Author Topic: Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win  (Read 1476 times)

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Offline FunkyZero

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Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win
« on: March 25, 2024, 04:16:50 PM »
DUmmie is suggesting he will lie to it's significant other and suppress their vote because "partner" is a Republican.
This is the mind of a democrat. Nothing is off the table, they know they are propogating lies and BS every day.

Funtatlaguy (10,854 posts)
Mon Mar 25, 2024, 02:21 PM

Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win.
Are these desperate times?
Is the coming election a desperate effort to save our democracy?
If you said yes, what would you do to help Biden hold the White House and the Democrats win the House and keep the Senate?

Sure, there is donating and volunteering to campaigns.
But, can you think of anything else?
Here’s my idea:
For those of us that have Trumper/Republicans spouses or partners.
My plan is to make a deal with my significant other that we will go to the polls together on Election Day and vote at the same time.
But, and here is the fibbing part, I will actually go vote early by myself before Election Day.
Then, on Election Day, I will make sure that my partner and I are so busy after work with a great dinner or party opportunity that we don’t make it to the polls in time for us to vote.
And I will say to my partner, “well, it’s ok, since our different votes would have just cancelled each other out anyway”.

Now many of you will say I’m a terrible person for lying to my partner.
And I’m ok with that.
As I stated earlier…desperate times.

Isn't this some sort of crime?
I remember recently a guy going to jail for posting a meme.

ecstatic (32,554 posts)
4. lol! They'll probably do the same though...
Reply to Funtatlaguy (Original post)
Mon Mar 25, 2024, 02:27 PM
Honestly, I don't know how you do it. I completely lose it with anyone even remotely considering trump.

yes, we are aware... s***-bag

WhiskeyGrinder (22,131 posts)
6. lol wtf is this


SWBTATTReg (21,838 posts)
7. I don't condone fibbing, even to one's partner. The partner and you should be honest enough, respect each other
Reply to Funtatlaguy (Original post)
Mon Mar 25, 2024, 02:30 PM
to allow the other the full support of their partner, no matter what they do (of course, as long as they're not killing, robbing, etc. anything illegally or morally wrong).

Think. Again. (7,069 posts)
29. The partner in this scenario is a rightwinger/trumpie...
Reply to SWBTATTReg (Reply #7)
Mon Mar 25, 2024, 04:26 PM
...everything you suggested would only be one-way, the partner would never be so good, at all, ever.

0rganism (23,848 posts)
9. If that's what we need to do for a "win", we've already lost
Reply to Funtatlaguy (Original post)
Mon Mar 25, 2024, 02:34 PM
Look, you're talking about deceiving and disenfranchising your spouse. That kind of thing will hurt you for years to come, win or lose.

ya think?


Think. Again. (7,069 posts)
30. Just levelling the field, playing by the rules they set.

Funtatlaguy (10,854 posts)
10. For those poo-pooing this out of hand, think about this.
Reply to Funtatlaguy (Original post)
Mon Mar 25, 2024, 02:34 PM
What lengths do Republicans and especially Trumpers go to win elections.

Yep. I used to feel that way.
That was pre Trump.
These are desperate times.
My little lie to my admittedly asshole partner does not bother me at all.
I’ve caught my partner in many more important lies than this.
Like I said, I knew MOST people here would hate this. Good for you.
But I want to do whatever I can to save my democracy.

FOAD, you POS underwear stain.
The world would be a better place if the lot of ya vaporized tonight

Offline Airwolf

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Re: Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2024, 04:21:59 PM »
Doesn't this sound like spousal abuse? If they are willing to do this to their partner what else are they capable of or are doing? It already sounds like that relationship is far from a loving one and the other one has seen fit to maybe look for an alternative to what they have now.

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Offline FunkyZero

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Re: Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2024, 06:33:20 PM »
I didn't catch the dupe.
A mod can nix this if they want, I can't delete it

Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2024, 07:09:49 PM »
Funtatlaguy (10,854 posts)
Mon Mar 25, 2024, 02:21 PM

Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win.
Are these desperate times?
Is the coming election a desperate effort to save our democracy?
If you said yes, what would you do to help Biden hold the White House and the Democrats win the House and keep the Senate?

...Now many of you will say I’m a terrible person for lying to my partner.
And I’m ok with that.
As I stated earlier…desperate times.

You disgust me, scumbag, and given how many years I've observed you mouth breathers without having to say that about another of your fellow inmates at the DUmp asylum, that's quite the accomplishment

My WIFE and I have compromised on many things in almost 22 years of marriage (yeah; we're still newlyweds). One thing neither of us have EVER compromised on is the ability for each of us to TRUST one another implicitly, and I can't think of a single politician of any stripe that I would trade that for, regardless of who s/h/its opponent was.

The fact that this is even negotiable for you makes me anxious for your kind to launch another Civil War in "defense" of the utterly corrupt shitshow of a human being that is Joseph Raisinettes Biden. I look forward to stacking the lot of you clowns like cord wood.

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Re: Would you tell a little fib to help Biden win
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2024, 12:37:10 PM »
If they'll willingly suppress the vote of loved ones, imagine what they'd willingly do, or support having done, to the rest of us.
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