The Bar > The Lounge

We Need...


SSG Snuggle Bunny:
...chew toys.

I keep going back to the-site-that-shall-not-be-named for a little exercise.

I suspect that if you build a site chew toys will come (but hopefully not as an invasion).


--- Quote from: bijou on January 06, 2008, 06:50:11 AM ---I suspect that if you build a site chew toys will come (but hopefully not as an invasion).

--- End quote ---
Eh, let 'em.  We have a better cleaning service here.   :-)


--- Quote from: lug-nut on January 06, 2008, 08:30:49 AM ---
--- Quote from: bijou on January 06, 2008, 06:50:11 AM ---I suspect that if you build a site chew toys will come (but hopefully not as an invasion).

--- End quote ---
Eh, let 'em.  We have a better cleaning service here.   :-)

--- End quote ---

Tru Dat!

Well, we already have a Ronbot in residence, HokieGuy95, but he has yet to post.

I guess he just scoped the place out, realizing that resistance isn't futile here when it comes to trying to force people to support RP. 


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