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A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« on: August 21, 2014, 09:07:22 PM »
Hello there CC,

I'm AmericanNationalist196. I would describe myself politically as generally within the right-wing, but I am more of a social/cultural conservative rather than a fiscal conservative. Leftists would deem me socially reactionary, but I personally believe that while I do have certain reactionary tendencies, I am not radical in the wholesome expression of the term (e.g., fascism, National Socialism, etc.) I believe in the traditional family, I believe in a republican form of government but stand for a nice harmonic balance between liberty and authority, and I believe that there is nothing wrong with being a straight, white, Christian male. I hate the whole idea of what this so-called "white privilege." Regarding religion, I myself am an agnostic, but I believe that America is a Christian nation.

Why use the term nationalist? Because while patriotism does indeed mean love for your country, nationalism means love for your nation, and there is a distinction between the two. The country is inherently the state, i.e., the government. I have no pride in the current government, I wouldn't even call it a function-able government (except for the talks regarding ISIS, that has shown me there is some hope.) The nation is the foundation of the country. It is the ideology it is built on, its history, its great people, and this is what I can say I am proud of. I am proud of my nation, but the status of its government is in despair and disarray. This is why I proclaim myself as a nationalist, because I see a broken government, but I see a great, and glorious nation of which I am proud to represent and call my own.

I put a lot of emphasis on action. We all like to type on a keyboard about politics, as do I, but usually we don't back up our words with action. I believe that ideals are nothing without action. Without a real, physical manifestation of ideals in the self and/or a group, it is all intellectual wanking which gets people nowhere. If you want to be an intellectual wanker, please go be another Noam Chomsky. If not, get out there and fight for your ideals (legally, of course.)

Anyway, now for some personal information. I'm interested in Computer Science, History, and Military/LE. I am very proud of men and women who fight for our nation, whether keeping the peace domestically, or fighting the enemy in foreign lands, and militarism is an essential part of my personal ideology. I also find myself interested in firearms. Unfortunately, I'm in New York, so my choice of firearms are quite limited, but my first gun is going to be a Mosin anyway so it's not affecting me much at the moment.

Anyway, if you have any questions, leave a reply. I'll try to answer the question to the best of my ability. I'll be around, just lurking until I have something valuable to say or feel the urge to give an opinion on something. Best of luck to you all.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 09:23:22 PM by AmericanNationalist196 »

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2014, 07:13:29 AM »
I wouldn't even call it a function-able government (except for the talks regarding ISIS, that has shown me there is some hope.)
OK, I have a question. and Welcome to CC, btw.

I don't understand your statement above. What talks about ISIS are you referring to? And why do they give you hope?
--I don't see the govt doing much of anything. There were 14 airstrikes to free an Iraqi dam, but The US armed and trained ISIS in Syria.

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2014, 07:38:12 AM »
I don't quite understand the difference, as you describe it, of being "more of a social/cultural conservative rather than a fiscal conservative."

Please explain further.

How can the sheer size of government, its bloat and its influence on our fiscal freedom be embraced by a conservative at all?

Anarchy is not what I'm advocating. Rather, what I'm pointing out that we have allowed the politicians to create fiefdoms and personal turf for themselves at our expense. We have permitted the Constitution to become a shadow of its former self with the states rendered just about zero compared to the feds.

Welcome to CC. Please carry on and continue this line of thought.

Another point--I don't get wrapped up in the "national" versus "country" discourse, believing that to be largely semantics. Different strokes and all, but it's simply not a selling point to me. But by all means, jump in.  :cheersmate:
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2014, 07:44:59 AM »
Welcome!  You seem to know who you are and there are tons here that also know who they are.  I'm sure there will be some fireworks but put on your thick skin coat and dont' result to insults if you feel attacked  :-)

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2014, 11:54:17 AM »
Welcome aboard, sir.
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2014, 01:01:39 PM »
Thank you all for the welcomes. I will answer your questions as well.

OK, I have a question. and Welcome to CC, btw.

I don't understand your statement above. What talks about ISIS are you referring to? And why do they give you hope?
--I don't see the govt doing much of anything. There were 14 airstrikes to free an Iraqi dam, but The US armed and trained ISIS in Syria.

The talks of ISIS regarding combat operations kind of got my hopes up. While, I concur that we aren't doing enough to eliminate and liquidate the threat, it gives me hope that in our republic our representatives have the potential to overcome their ideological differences and have civil discourse and run a government. There's a lot of deadlock and ideological bickering in Congress, and it really upsets me that they are bickering about "me, me, me" instead of focusing on the nation. This gives me hope because they actually are focusing on the nation's needs. Yes, I am an idealist as well, but in a republican system you must have discourse and compromise.

I don't quite understand the difference, as you describe it, of being "more of a social/cultural conservative rather than a fiscal conservative."

Please explain further.

How can the sheer size of government, its bloat and its influence on our fiscal freedom be embraced by a conservative at all?


Another point--I don't get wrapped up in the "national" versus "country" discourse, believing that to be largely semantics. Different strokes and all, but it's simply not a selling point to me. But by all means, jump in.  :cheersmate:

What I mean by that statement is that, I myself would not describe myself as believing the conservative economic policy (e.g., lowering taxes immensely, etc.) , but I still hold the social and cultural policy to heart (e.g., pride in country, militarism, anti-communism, etc.) This does not mean, however, that I tolerate or even advocate for the current state of economic treachery that exists today. I am an economic moderate, not an economic leftist. I acknowledge that there are some problems with over-regulation, fining of businesspeople who have different beliefs than government (e.g., fining of those who refuse to marry gay couples), and that this is causing some real problems which will escalate over time such as outsourcing which is already popular amongst businessmen trying to save a buck. These problems need to be solved, and not increased so our economy goes down the drain while other peoples' social justice feels increase exponentially.

Also, regarding the whole country vs. nation thing, that's your choice. We'll have to agree to disagree, but there's really nothing to debate. So, different strokes.

I hope I answered your questions well. Have a good day.

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 06:35:03 AM »

So you don't believe that lowering taxes (let's just leave your qualifying word "immensely" out of the equation for now) betters the economy?

What's a fair and equitable tax load, in your opinion?

What's your opinion about a flat tax? Tax on consumption rather than income?

What's the difference between an economic "moderate" versus an economic "leftist"?
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2014, 07:32:43 PM »
Welcome to the Cave. I'm Big Dog, from Kansas.  I am a classical individualist and a libertarian.

I'm curious about a few things, if you are inclined to answer.

You are using a USCG Aviation Survivalman sleeve insignia as your avatar. Are/were you a Rescue Swimmer?

Leftists would deem me socially reactionary, but I personally believe that while I do have certain reactionary tendencies, I am not radical in the wholesome expression of the term (e.g., fascism, National Socialism, etc.)

In what ways are fascism and National Socialism "wholesome" expressions of political or economic radicalism?

In what ways are fascism and National Socialism "reactionary"?

I believe in a republican form of government but stand for a nice harmonic balance between liberty and authority

Liberty is a Natural and Unalienable Right. See Locke's Second Treatise on Government, and the preamble to the Declaration of Independence: "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."  Liberty's opposite state is not authority, but tyranny.

In what sense is involuntary infringement of my individual liberty by government nice or harmonic?

Who determines what are "nice" and "harmonic" violations of a man's liberty?

Which of my personal liberties would you violate, or have the government violate in your name, in the name of "harmony"?

The country is inherently the state, i.e., the government.

What is your basis for this statement?

The nation is the foundation of the country. It is the ideology it is built on, its history, its great people

What is your basis for this statement?

Neither the country nor the nation is synonymous with the State. The State, i.e., the government, is the servant of the free and sovereign individual. Again, see the Declaration of Independence: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

militarism is an essential part of my personal ideology.

As long as someone else's blood is being spilled, or are you walking the walk?

I look forward to reading your answers.
Government is the negation of liberty.
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2014, 07:45:02 PM »
My CCW permit was issued in 1791.

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2014, 09:39:23 PM »
"Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive."
Theodore Roosevelt

You quote one of the fathers  of the Progressive movement in your sig line.

Do you consider yourself a Progressive?
Government is the negation of liberty.
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2014, 03:02:33 PM »

So you don't believe that lowering taxes (let's just leave your qualifying word "immensely" out of the equation for now) betters the economy?

What's a fair and equitable tax load, in your opinion?

What's your opinion about a flat tax? Tax on consumption rather than income?

What's the difference between an economic "moderate" versus an economic "leftist"?

I do believe lowering taxes does help the economy in some ways, we just also have to decrease government spending along with it. That's the only real reason I'm hesitant about lowering taxes, we need to pay our bills too.

A fair tax load? That's a good question. I'll answer your question about a flat tax first, I find that flat tax has some issues, but is ultimately fair to everyone in all income groups whether they be poor, rich, or somewhere in between.

Now, on that, a fair tax load? I assume you mean where the burden should fall. Well, the burden should be evenly distributed among all economic classes. The burden shouldn't just be put on the rich and then say the lower classes shouldn't pay a dime.

An economic leftist is more friendly to progressive, socialist, and/or communist economic practices. They are usually strong supporters of taxation on the rich, they are huge supporters of labor unions, and are more friendly to government regulation and increases in governmental power over the economy. An economic moderate, is someone who is not on either side of the spectrum, he is not left-wing or right-wing regarding economics, but supports moderation between the two.

Welcome to the Cave. I'm Big Dog, from Kansas.  I am a classical individualist and a libertarian.

I'm curious about a few things, if you are inclined to answer.

You are using a USCG Aviation Survivalman sleeve insignia as your avatar. Are/were you a Rescue Swimmer?

In what ways are fascism and National Socialism "wholesome" expressions of political or economic radicalism?

In what ways are fascism and National Socialism "reactionary"?

Liberty is a Natural and Unalienable Right. See Locke's Second Treatise on Government, and the preamble to the Declaration of Independence: "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."  Liberty's opposite state is not authority, but tyranny.

In what sense is involuntary infringement of my individual liberty by government nice or harmonic?

Who determines what are "nice" and "harmonic" violations of a man's liberty?

Which of my personal liberties would you violate, or have the government violate in your name, in the name of "harmony"?

What is your basis for this statement?

What is your basis for this statement?

Neither the country nor the nation is synonymous with the State. The State, i.e., the government, is the servant of the free and sovereign individual. Again, see the Declaration of Independence: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

As long as someone else's blood is being spilled, or are you walking the walk?

I look forward to reading your answers.

I was not a Rescue Swimmer, and I am not in the Coast Guard. I was scrolling through the selection of avatars and saw that it looked aesthetically appealing. If this is stolen valor, I apologize.

Fascism and National Socialism, at least very much amongst its supporters today, are inherently reactionary. They want to go back to a time where absolute authority reigned. This is what makes them wholesomely reactionary, as they encompass the full extent of what a reactionary is (this also answers the second question.) I myself want to bring back the morals of the older generations: Judeo-Christian values, respect for superiors and elders, Puritan work ethic, and of course, the patriotism that is seemingly lacking in society today (especially in New York school systems.)

How is infringement of individual liberty nice? I'm going to be frank, it isn't. I do not support infringing your liberty simply because the government wants to. However, in this country there needs to be a balance. There needs to be enough liberty for the individual to live comfortably and in peace, free of governmental authority. However, there also needs to be enough authority for the government to prevent anarchy and crime from occurring, along with prohibiting some immoral activities such as bestiality, polygamy, and keeping marriage legally between heterosexual couples (unfortunately, in my state  this is not the case.)

However, who determines this? Well, elected representatives in government. They vote on matters on national interest, but rights are still protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

What rights would I violate? Well, I believe that in regards to left-wing radicals such as anarchists, communists, socialists, Marxists, etc.; they should be watched, and if the activities of these groups becomes borderline violent (or they advocate violence) I believe the government has the full right to arrest them and charge them with conspiracy. Yes, they do have a right to an opinion, but I do not believe that advocating violence or terrorism against the United States and its people should be taken lightly. I also stand with the statute given in Schenck v. United States.

My basis for the country and nation statements is that I view them as being distinctively separate. The country is the currently existing political institution of the nation, while the nation is all of the cultural, social, non-political aspects of its existence.

I was thinking about going into the Military as a Reservist, maybe National Guard, or the Marines (although if I was to go into the Marines I would most likely be in active duty.) Militarism is both respect for the military, and actively supporting the institution of the armed forces. The former I have taken care of, the latter I do as well, but I do admit without taking part in it myself I am seemingly like a hypocrite who wants other people to die for his ideals.

And I would definitely not consider myself a Progressive. Even though Roosevelt was a Progressive, I'm pretty sure that today's Progressives are much different from the Progressives of the 1900s, at the very least in attitude and social policy. I like the content of the quote more than I do his party affiliation.

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2014, 09:56:10 PM »
Look, kid. You're using your own definitions for words, and expecting us all to use them, too. The problem with that, of course, is that we're using the actual definitions, and not your made-up ones.

Before we get down to that, let's address something serious.

I was not a Rescue Swimmer, and I am not in the Coast Guard. I was scrolling through the selection of avatars and saw that it looked aesthetically appealing. If this is stolen valor, I apologize.

You found the rank and qualification insignia of a Coast Guard E-4 "aesthetically appealing". Really? What was so eye-catching about it?

If you didn't earn it, don't display it. Simple as that.

And now, for the main event.

Fascism and National Socialism, at least very much amongst its supporters today, are inherently reactionary. They want to go back to a time where absolute authority reigned.

reactionary adj.: relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction; especially, ultraconservative in politics (source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary) 

Not quite the same things. The United States has never had a period of absolute authoritarianism. So, in what way are American fascism and neo-Nazism "favoring reaction" or "ultraconservative"?

This is what makes them wholesomely reactionary,

wholesome n.: helping to keep your body healthy; good for your health; morally good; suggesting good health or behavior (source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Which one of those describe fascism or Nazi ideology? Fascism is good for your health? Nazism is morally good?

How is infringement of individual liberty nice? I'm going to be frank, it isn't.

Yet you said earlier that it is both "nice" and "harmonious". Changing your tune, kid?

There needs to be enough liberty for the individual to live comfortably and in peace, free of governmental authority.

"Enough liberty"? Are you now trying to ration my liberty? Who defines "enough liberty", "comfort", or "peace"? You? The government?

However, there also needs to be enough authority for the government to prevent anarchy and crime from occurring, along with prohibiting some immoral activities such as bestiality, polygamy, and keeping marriage legally between heterosexual couples (unfortunately, in my state  this is not the case.)

You're working really hard at pushing the talking points, kid. "Immorality" is not the business of the state. Morals are matters of individual conscience, and between a man and his God, if he chooses to believe.

However, who determines this? Well, elected representatives in government.

Those "elected representatives" can vote to legalize everything you called "immoral". Do they then become "moral", because politicians decided they are?

Moral tests are not part of the electoral process, nor should they be. Disabuse yourself of the idea that 536 politicians in Washington can, or should, know what's good for you better than you do, and should act as your moral agent.

What rights would I violate? Well, I believe that in regards to left-wing radicals such as anarchists, communists, socialists, Marxists, etc.; they should be watched

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated- US Constitution, 4th Amendment

Your homework assignment: Defend the violation of the privacy of citizens, based only on their political or economical beliefs, in the absence of evidence of criminal activity; and describe how you will be able to identify these "left-wing radicals" so you'll know to spy on them.

My basis for the country and nation statements is that I view them as being distinctively separate.

You're making up your own definitions for words again, then expecting the rest of us to use your definitions.  How you "view" the words is meaningless; "country" and "nation" are synonymous.

I was thinking about going into the Military as a Reservist, maybe National Guard, or the Marines (although if I was to go into the Marines I would most likely be in active duty.)

If you do, you'll develop a different attitude about displaying awards you haven't earned.

Militarism is both respect for the military, and actively supporting the institution of the armed forces.

No, it isn't.  Let's go to our old friend, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary again:
militarism n.: the opinions or actions of people who believe that a country should principally use military methods, forces, etc., to gain power and to achieve its goals; predominance of the military class or its ideals; exaltation of military virtues and ideals; a policy of aggressive military preparedness

See the difference? So, tell me more about your belief that our country should principally use military force to gain power and achieve our goals, and tell me how much of other people's blood and money you want to spend doing it.

I do admit without taking part in it myself I am seemingly like a hypocrite who wants other people to die for his ideals.

Ya think? Walk the walk, kid.

And I would definitely not consider myself a Progressive. Even though Roosevelt was a Progressive, I'm pretty sure that today's Progressives are much different from the Progressives of the 1900s,

So sure, and yet so wrong. Your next homework assignment is to learn about the origins of the Progressive movement, as embodied by Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt, and compare it to today's Proglodytes- focusing on the similarities.

I like the content of the quote more than I do his party affiliation.

Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican. The Republican Party is still chock full o' Proglodytes. The only difference between Dem progressives and Republican progressives is who each wants to be in control.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 11:18:58 PM by Big Dog »
Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2014, 10:16:07 PM »
Big Dog -- H5 for taking this kid to task. I just didn't have the opportunity or the time.   :cheersmate:
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2014, 08:48:21 AM »
Big Dog -- H5 for taking this kid to task. I just didn't have the opportunity or the time.   :cheersmate:

I was having a quiet Friday night at home.

We're going on a bike trip today - nothing major, but a good 350 mile ride. Going to have lunch at a brewhouse in Hays that we like, and ride up around Wilson Lake.
Government is the negation of liberty.
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2014, 09:37:03 AM »

Smedley here is a National... Socialist?
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2014, 06:51:43 PM »

Smedley here is a National... Socialist?

That's what I read.

He calls himself a "nationalist"; supports the forcible confiscation of the wealth of private citizens and businesses to pay government debt; feels Nazism and fascism are "wholesome"; describes infringement on individual liberty as "nice", and believes the government should ration freedom; believes the government should  be the moral agent for all citizens; wants "undesirables" to be spied on by the State; worships the military and law enforcement; and is a high school student.

There is only one conclusion.

Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2014, 06:40:10 AM »
Wonder what happened to our little Jugenbunder?

I haven't heard about a Night of the Long Knives, so I suspect his mommy caught him posting on Stormfront again and grounded him.
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2014, 08:53:54 AM »
He sounds like someone I'd like to have a beer and a bar fight with.

I'll keep the beer for myself.

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2014, 01:52:14 PM »
Wonder what happened to our little Jugenbunder?

I haven't heard about a Night of the Long Knives, so I suspect his mommy caught him posting on Stormfront again and grounded him.

After BD (DC aside: Ichy, is that you?) took out the trash I think this "Nationalist" is afraid to come back.

But I appeal the mods to remove his admittedly unearned avatar.  I know the SCOTUS repealed the Stolen Valor act but we are a private board and should support the spirit of that act.
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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2014, 03:25:38 PM »

But I appeal the mods to remove his admittedly unearned avatar.  I know the SCOTUS repealed the Stolen Valor act but we are a private board and should support the spirit of that act.

I see the mods (or perhaps the poser) removed the offending avatar.  As one who has deposited swimmers into various shitty situations, I very much appreciate that.

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Re: A Nationalist Looking For Like-minded Folks
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2014, 04:29:30 PM »
I see the mods (or perhaps the poser) removed the offending avatar.  As one who has deposited swimmers into various shitty situations, I very much appreciate that.

You noticed it, I just alerted on it.

Stolen Valor pisses me off to no end (I didn't serve but my Dad did in the Navy as did my 2 BILs).

Thanks again for YOUR real service and thanks to the mods for righting a wrong :)
Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with an ax

Hello to the Baizuo lurkers from DU, DI, JPR and Huffpo

DUmmies can no more understand the "Cave" than a rat can understand a thunderbolt, but they fear it just the same. Fear the "Cave", DUmmies. Fear it well. Big Dog 12-Jan-2015

Proud charter member of the Death Squad Hate Force!

Ted Kennedy is the only person with an actual confirmed kill in the war on women.