Author Topic: Your Perfect Candidate? Tell us here...  (Read 1642 times)

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Offline Chris_

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Your Perfect Candidate? Tell us here...
« on: January 15, 2008, 04:01:44 PM »
Assuming no one currently running is perfect, what would the main objectives of the perfect candidate for you be?  Before you go nuts over Reagan and ask for him again, remember he gave us Illegal Amnesty #1, pretty much created the homeless problem (maybe a point of contention) and grew the government much more than people realize.

What I would love to see in a candidate in order:

  • Invest 3 or 4 billion in Immigration Enforcement and ENFORCE OUR CURRENT LAWS. No new laws needed.
  • Put together a Manhattan Project level initiative to stop our dependence on foreign oil within 10 years
  • Actively call and work towards the elimination of SSI.
  • Balance the budget.  Really.  Not just on paper.
  • Reduce the size of the federal Government by 20%  This is NOT ingerently in conflict with #1, since that will save more than it costs
  • Revamp and review administration of Immigration law so it serves US needs not liberal bleeding hearts
  • Hold taxes at current (Bush-established) levels.
  • Actively call for and work towards the elimination of the Death Tax.
  • Actively call for and work towards eliminating automatic citizenship for children born in the US of illegal aliens (probably needs an Amendment).
  • Stay the course and accelerate/increase our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan UNTIL WE WIN ONCE AND FOR ALL

These are off the top of my head.  No candidate hits even 1/2 of these.  But this is what America needs.

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.