Author Topic: WHOA: Sidney Powell Flips, Cuts a Deal in Georgia  (Read 1951 times)

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Offline Eupher

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WHOA: Sidney Powell Flips, Cuts a Deal in Georgia
« on: October 19, 2023, 11:45:11 AM »

Sidney Powell finally delivered a real “Kraken on steroids” in the 2020 election saga. Only this time, it won’t prove that the election got stolen — it will help Fani Willis build her RICO case against Donald Trump and 17 other co-defendants in Fulton County, Georgia.

Trump’s key election attorney and architect of “Stop the Steal” cut a surprising plea deal this morning. Powell will get probation for six misdemeanor guilty pleas and testimony against her co-defendants:

Former Donald Trump attorney Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case, one day before her trial was set to start.

Prosecutors are recommending a sentence of six years probation. Powell will also be required to testify at future trials and write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia.

Note that the agreement requires her to “testify truthfully” against all her co-defendants, as well as to refrain from media appearances until the end of the trials. Needless to say, that’s a stunning reversal for Powell, who seemed at one time to be the truest of True Believers in Stop the Steal. Willis clearly calculated the broad RICO indictment to flip some of the defendants against Trump, but Powell is likely the closest possible figure to the former president in this indictment, save Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows. And we know that Powell and Giuliani worked closely together on election issues.

It’s tough to overestimate the win Willis got in flipping Powell. As one of the organizers of the Stop the Steal effort, Powell can testify to the intent and purpose of the “racket,” as well as the specific involvement of each member in specific acts to further the alleged fraud. That danger probably impacts Giuliani most, but if Powell had the kind of access to Trump that she claimed, he’s now got a yuuuge problem on his hands. Plus, given Powell’s outsize role in promoting the Stop the Steal campaign, her flip instantly undercuts those who still support those claims, in Georgia and everywhere else. Don’t forget that Powell fronted those efforts not just in Georgia but also in Michigan, Nevada, and other states. The plea deal seems to indicate a requirement to cooperate in those investigations and others as well.

Powell’s potential reach in this case is so deep that it might start a cascade of flips. One of the peripheral figures in the indictment flipped already — Scott Hall, who was involved in the Coffee County ‘hack’ in which Powell was directly connected. Kenneth Chesebro, Powell’s co-defendant that got blindsided today at the start of his trial with her plea deal, had earlier refused to accept a deal, but may be persuaded now to get out while he can. Others on the periphery of the “racket” may be inclined to do the same, especially if they worked at all with Powell.

The more central figures like Meadows and Giuliani may realize that they now risk actual prison time if they refuse to cooperate. That risk increases as more people flip, because prosecutors offer the best deals to the first defendants to accept deals. If either Meadows or Giuliani decide to cut bait and plea out, their only value to Willis will be in fingering Trump for fraud and interference — and their testimony could prove devastating to Trump not just legally but politically as well. If Powell and others testify that Trump knew he’d lost and attempted to obstruct the election results anyway — which we don’t know Powell will do yet — that would be a bombshell in the 2024 nomination process. Or even a Kraken on steroids.

Of course, all of the above could choose to stand pat and take their chances at trial. When only Scott Hall had flipped, they had a decent chance of beating the rap. If Powell’s talking, though, those odds don’t look so good now.

I don't care how you slice it, this is devastating to DJT. All the same, I can't help but believe that Trump didn't actually know that he was engaged in "rackets" in an effort to overturn the election. He - IMHO - clearly believed then, as he believes now, the election was stolen.

Whatever happened between Trump and Powell was also enough for her to cut bait and cop a plea. I hope her "Kraken" stays leashed up for the rest of her "career".

And this opens the door further for DeSantis....

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Re: WHOA: Sidney Powell Flips, Cuts a Deal in Georgia
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2023, 04:21:37 PM »
I'm really unsure what Sidney Powell has to flip with. Despite all her noise and association with John Solomon almost daily on Sean Hannity's shows, she never delivered.

Powell and Solomon remind me of Beth Ferrari and Andy Stephenson of Scamdy fame, and Hannity is a dunce at best.

For me, talk radio died with Rush Limbaugh and I don't recall him putting up with the likes of Powell.

My Old Man was a Chicago Republican until the day he died.

Then he became a democrat.

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: WHOA: Sidney Powell Flips, Cuts a Deal in Georgia
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2023, 10:08:29 PM »
I don't care how you slice it, this is devastating to DJT.

No it isn't.  Evidence will show that the case never should've been brought because you can't criminalize political-conduct. 

Powell is most-likely innocent, but was grossly overcharged.  The minute she requested a speedy trial, the prosecutors targeted her for a plea-deal.  That's it.  Gets the felony-charges reduced to misdemeanors... because she's scared of the jury-pool, I guess.  And since nothing's happening via the 'bombshell' plea-news, the prosecutors 'don’t want to go to trial right now. Spending four months in the courtroom and presenting hundreds of witnesses would only help the defense of Donald Trump. There would be no surprises at Trump’s trial – all the witnesses would be on record, the weaknesses of the prosecution would be exposed.'

Trump's poll-numbers just went up again, according to Axios.

Offline Eupher

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Re: WHOA: Sidney Powell Flips, Cuts a Deal in Georgia
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2023, 09:33:53 AM »

No it isn't.  Evidence will show that the case never should've been brought because you can't criminalize political-conduct. 

I was thinking more in the lines of the political fallout with the voters, notwithstanding your observation about polling, which is largely meaningless at this stage. Trump's polling may have gone up, but the Dems and their lawfare is intended to have the impact of "death by 1,000 cuts" and we haven't begun to see the impact of said lawfare - and won't until early next year.

Powell is most-likely innocent, but was grossly overcharged. The minute she requested a speedy trial, the prosecutors targeted her for a plea-deal. 

Overcharging is SOP for the feebs. No surprise there. Sling everything against the wall to see what'll stick.

More than anything, I see Powell's self-preservation instinct kicking in as she puts the Kraken back into its cage.
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Re: WHOA: Sidney Powell Flips, Cuts a Deal in Georgia
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2023, 12:45:21 PM »
Some sorry ass attorney she turned out to be. :argh:
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