Mall security to take on someone who is armed and doing so within the law. Gee that can't go bad for the mall and it's property owners. Let's just say for a start that might be harassment and infringing on their 2A rights for a start. I wonder how much a good lawyer could get if some idiot security guard were to push things to far? Another thing is I wouldn't be so fast on calling mall security to do much of anything but calling the cops and only after something has already started. Most mall security are not that well trained to handle much beyond giving first aid and customer service and helping people get to the shelters during a storm. The reason mall security doesn't carry is because of insurance and the cost to have those guard trained to use a firearm cost to much when it is easier to hire off duty police like some of the malls here do in Omaha.

I used to carry a 9mm S&W pistol and a 1911A1 on some of the accounts I worked at and out of the years I worked as a security guard I only had to draw my pistol once and that was because I had to take someone into custody at gunpoint after he shot his daughters ex-boyfriend in the back of the head at my workplace. I later found out that the guy was crazier then most of DU and he still claimed self-defense and somehow got away with killing the guy. There are a lot of details I left out but he could have shot the place up with his .40 cal Glock and three spare mags had I have not been there and he saw me and the manager walking towards him as he came into the store. So anyway it serves no purpose to get bent out of shape on someone open carrying a gun in a state that says they are allowed to.

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2024, 02:39:30 PM »
So the dummy sees someone with a III tattoo and immediately assumes he’s some sort of a Nazi.
Or maybe he knows it had something to do with family or religion and assumes that’s as bad as being a Nazi.
Just like they thought the OK sign was some sort of a white supremacist dog whistle. Those people are tools of the worst kind.. :thatsright: :rant:
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2024, 03:25:09 PM »
A lot of stupidity and projection in that thread.

 I don’t get the III tattoo.

It could be Roman numerals,  might also be a fan of WWE wrestler Kurt Angle:
Kurt Angle came into WWE touting his “Three Is” of intensity, integrity and intelligence, and he recently recalled the creation of the gimmick. Angle talked on the True Geordie Podcast about how that character was taken from his own personality a little bit and how he was able to make it work.

“I think [WWE] looked at my personality because I am a little bit naive and I wander off,” Angle said (per Wrestling Inc). “I have some ADD. I’m just a really odd person. Brian Gewirtz, the writer for WWE, and Vince McMahon, they saw me, the person I was, and they came up with this character that they wanted me to be a milk-drinking nerd that claimed that he had the ‘three I’s,’ intensity, integrity, and intelligence, but I really didn’t have it because I would cheat to win. Even though if someone cheated and beat me, I’d accuse him of it, but when I won and I cheated it didn’t matter, like I didn’t cheat.”

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2024, 08:31:01 AM »
Trekologer (997 posts)
5. Might as well be wearing a sign "Free gun if you hit me over the head"
Reply to Skittles (Reply #2)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:22 PM
All one would need to do is sneak up behind these doofuses.

I wonder if this DUmmie had a plan B in the event this attack did not quite go to plan?  :popcorn:
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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2024, 09:03:42 AM »
I wonder if this DUmmie had a plan B in the event this attack did not quite go to plan?  :popcorn:

Die a quick and painless death. :lmao: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline 67 Rover

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2024, 10:35:07 AM »
Die a quick and painless death. :lmao: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Plan C was to hope they don't release its manifesto.  :cheersmate:
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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2024, 06:29:33 PM »
5. Might as well be wearing a sign "Free gun if you hit me over the head"
Reply to Skittles (Reply #2)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:22 PM
All one would need to do is sneak up behind these doofuses.

What do they think this is, cartoon world where you just sneak up behind someone and bop them over the head, causing them to fall asleep or something? :mental:

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2024, 11:45:22 AM »
OMG! People carrying guns legally? The horror! 

Idiots. :bird:
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2024, 04:31:33 PM »
What do they think this is, cartoon world where you just sneak up behind someone and bop them over the head, causing them to fall asleep or something? :mental:

Best way to **** around and find out that is for sure. Go ahead and grab someone's gun. I hope it's a cop with a backup and you end up on the ambulances next customer list.
 to be delivered to the morgue.

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2024, 04:07:00 PM »
Trekologer (997 posts)
5. Might as well be wearing a sign "Free gun if you hit me over the head"
Reply to Skittles (Reply #2)
Sat Apr 20, 2024, 07:22 PM
All one would need to do is sneak up behind these doofuses.

I'll take "Things That Never Happen" for $800, Alex.

The only time I've heard of this happening is when some perps try to take a cop's sidearm when being arrested.

Offline SVPete

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Re: DUmmy triggered by witnessing open carry (the horror!!!)
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2024, 06:22:31 PM »
I'll take "Things That Never Happen" for $800, Alex.

The only time I've heard of this happening is when some perps try to take a cop's sidearm when being arrested.

Normal people realize that what the DUmmie said would be easy would in real life end badly and possibly painfully.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.