Author Topic: US Regulators Move toward Mandating Surveillance in Cars to ‘Detect Drunk Driver  (Read 1501 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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US Regulators Move toward Mandating Surveillance in Cars to ‘Detect Drunk Drivers’

Auto safety regulators announced on Tuesday that new cars in the United States may soon be required to have surveillance technology that detects drunk or impaired driving.

The advanced notice will help set potential alcohol-impairment detection technology in all new vehicles, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) said.

Such detection devices are required as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Congress passed in 2021.

Polly Trottenberg, the US Department of Transportation’s deputy secretary, said in the statement:

“It is tragic that drunk driving crashes are one of the leading causes of roadway fatalities in this country, and far too many lives are lost.”

The statement added that in 2021, 3,384 people were killed in drunk driving crashes, which cost $280 billion in lost wages.

This should disturb anyone. Drunk drivers who hurt and kill people should never see a day of freedom.
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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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I have to approach the regulation like Solomon would and rule that  " Yeah...  It's probably a good idea. "

Offline enslaved1

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Drunk drivers are disgusting.  There's no good excuse for it anymore, with rideshares available and people fully aware of the effects of alcohol on driving and the consequences of driving drunk.

Having said that, this reeks of unintended (maybe) consequences.  Any type of surveillance can and will be used against people, whether it's showing you were driving in the vicinity of an unacceptable protest (Jan 6, not a Burn Loot Murder peaceful riot) and sending MIB for a visit, thinking swerving to miss that rat-dog in the street means you're drunk and mailing out a summons, or tracking your carbon footprint and disabling your vehicle if you go over your allowed carbon credits for the month. 

Add in commercial data mining and the generation of databases of personal data that will be targeted by hackers for personal gain and profit, and I just don't support mandating tracking tech.  What we voluntarily carry around is bad enough. 
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

Offline FlaGator

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Extremely unconstitutional. Violates right to privacy and self incrimination.
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Offline DefiantSix

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Extremely unconstitutional. Violates right to privacy and self incrimination.

To say nothing of that whole "presumption of innocence" concept (which may be a an offshoot of your self incrimination point)...
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Offline Old n Grumpy

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Definitely a bad idea and definitely gubermint overreach.
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Offline Texacon

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This is what authoritarianism and fascism look like.

I’m not willing to give up my liberty for that safety. Sorry, I’m just not.

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Offline CollectivismMustDie

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'Drunk drivers' may be their stated justification,  but I doubt very much that drunk drivers have anything to do with the actual intent behind it.

I still haven't forgotten 'you'll never get pulled over for not wearing your seatbelt', and the lie that was.
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Offline FlaGator

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This reminds of of several years ago when Californians voted for a increased gas tax in order to reduce driving and when people cut back on their driving the taxed was raised because it wasn't bringing in the money that was expected form it.
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Offline RonE

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Give the feds any new ability to keep watch on us and we can rest assured they will abuse it.
They have earned our distrust many times over.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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The sad part is that usually in a fatal crash it’s the drunk driver that walks away :thatsright:  :mad: :rant:
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!