Interests > Natural Remedies/ Homeopathy

How to get rid of kidney stones....

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The kidney stone sub-plot in Deadwood was enough for me to drink more water.  :o

The first kidney stone I had was huge. I went into the ER on a Monday morning, and they kept me overnight (they were concerned with blockage). They said they would have to "shock" it and break it up; but the machine was a traveling machine and wouldn't be back in town until Friday. I went 5 days with the most excruciating pain I've ever had (including childbirth, which I did completely natural).

The doctors told me they had to shock the stone 1,000 times to get it to break up. They told me it was the biggest kidney stone they've ever seen. Luckily for me, the other stone I had was smaller and passed quickly and easily. There was still pain; but at least it was over fast.


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