Author Topic: Is the picture becoming more clear??  (Read 1653 times)

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Offline 5412

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Is the picture becoming more clear??
« on: May 30, 2009, 09:41:03 AM »
Good morning all,

On Glenn Beck this week they did some more investigation of Acorn.  Basically it is a couple hundered so called non-profit corporations filied out of the same location in New Orleans.  The group was started by some 60's radicals who basically wanted to destroy capitalism and redistribute the wealth to the poor, etc.  Their plan was to basically swamp the Federal Government with debt to the point that it collapses, then come in, take over and redistribute the wealth.  This is apparently in the Acorn teachings, and they have devised several very effective ways of achieving that goal.  Some of the other stuff Beck documented was their attitude was much like the Muslims in that there is only one way to think and act, their way, no other is acceptable or comprimise is not allowed.  He had some specific quotes in that regard. 

What hit me between the eyes was a clip showing BO, who spent most of his career with ACORN, teaching a class at one of their facilities.

Now I ask this question?  I see that BO has put us further in debt in his first 100 days than all other presidents in history combined, he is federalizing the banks and auto industry and trying to give as much equity in those firms to labor.  He spent many years fighting for a system that gave loans to folks who could not afford them, us taxpayers are going to bail them out and they will not lose their homes, and now wants to sink the boat further with a health care system that is going to drive the nation over the crest of bankruptcy.  At the same time he is proposing radical tax increases which he knows the public will not stand for, so the spending stay with no revenue stream even close to realistic to support that spending.

Would it be a stretch to say he is implementing their plan very, very well??

If there even happens to be a bit of suspicion when the heck is the democrat party and mainstream media going to realize that they too have a whole lot to lose if this continues?  They act like lemmings and are enabling this to happen with most of the public not having a clue because no one stands up to BO, nor does this stuff get printed or broadcast anywhere but on Fox.

Anyone else seeing things this way???


PS:  Gonna drive to KC this week to see Glenn Beck in person.

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: Is the picture becoming more clear??
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2009, 09:49:48 AM »
Have you ever known of a protective mother with really rotten kids?  A mother who refuses to see the forest for the trees?  "I know my Johnny doesn't drink.  He's too thirsty in the morning."  The public bedazzled by Obama is just like that mother.  Johnny's going to have to die from alcohol poisoning before she opens her eyes. 

Offline 5412

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Re: Is the picture becoming more clear??
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2009, 09:51:25 AM »
Have you ever known of a protective mother with really rotten kids?  A mother who refuses to see the forest for the trees?  "I know my Johnny doesn't drink.  He's too thirsty in the morning."  The public bedazzled by Obama is just like that mother.  Johnny's going to have to die from alcohol poisoning before she opens her eyes. 

Good Morning,

H5, great analogy.....


Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: Is the picture becoming more clear??
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2009, 01:27:43 AM »
I thought before the election, that the American people would see into this empty suit. Alas, to no avail. We have actually done this to ourselves. The MSM convinced most Americans it would be racist to vote against the savior, knowing full well he is a racist and a bigot of the worst kind. Now we must live with what we have done. We elected this moron out of guilt. We will now pay the consequences.

God help us! We are certainly going to need his help if we expect to come out of this in the end. If we do not fight this, we will not be the same nation that has spread freedom to the world. We will become just another socialist experiment brought to it's knees by the left. It' pretty much the same blueprint that has brought Europe to the edge of extinction. Sharia, here we come!

Unfortunately, we are succumbing to the political correctness we have allowed for two generations. Until we wake up to this, we don't stand a chance of bringing our country back to the Founders intentions. The sacrifices most of those men made make me ashamed that we let liberals bully us into silence.

We are politically correcting ourselves into oblivion!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline jtyangel

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Re: Is the picture becoming more clear??
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2009, 05:39:43 AM »
I thought before the election, that the American people would see into this empty suit. Alas, to no avail. We have actually done this to ourselves. The MSM convinced most Americans it would be racist to vote against the savior, knowing full well he is a racist and a bigot of the worst kind. Now we must live with what we have done. We elected this moron out of guilt. We will now pay the consequences.

God help us! We are certainly going to need his help if we expect to come out of this in the end. If we do not fight this, we will not be the same nation that has spread freedom to the world. We will become just another socialist experiment brought to it's knees by the left. It' pretty much the same blueprint that has brought Europe to the edge of extinction. Sharia, here we come!

Unfortunately, we are succumbing to the political correctness we have allowed for two generations. Until we wake up to this, we don't stand a chance of bringing our country back to the Founders intentions. The sacrifices most of those men made make me ashamed that we let liberals bully us into silence.

We are politically correcting ourselves into oblivion!

Oh it wasn't only guilt. Envy fueled that monster as well.

Offline Baruch Menachem

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Re: Is the picture becoming more clear??
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2009, 02:44:15 PM »
It seems as the need for intelligent debate increases, we are getting less and less of it.   And it does seem to be part of B0's MO that any questions need to be ignored, and the questioner supressed
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