Author Topic: Should you tell people you are praying for them?  (Read 39838 times)

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Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« on: December 21, 2009, 11:17:30 PM »
I have a female acquaintance whose seven year old son was severely injured in a traffic accident. Physicians removed part of his skull and kept him in an induced coma for two weeks. He did eventually recover, so everything is okay.

I was really shocked by the mothers deep and fervent offense at friends and acquaintances who would offer their sympathy by saying "we are keeping your family and your son in our prayers". I knew she was a non believer in anything spiritual, but I wasn't aware how deeply she resents it. She knows that I am a Christian, but we are able to connect as friends in other ways. I am curious if other people have experienced that kind of depth in non belief.


Offline thundley4

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2009, 11:29:57 PM »
A teacher in England was recently fired for offering to pray for one of her students that was ill.  I don't know why anyone would be offended, but some are.

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 11:34:01 PM »
I have no patients with "non-believers" who find it necessary to be "offended" by the spirituality of others.  I can understand how a true "non-believer' could be amusingly annoyed by we believers, but when it comes to resentment and anger, well, I think someone is not bing honest with themselves.  The emotions are too strong to reconcile with the situation.  

In summation, I do not think folks who get angry as you described are really non-believers.  I think they are deniers.  There is a big difference.  

To answer your question, Yes, you should certainly tell anyone and everyone you have or will pray for them.  Jesus Christ is the air that I breath.  I do not deny myself that air for anyone.  And if it pisses them off, that's just a special bonus, because I know what they are really thinking about.  

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2009, 11:43:05 PM »
Her position was "at a time that I was truly suffering and agonizing over the welfare of my son, people were trying to impose their religious belief system on me." I don't agree with her, and like you; I can't hide my belief in Christ.


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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2009, 11:58:41 PM »
Her position was "at a time that I was truly suffering and agonizing over the welfare of my son, people were trying to impose their religious belief system on me." I don't agree with her, and like you; I can't hide my belief in Christ.


That right there is the biggest crock in the world.  If she knows without hesitation or reservation that there is truly no God, then why would she even care?  Why not just be gracious and say thank you and then forget about it?

She is a classic denier.  She doesn't want to have to face herself while facing God.  And she doesn't want to live with the limitations trying to live without sin presents.  Your friend is weak and narcissistic.  I can almost say with certainty her "suffering and agonizing" over the welfare of her son was not about his pain and suffering or his life.  It was about how what was happening to him was going to effect her.

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, 01:08:07 AM »
Her position was "at a time that I was truly suffering and agonizing over the welfare of my son, people were trying to impose their religious belief system on me." I don't agree with her, and like you; I can't hide my belief in Christ.


And she may have over reacted due to her trauma over the injury to her son.......I have never experienced a thing like this, but I live in the "Bible Belt", and I doubt anyone here would be offended by your comment........Like Undies, I suspect that you might be dealing with someone that is spiritually "broken".......Even the agnostics that I have known would have had simply responded with "thank you".

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2009, 01:42:49 AM »
Her position was "at a time that I was truly suffering and agonizing over the welfare of my son, people were trying to impose their religious belief system on me." I don't agree with her, and like you; I can't hide my belief in Christ.


Wow...guess it never occurred to her that all those prayers that were being sent up to God, for her son...just might have had something to do with him recovering from his injuries.

I feel sad for people like your friend who either don't believe in any higher power or deny belief in a higher power.

I can't imagine going through my life without knowing that God was there helping me. There have been many times when I left no footprints...

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2009, 08:43:25 AM »
I think she over-reacted.  If a moonbat offered to send white light and other hocus pocus crap, I'd be grateful they were thinking of me/mine and doing whatever it is THEY believe in to help.   Just becasue I think they are delusional with it doesn't mean they don't believe it and are truly trying to help.

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2009, 05:57:50 PM »
I'm in healthcare, so I see people injured or sick... times when some start thinking about prayer.

I ask if they want me to include them and/or their situation in my prayers.  Most seem grateful, some want to hear it right then and join in, and a few have declined the offer.  For those who decline, I don't pray a prayer of petition, asking for something or God's will, I may talk to God about them, though, and ask that He help me to best help them in their medical care.

I don't get rattled by the ones that deny there is a God.  He can handle it.

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2009, 06:08:32 PM »
There is a saying:  Other people's opinions of me are none of my business.

So by that token, I generally keep who I pray for to myself.  It isn't anymore their business who I am praying for than it is mine of what their opinion of me is.
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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2009, 07:21:01 PM »

I'm torn. What will them knowing do? Aside from a small amount of comfort, I'm honestly not sure. The important thing is the prayer, not that people know you are praying for them, IMHO.

As for someone being offended, that's on them, not you.

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2009, 07:00:13 PM »
I tell people in a respectful, kind way.  Some "Christians" tend to say it in a nasty way.

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2009, 01:59:09 PM »
I work in a shop that believes in prayer.Many people visit daily. Many times people are comforted by me telling them I'm praying for them.And sometimes we pray right there.If it offends them, we pray for them as well.The Lord works in mysterious way. People are led in different ways.
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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2009, 08:56:00 PM »
..."Deep and fervent offense"..., interesting.  After reading this thread I would agree with Lord Undies in that your acquaintance is a denier rather than a non-believer.  I have a few friends and in-laws that claim they are "non-believers".  They have never been offended when I offer prayer for a difficult situation they may be going through.

She probably "denies" because that would mean admitting that there is someone she would have to "answer" to. 

For believers, prayer is our greatest gift and our personal and private connection with God.  I always loved this answer when asked "why is it so hard to believe?"

Asking why it is so hard to believe is like asking why you fall in love.  There are no recipes, no shortcuts.  God inspires you with a desire for Him, and slowly you begin to know that there is another Presence besides your own.
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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2009, 12:24:26 AM »
As a Christian believer, I sometimes get a little tired of answering knocks at the door and finding people of a different faith who want to convince me that their faith is the only true way to receive grace. I am always prepared to compare scripture to scripture, but they are usually focused on some scripture in their Holy word that simply is not in my King James bible.

After finding myself in those situations and knowing how I feel about it, I sometimes wonder how people who are non believers or deniers feel when we Christians present the plan of salvation. My friend who I described in the first post of this thread is never rude or belligerent. She simply doesn't believe in a God and possibly gets a little tired of so many different people trying to convince her that their God is the only true God.

I think some people simply require an encounter with God similar to Pauls encounter on the road to Damascus.  I have known many people whose hearts have been changed through no effort of man.



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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2009, 12:28:52 AM »
As a Christian believer, I sometimes get a little tired of answering knocks at the door and finding people of a different faith who want to convince me that their faith is the only true way to receive grace. I am always prepared to compare scripture to scripture, but they are usually focused on some scripture in their Holy word that simply is not in my King James bible.

After finding myself in those situations and knowing how I feel about it, I sometimes wonder how people who are non believers or deniers feel when we Christians present the plan of salvation. My friend who I described in the first post of this thread is never rude or belligerent. She simply doesn't believe in a God and possibly gets a little tired of so many different people trying to convince her that their God is the only true God.

I think some people simply require an encounter with God similar to Pauls encounter on the road to Damascus.  I have known many people whose hearts have been changed through no effort of man.



I think you've managed to capture it most ably.  I do not believe that God called upon us to be "on" 24/7 to all and sundry, but rather, to be prepared and willing to testify to those who seek out our testimony, all that is really called for up front is for everyone to know who you are - that you are a believer in Christ - and that your door is always open to those who have questions.  It strikes me that, far from being able to bring more people to God, constant unrequested testifying is as likely to drive people further away from God as to bring them closer to Him.


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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2009, 10:52:30 AM »
I have very low tolerance for non believers...I know that is not what God expects from me, but it is what it is....If they don't want to believe, so be it...And I am very fortunate to be surrounded by believers.....Having said that, my hackles do rise when I hear or read of people denigrating God and making fun of Christianity...And it does spark a fire within my very soul.....My best retort for those kinds is to turn my eyes to the sky, fold my hands in prayer and walk away with a smile on my face....

As for telling ppl I will pray for them ?? I have found through hard knocks, it is better if I just say when they are going through some rough times is this, I wish I could help you more, but all I have to offer is prayer if you are interested...I usually either get no response and a blank look, or I get a please, please pray for us and with us, whichever..Amazing sometimes how some will turn to God that never had..Now whether they continue the practice, I don't know, but for the moment they did....

God is my Father, his son is my Brother.....I go nowhere without either of them.....

Have a blessed day everybody.....
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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2009, 11:13:08 AM »
I usually just tell someone I will add them to my prayer list, and depending on the circumstances...will add them to the Church prayer list.

I very rarely mention Church, religion, prayer, etc .....for several reasons. Primarily because with my job (Realtor) it can get me in a lot of trouble. I live in an area that when I have mentioned I was Catholic...I was called a heathen or sneered at. My best friend is Jewish...though we have had some great theological discussions!
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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2009, 11:31:46 AM »
I usually just tell someone I will add them to my prayer list, and depending on the circumstances...will add them to the Church prayer list.

I very rarely mention Church, religion, prayer, etc .....for several reasons. Primarily because with my job (Realtor) it can get me in a lot of trouble. I live in an area that when I have mentioned I was Catholic...I was called a heathen or sneered at. My best friend is Jewish...though we have had some great theological discussions!

It is a sad world we live in, when we have to hide our various faiths...I am going to pray hard, that those times are going to change back to the way it used to be.....
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Offline Lord Undies

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2009, 11:47:50 AM »

It is a sad world we live in, when we have to hide our various faiths...I am going to pray hard, that those times are going to change back to the way it used to be.....

I never deny or hide.  I don't want no roosters crowin' in the distance.


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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2009, 11:51:27 AM »
I never deny or hide.  I don't want no roosters crowin' in the distance.

Neither do I ......The more they protest, the louder I shout.....At my age, I am too stupid to fear any consequences....LOL..But then, I always have been stupid....BUT BY GOLLY, I am a believer, and no one, no matter how hard they try can take it away from me....Amen ????
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Offline debk

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2009, 12:12:20 PM »

It is a sad world we live in, when we have to hide our various faiths...I am going to pray hard, that those times are going to change back to the way it used to be.....

It wouldn't matter what my religion is as far as my job is concerned. Any discussion of religion is just a big no-no. It's right up there with racial demographics.

I did not mean to imply there was any problem with my friend being Jewish and me Catholic. My son's godfather is Jewish.

As far as my community is concerned....I live in the Southern Baptist bible belt. One Catholic High School for about 10 counties.
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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2009, 12:22:44 PM »
It wouldn't matter what my religion is as far as my job is concerned. Any discussion of religion is just a big no-no. It's right up there with racial demographics.

I did not mean to imply there was any problem with my friend being Jewish and me Catholic. My son's godfather is Jewish.

As far as my community is concerned....I live in the Southern Baptist bible belt. One Catholic High School for about 10 counties.

I didn't take it as an implication between you and your friend...LOL...Didn't even cross my mind really....I was merely commenting in general about what our countrhas come to, as far as jobs and or political correctness is concerned...
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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2009, 12:28:39 PM »
I didn't take it as an implication between you and your friend...LOL...Didn't even cross my mind really....I was merely commenting in general about what our countrhas come to, as far as jobs and or political correctness is concerned...

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Re: Should you tell people you are praying for them?
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2009, 12:33:02 PM »


No oops....LOL..Please, if we read each others messages wrong, no big deal as far as I am concerned....OK?? don't want any misunderstandings to get off on the wrong foot on this, my new forum.... :heart:
"Liberals are like slinkies.They're really good for nothing, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."