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I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« on: April 24, 2022, 08:34:03 AM »
Star Member vlyons (8,238 posts)

I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread

I should know better, really I should. But I found it extremely distressing at the stupidity and hatefulness of what people were posting. Theb original post was a picture of a guy showqing a boy how to chop wood with the comment that we should teach boys to grow up to be men and not women. Stupid and insulting on many levels. But it triggered all this bile from people about sex ed, and grooming children for pedophiles and teaching Marxism. I was even called a Marxist. What upset me was the ignorance, bigotry, homophobia, and vitriol of some people.

I don't think it's possible to have a calm, adult exchange of ideas with these RWNJs. Appeals to reason, facts, evidence is useless.

Ya know who the real "groomer" is? It's Fox News and the RW hate meddia. Fox News grooms people 24 x 7 to hate and dismiss anyone and everyone, who doesn't mirror its lies and innuendos.

I need to calm down. Rinse my mind and emotions clean with some Mozart or something.


Star Member Rebl2 (6,083 posts)

1. I think

you have that right. Fox are the groomers of lies and hate.

llmart (12,774 posts)

4. Rush Limbaugh was the original "groomer".

He filled AM radio with his constant hatred and vitriol. He was probably a real groomer also.

Star Member Rebl2 (6,083 posts)

18. You are

right about that. To think he got his start in radio in KCMO (he was a DJ at a FM station at one time) makes me sick. I remember years later hearing that those that worked around him could not stand him. He even worked for the KC Royals in sales at one time and became good friends (until his death) with George Brett-can’t stand him either. Then he got another radio show here in KC where he honed his skills in conservative lies and hate.

Star Member wnylib (11,727 posts)

35. Looks likely that he was a pedophile.

He was found with illegal Viagra (no prescription for it) on a trip to the Dominican Republic, known for its child prostitutes.

I seriously doubt that he was there to do investigative journalism on child trafficking.

Star Member Wounded Bear (49,812 posts)

2. Yep, "grooming" is the ultimate projection...

they use to convince people that they are not the ones being groomed.

Star Member onecaliberal (23,728 posts)

5. Every accusation is a confession.

Star Member Cracklin Charlie (11,312 posts)

10. I have no problem with men teaching kids to chop wood.

But, couldn’t this whole goofy thing be turned back on them?

Did Tucker teach his son to chop wood? No, he probably, at most, taught his son how to go on teevee and spread hate through the nation. If he spent any time with his kids at all. Where is Mrs. Tucker in all this?

Maybe, these dads aren’t spending enough time with their sons?


Star Member vlyons (8,238 posts)

13. shouldn't girls know how to chop wood too?

never mind - it's a rhetorical question. Gee I wonder how many pioneer women in the 17th - 19th centuries chopped wood every day? My great grandmother didn't chop wood, because her family in Kentucky had slaves to do it.


Star Member smirkymonkey (62,813 posts)

61. But this whole idea of "teaching them to be men and do manly things and NOT be like women"

as if somehow being female is the most horrible, disgusting thing on the face of the earth (which is how most of these men think) teaches these boys nothing but misogyny and to hate the natural "feminine" qualities that we all possess.

I see this even in my own family w/ my republican BIL and my sensitive nephew who tends to be introverted and loves things like legos, video games and more solitary activities.

My BIL wants him to be a huge jock and get out there and be a tough guy, but the kid is just not wired that way and my heart breaks for him as I see how rejected he feels for being who he is and how hard he tries to please his father, even though he doesn't really like playing football or baseball and isn't really cut out to be a jock.

He is not the slightest bit effeminate, he is just quiet, sensitve and introverted. I can't stand men who do this to their sons because of their own pathetically weak egos.


Star Member gldstwmn (3,187 posts)

75. FB is a sewer. I rarely go on there anymore as you are absolutely right.

There are so many blatantly false profiles who aren't even bothering to hide what they're up to. The most sickening recent example was someone I know has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer after a long struggle the past couple of years. This girl's cancer started out in her jaw. Imagine how painful that is. Anyway her bestie has been documenting her progress and keeping everyone updated as we are all rooting for her. When she got the news that it had metastasized she shared the news and we were all devastated. She went out of her way to talk about how wonderful her medical team has been and that they had decided she might be able to do a clinical trial going forward. We all wished her well and offered to help in any way we could and along comes this one idiot. I have to say idiot because I truly can think of no other description. Her post said that she had access to Ivermectin, would she like her to get her some, it will shrink the tumors and hold on to your hat, THE DOCTORS AND NURSES DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT IT. This stupid b*tch who had been so poisoned by RW trolls and bots (or maybe she was one) that she told a potentially terminal cancer patient that the people who had so lovingly cared for her the last several years and were trying to find a way to extend her life now actually knew the cure but didn't want her to know about it! WTF? It took everything I had not to rip her to absolute shreds. That post sat there like a rotten egg and no one replied to it. Thank goodness. I'm hoping the girl with cancer didn't see it.


Star Member Walleye (14,207 posts)

14. Starting to think that most of the problems in this country and the world

Stem from men’s insecurity about their sexuality. Jesus Christ guys, get it together you are not all that. My sister-in-law lives in Alaska on the home stead of her late father. She chops wood all winter because her husband died. They never stop to think about these things that happen. Women don’t always have men around to chop their wood for them. I used to say teach your sons to iron shirts. Of course with fabric softener we don’t iron that much anymore.

Star Member Walleye (14,207 posts)

24. DU is the only online discussion board I participate in

I stopped using Facebook years ago, was never that into it and now even Instagram has gotten too crazy for me. I think there is a national addiction to these things

Star Member paleotn (13,052 posts)

39. Bingo. Weak minds and gender role stupidity....

In and just out of college, I got poked at with the usual "you'll make someone a good housewife someday" since I could cook and was a bit of a clean freak. Never mind that many chefs are men, mom taught me to cook because I like to eat. Taco Bell and KFC every other day ain't gonna cut it. The Navy taught me the importance of proper cleaning and stowage and it stuck. I can't stand to live in a pig sty to this day. "Pig sty" being a relative term. How many times in the last 30 years have me and my better half gotten into it over the proper storage of extension cords. Aaaaak, don't wad the damn thing up! That's one of my many pet peeves she's learned to live with.


Star Member Maraya1969 (19,382 posts)

15. I make the point now that the pedophiles are in the republican party and Qanon

They always hang out where they think they will not be noticed. That is why so many are in the church preaching.

Besides it puts them on the defensive and they forget what they were arguing about in the first place.


Star Member MontanaMama (19,084 posts)

16. Your OP reminds me of when my son was little...

He LOVED the Little Mermaid. He asked for the Little Mermaid Barbie doll when he was 3 or 4. I bought it for him and he played with her all the time. His dad was alarmed and said he didn’t know if Ariel was an appropriate toy for a little boy. I remember being so pissed…we had a heated discussion about gender and toys. Toys don’t turn kids gay for Pete’s sake. He let it go finally when he saw Owen and his friends incorporate Ariel into their play…bikes, sharks, dump trucks. Let’s just say it was that moment when I started to groom my husband into not being homophobic.


Star Member KPN (13,396 posts)

28. You are so right. We are going through a very dark period in our nation's and seemingly mankind's

history. It's seems unavoidable -- to me, almost obviously so. We see it happening in broad daylight, but seem completely and consistently unable to avoid or derail it. It's like a tunnel we must go through in order to get to the other side. Very depressing.

I take some solace in knowing -- as a result of having lived 3 years in a 3rd world nation in the late 70s -- that people can enjoy life and live happy day-to-day lives despite extreme poverty and a totally corrupt government. But they largely do what you said you need to do -- they remain calm, rinse their mind and emotions clean of the "corruption" by largely ignoring it, living their lives and enjoying each other, laughing a lot, singing and dancing a lot -- just being together. I also believe that as a species, we progress ultimately. That gives me some optimism about our current situation. We'll get through this dark period, if we actually survive it as a species. In the meantime, like you, I need to rinse my mind almost daily by doing things that take my mind to a more happy place.

Star Member LuckyCharms (11,922 posts)

36. One of the reasons I left FB 5 or 6 years ago and never looked back.

DU is one of the few places on the internet (that I know of) where a disagreement can be rationally discussed, usually.

Elsewhere on the internet? Usually not so much.

On FB, as soon as my cousins started posting videos of Jeanne Pirro, praising her, talking about the days when men were men, telling me to "grow up" when I expressed my views, attacking the Muslim faith by using words that I can't type here, calling me a ****ing snowflake and then giving me huge friendly bear hugs when we saw each other in public...I noped right the **** out of FB forever.

Couple that with the fact that if your life happens to be shitty at the moment while viewing everyone else's highlight reels, well, stuff like that actually can trigger a serious depressive episode.

And then you have people who constantly post selfies at slightly different angles.

And people saying they will pray for you while posting praying hand emojis when you're pretty sure that they've never said a prayer in their entire life, and they never give you a second thought in real life, but rather, they just collect FB friends.

I understand why people use FB, and I understand how it can be useful, but it's not for me.

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Star Member FakeNoose (23,326 posts)

54. This is why I'm not on Facebook any more

BUT if that were me this morning after seeing all that trash, I would have blocked every single one of those evil posters. That's what I used to do - BLOCK THEM ALL. As many nasty RWNJ posters as I blocked, others still showed up on my Facebook page every day. Many times it's not the original post, it's the mean comments that come after it.

My standard message was (just before I blocked the last one): "I hope you evil people all block ME, because I've just blocked every one of YOU." I had to post that before I blocked the last one because once they're blocked, I couldn't see or respond on their comments.

It just got so laborious and defeating that I quit Facebook altogether. It finally happened 2 days after January 6th, 2021.


hadEnuf (1,309 posts)

60. There is no conversation with RWNJ's.

They are brainwashed daily to spew vile, hateful insanity.
They barely know what it means, if at all, but mostly they do not care. They are having fun and think they are part of something big. Without RW media and Trump normal people wouldn't give them the time of day.

All they deserve is constant derision and to be politically crushed. And let's hope it stops at that.

Star Member AllaN01Bear (8,573 posts)

63. there have been far right newspapers for years spreading hate there have been people

spreading qanon idiocy long before trump era. how many remenber flouride in the water ? how many of u remember when the apollo missions went to the moon that the rockets punched a hole in the atmosphere to stop rain. etc then their stupid , mean " jokes " arnt jokes at all and the out and out right harrassment of anyone who is one iota different , gay , women. poc and so on

Mike Nelson (8,802 posts)

91. I think...

... you are correct in identifying a big part of the problem - FOX News and the RW hate media. Many people blame FB, Twitter, etc... it should be stated that the Trumpsters would like to regulate or eliminate Facebook and Twitter, but they have no proposed regulation for outlets like FOX News. In fact, their deregulations got us FOX News.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2022, 09:16:14 AM »
Ah, here we go again. The left has no defense against what they're being accused of, other than to reflect the accusation back at the right.

5. Every accusation is a confession.

In that case, DU is the internet's confessional booth.

Offline SVPete

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2022, 10:17:12 AM »
Waaaaa! No fair! We shouldn't have got caught! The parents are revolting!!!!!!
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline USA4ME

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2022, 03:56:02 PM »
We *should* teach boys to grow up to be men and not women. Only those who would promote evil would believe otherwise.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2022, 07:14:46 PM »
Star Member vlyons (8,238 posts)

I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread

I should know better, really I should. But I found it extremely distressing at the stupidity and hatefulness of what people were posting. Theb original post was a picture of a guy showqing a boy how to chop wood with the comment that we should teach boys to grow up to be men and not women. Stupid and insulting on many levels. But it triggered all this bile from people about sex ed, and grooming children for pedophiles and teaching Marxism. I was even called a Marxist. What upset me was the ignorance, bigotry, homophobia, and vitriol of some people.

I don't think it's possible to have a calm, adult exchange of ideas with these RWNJs. Appeals to reason, facts, evidence is useless.

Ya know who the real "groomer" is? It's Fox News and the RW hate meddia. Fox News grooms people 24 x 7 to hate and dismiss anyone and everyone, who doesn't mirror its lies and innuendos.

I need to calm down. Rinse my mind and emotions clean with some Mozart or something.

Show us the post.
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Offline BamaMoose

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2022, 07:27:57 PM »
Here's another DUmmy that just can't handle the torture that is Facebook:

CTyankee (60,100 posts)

I think it's time I take Facebook out of my life.

I spend too much of my time scrolling through Facebook to see the latest outrageous stuff from my neighbor, then complaining about him to my husband.

I had to ask myself Why do I put myself through all of this?

The answer I got back was "Just go off Facebook and problem solved."

My daughter suggests that if I could get podcasts I would get a higher quality of product (if I chose well what I spend my time watching). It sounds like a better substitute.

Anybody else doing this?

She's complained before about the Facebook stuff her neighbor posts and how traumatizing it is to her.  It sound like her neighbor is a Trump supporter and that alone is enough to wreak her entire day.  LOL, I can just imagine the conversation she had with her husband and daughter:

DUer:  He put something on Facebook criticizing Biden again.  :panic:
Husband:  Who, the neighbor?  Why don't you quit reading his page and looking for things you find offensive?  Quit harassing him.  Just leave him alone.
DUer:  But, but, but....he's posting stuff on Facebook I don't like.  I have to bitch and moan.  It's my mission in life.
Husband:  Shut the damn computer off and go for a walk or get a hobby, but just quit bugging me, you insufferable shrew.
Daughter:  Mom, here's a list of podcasts which fit into your preconceived notions and wont present an independent thought into your narrow view of the world.
DUer:  Ah, that's better.  Reinforcement of my echo chamber.  I was dangerously close to considering an opinion outside of the hive mind.

underpants (168,976 posts)

20. I must have a different Facebook than everyone else. There's some funny stuff there.

I don’t get “ads” or at least the ones I see I scroll past. The funny ones are the tease ones for mostly working out. The comments are hilarious - crude but funny.

My “friends” tend to be people I went to high school with. I have no idea how I know some of the people I correspond with on a daily basis. I see some RW nonsense but not a lot and I grew up in a military area that was pretty much created during the Reagan years. 

I have to agree with this guy.  My Facebook page is friends and family posting about kids, pets, vacations, local events and the occasional political meme.  I don't understand the uproar over Russian influence on Facebook because I never saw anything on there that influenced how anyone voted.  The Russians may have created a bunch of profiles and flooded Facebook with memes, but if that affected your vote, the problem isn't with Facebook.

And, of course, their getting scared about Twitter becoming less moonbatty.

tishaLA (13,410 posts)

23. i'll probably delete twitter soon, too

i got rid of FB years and years ago, but if Musk buys twitter, I'm out. Twitter has been a useful app, but I refuse to participate in enriching him.

They're terrified that Musk might make Twitter more Republican friendly.  Also, kind of funny that this Economics wizard doesn't realize that, if she's a Twitter user, she's already enriching him.

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2022, 02:49:24 AM »
> Appeals to reason, facts, evidence is useless.

You leftist filth have no clue what "reason, facts, evidence" are in reality.  Your ignorance is pitied, Your evil is denied.  GFYS.

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2022, 08:24:29 AM »
Study after study has shown that the right hasn't moved much of any farther to the right, since the 80s.

Those same studies uniformly show the left deviating farther and farther to the left over the same period of time.

DU, and internet posters such as H5s trevor, are perfect examples of delusion, denial and projection.

'Oh no, it isn't us who have moved far left, it's those people (and anyone else who disagrees with us) who have moved far right'.

It's become cartoonish in its obviousness.
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Offline SVPete

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Re: I got very upset and distressed this morning at a FB thread
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2022, 08:28:21 AM »
CTyankee (60,100 posts)

I think it's time I take Facebook out of my life.

I spend too much of my time scrolling through Facebook to see the latest outrageous stuff from my neighbor, then complaining about him to my husband.

Well, if she doesn't, for neighborhood reasons, want to UnFriend the neighbor, she could Block the neighbor so as not the see the neighbor's posts without the visible action of UnFriending. It's a feature that is also useful with family members who, several times a day, "Invite" you to play various FB games or post every BF-GF mini-drama episode to FB.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.