Author Topic: ....Suspected Boston Bomber, May Not Get Islamic Funeral From Wary Muslims  (Read 13643 times)

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Offline CG6468

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Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Suspected Boston Bomber, May Not Get Islamic Funeral From Wary Muslims
Posted: 04/20/2013 9:46 pm EDT  |  Updated: 04/22/2013 11:33 am EDT

In the days since two deadly bombs and the separate shootings that followed brought Boston to a standstill, the region's Muslim community has loudly condemned the violence and distanced itself from the suspects.

The reasons behind the explosions at the Boston Marathon Monday and the shootings in Cambridge and Watertown, Mass., Friday, which resulted in four deaths and more than 170 injuries, are still unknown. Investigators are working to uncover whether the suspects, Chechen-American Muslim brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, were lone assailants or trained by a terrorist organization. It also is unclear whether their possible motives were related to politics, religion or, as some reports have suggested, struggles assimilating after immigrating to the United States nearly a decade ago.

But after 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's capture late Friday night, less than a day after his 26-year-old brother died in Friday's shootout, Muslim communities now face a vexing question: Do they accept the men as Muslims despite the allegations against them? If so, will they give Tamerlan Tsarnaev an Islamic burial?

Fearing retaliation, dozens of mosques and Islamic groups have distanced themselves from the brothers after friends and family described them as Muslims, and social media accounts registered in their names indicated they were interested in Islamic Chechen insurgency groups.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two, has been described as more attuned to radical Islamic movements in recent years. Federal authorities are investigating a six-month trip he took in 2012 to Chechnya and Dagestan, Muslim-majority regions in Russia's north Caucasus with militant separatist movements.

"I would not be willing to do a funeral for him," said Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston, a community services organization that frequently arranges funeral prayers and burials in the region. "This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim. He already left the fold of Islam by doing that. In the Quran it says those who will kill innocent people, they will dwell in the hellfire."

Imam Suhaib Webb of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the city's largest mosque, said he had not been contacted about a burial. A smaller mosque in Cambridge with the same owners, but a separate administration, the Islamic Society of Boston, confirmed in a statement Saturday that the suspects occasionally attended prayers there. But a representative from the Cambridge mosque said in an email it has had "no contacts or discussion" about a funeral.

"He should be buried according to the religious tradition he adheres to. His case is with God. We can judge him as best we can according to the savage and insane actions he has done, but in the end, his soul is going to be brought before God," said Webb. "I don't think I could ethically lead a prayer for him, but I would not stop people from praying upon him."

Islamic tradition dictates that the body of the deceased is tended to as soon as possible after death, preferably before sunset, with a ritual washing. The washing is often done by family members of the same-sex or a spouse, and is followed by shrouding in a white cloth, funeral prayer gathering and burial. Boston has at least two washing facilities for Islamic rites -- one in at a general funeral home Watertown where Eid helps facilitate Islamic funeral services, and one at Al-Marhama, an organization that shares space with Webb's mosque.

No bath for the creepy terrorist…..
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town

Offline RayRaytheSBS

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About time they started distancing themselves from these idiots. It's the only way we will ever take them serious when they say they condone the attacks.
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Offline Dori

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About time they started distancing themselves from these idiots. It's the only way we will ever take them serious when they say they condone the attacks.

You never hear from the so called moderate ones.  I think they are afraid to say anything for fear of getting their own throats slit.

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Offline Firekrakka

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In the Quran it says those who will kill innocent people, they will dwell in the hellfire.

It doesn't though. The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. 

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Offline IassaFTots

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It doesn't though. The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. 

I was questioning that.  Wasn't adding up for me.
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Offline Chris_

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I was questioning that.  Wasn't adding up for me.
There are two other books besides the Quaran.

You can guess what's in them.
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Only Muslims are considered to be innocent, killing infidels is no biggie.
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