The DUmpster

Child Boards

[-] The DUmping Ground

[-] HateMail from the Web


<< < (5254/5639) > >>

[1] Philosoraptor gets Poetic

[2] OMG. SHE DARES MOCK OBAMA!!! I HATE this BEE-YOTCH! Yeah, and her spawn, too.

[3] Husb2Sparkly has PMS

[4] DUmmy takes courageous stance against Republicans on DU

[5] squirrelly primitive takes poll on destiny of Sarah Palin

[6] So filled with hate for Palin, they completely missed the point

[7] Zbigniew primitive tells other primitives it's over

[8] Republicans are the most despicable people on earth

[9] SoCalDumb more scared than an extra in a Godzilla movie


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