Author Topic: VIDEO: KJP Radio Interview Put in Proper Visual Dementia Context  (Read 1007 times)

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Poor Karine Jean-Pierre. The White House Munchkin has trouble answering questions about Joe Biden that veer even slightly outside the carefully prepared script. Such was the case when the Radio WBT radio host Mark Garrison in North Carolina asked her about Joe Biden's more than obvious dementia. As a result, the flustered Munchkin soon hung up on the interview because she couldn't handle the relatively easy questions.

Offline SVPete

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Re: VIDEO: KJP Radio Interview Put in Proper Visual Dementia Context
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2024, 01:08:35 PM »
Quien es mas estupido, KJP o Kammie?
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.