Author Topic: Bela Pelosi refuses to accept non-constituent mail; primitives dancing in rage  (Read 4063 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Oh my.

Now, remember, it wasn't the babbling sister primitive who sent the postcard; the babbling sister primitive is just quoting from something someone else had posted somewhere else.

It's kind of difficult to always remember that, because the primitives are always taking things from some other island and making it seem as if their own.


babylonsister  (1000+ posts)       Thu Jan-10-08 08:23 PM
Original message

Submitted by danielifearn on Fri, 2008-01-11 00:17. IFPJ

I mailed a postcard to the Speaker of the House, Madame Nancy Pelosi, on 17 December 2007. Twenty-five (25) days later it was returned to me.

after which a photograph of the rejected postcard

Delivery Refused
The United States Postal Service indicates that the postcard was "REFUSED". I sent it to the address listed on the contact page of the official web site of the Speaker of the House.

Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Why did the Speaker's office refuse my postcard? Because I dared to remind the Speaker of her oath of office?

"Please remember you took an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. That oath doesn't mean only when convenient or if it get me elected."

Or, has the hubris of the Imperial Presidency rubbed off on the leader of what was once known as the "People's House'? Do we now have to deal with a UNITARY EXECUTIVE in the Congress as well as in the White House?

Long ago, in my innocence, I urged people to vote and to write to their representatives. Somewhere along the line in my political education, I became informed enough to realize my representatives didn't want to see my position papers. They didn't even want to see an envelope from me. I started sending one sentence statements of support or non-support on postcards. When the anthrax scare slowed down all communications with my elected officials; I congratulated myself on my foresight. Postcards, I reasoned, would be less likely to be assumed to be suspicious and more likely to make it to my representatives' offices in a reasonable amount of time.

What a fool I am. "REFUSED". I knew Bush doesn't give a rat's ass about my opinion, but I thought the Democrats..Pelosi would at least go through the motions of representative democracy. I WAS WRONG.

And now I'm wondering if my vote will count. It's seems likely that it won't. It seems likely that no matter who I vote for, my ballot will have absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election. Will it be Hillary? Will it be Obama? McCain? Who knows? I don't. But, I believe the corporations and the top 1% do.

If you are interested in what was on the front of the postcard Nancy Pelosi refused, you'll find it here: 

It's an enormous campfire, even my fellow alum Skins getting involved.

sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Thu Jan-10-08 10:19 PM
Response to Original message
26. She's refused to meet with her district for over a year now.

This looks like just more of the same.

Although, in fairness, it could have been a USPS goof. They goof sometimes.

sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Fri Jan-11-08 10:08 AM
Response to Reply #33
42. She hasn't had a townhall for over a year, Freddie. It might be closer to two now. That is why us wackos had to find a different way to try to communicate with her in the first place.

And on and on it goes, the primitives prancing around the campfire.

Skinner ADMIN  (1000+ posts)       Fri Jan-11-08 11:22 AM
Response to Reply #41
46. OH, FOR ****'S SAKE.

This is *really* starting to piss me off. COME ON! You just called Nancy Pelosi a "bitch" -- and for what, exactly? People need to start using their critical-thinking skills.

I was polite higher up in the thread. Not surprisingly, most people chose to quietly pretend they didn't see my inconvenient post. THINK! Why on earth would Nancy Pelosi mark a postcard "refused" and send it back? WHY? Because someone spoke the truth? Get over yourselves! The Speaker of the House receives hundreds or even thousands of pieces of mail every day, most of it full of "truth." What makes this postcard so special? It is patently absurd to think she or her staff would refuse a postcard and send it back. Why not just throw it in the trash if the content is so offensive?

And now she's being called a bitch because some people are utterly incapable of critical thought. Nice.

You should apologize.

apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline Crazy Horse

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Oh your fellow alum their Frank seems rather upset
You got off your ass, now get your wife off her back.

Offline franksolich

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Oh your fellow alum there Frank seems rather upset.

I can understand why.

My fellow alum Skins used to work in the mailroom of someone in Congress--but whether for Senator Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), or one of the two Levin brothers from Michigan (both Ds), or former Congressman David Bonoir (D-Michigan)--I'm not sure which one.

I'm sure my fellow alum has seen lots and lots of mail.

I noticed the "rejected" postcard is postmarked "Minneapolis, Minnesota"--that's, uh, rather far from San Francisco, isn't it?  How large is Bela Pelosi's district; it surely can't extend from San Francisco east to Minnesota.

The primitives don't understand that congressmen pay no attention, no attention at all, to mail from non-constituents.  Even though I happen to be a great admirer of Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), for example, even if I were to write him a letter fulsome with praise, it'd hit the wastebasket, because I'm supposed to be sending letters to my congressman and two U.S. Senators, not to him.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline Lord Undies

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The DUmmies, as many times as I have told it isn't so, still think Nancy Pelosi holds a national office because she is Speaker of the House.  I have tried and tried to explain to the DUmmies she has no real influence beyond her "House duties".

Pelosi is beholding to her district in California.  She doesn't give a flying crap what some DUmmie in Ohio thinks or wants.

The DUmmies seem to think that because Pelosi is a democrat, it somehow makes her the President's equal.  We don't call them DUmmies for nuthin'.

Offline Carl

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The DUmmies, as many times as I have told it isn't so, still think Nancy Pelosi holds a national office because she is Speaker of the House.  I have tried and tried to explain to the DUmmies she has no real influence beyond her "House duties".

Pelosi is beholding to her district in California.  She doesn't give a flying crap what some DUmmie in Ohio thinks or wants.

The DUmmies seem to think that because Pelosi is a democrat, it somehow makes her the President's equal.  We don't call them DUmmies for nuthin'.
To be fair to the poor DUmmies,some of the statements made by Pelosi,Reid and others when they assumed control of Congress last year would lead one to believe that they considered themselves having been installed as substitute presidents for the remainder of Bushes term.

Offline Uhhuh35

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To be fair to the poor DUmmies,some of the statements made by Pelosi,Reid and others when they assumed control of Congress last year would lead one to believe that they considered themselves having been installed as substitute presidents for the remainder of Bushes term.

Yeah but anyone with a basic knowledge of government shouldn't be fooled by that.
I sent an e-mail to Senator Durbin a while back. Though he didn't respond personally because I'm not in his state, he did put me on his e-mail list! So I get his propaganda letter every once in a while.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2008, 12:44:56 PM by Uhhuh35 »
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Offline Chris_

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To be fair to the poor DUmmies,some of the statements made by Pelosi,Reid and others when they assumed control of Congress last year would lead one to believe that they considered themselves having been installed as substitute presidents for the remainder of Bushes term.

Yeah but anyone with a basic knowledge of government shouldn't be fooled by that.
I sent an e-mail to Senator Durbin a while back. Though he didn't respond personally because I'm not in his state, he did put me on his e-mail list! So I get his propaganda letter every once in a while.
I try to get on every Senator's mailing list... it's a good way to keep up with what the little bastards are schemeing next.  I set up a Yahoo account just for junk mail and I check it once or twice a week to clean it up.
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Offline Bondai

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TARDS.....every one of them..... :thatsright:

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