Author Topic: Pinkerton: The Next Pearl Harbor or 9/11 Could Be Brought by a Drone… and We Are  (Read 266 times)

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Pinkerton: The Next Pearl Harbor or 9/11 Could Be Brought by a Drone… and We Aren’t Ready for It

A January 28 report from the Wall Street Journal suggests that U.S. armed forces were caught by surprise when an enemy drone struck an American military facility in Jordan. Thanks to new American technology, we have the capacity to stop such drone attacks, but we aren’t there yet. In the meantime, three GIs are dead, and several dozen are wounded. 

The Journal reported:

A U.S. official said Sunday that the attack took place overnight at Tower 22, a small outpost in Jordan that is near the Syria border. The drone struck living quarters for the troops, which contributed to the high casualties, a U.S. official said. [emphasis added]

This reporting indicates that the Tower 22 living quarters were a “soft target.” That is, a structure not “hardened” to protect those inside. The Journal continues:

Tower 22 is located close to Al Tanf Garrison in southeastern Syria, where U.S. forces have worked with local partners combating Islamic State militants. Tower 22 has served as a logistics hub for Al Tanf and, unlike the garrison, hasn’t previously been targeted in the recent series of Iran-backed militia attacks. [emphasis added]

Could the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11 be with drones?
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