Author Topic: The media suddenly notices the CDC is clueless  (Read 545 times)

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The media suddenly notices the CDC is clueless
« on: January 12, 2022, 07:19:20 PM »
The media suddenly notices the CDC is clueless

For over a year, the national news media has held up the CDC and it’s director, Rochelle Walensky, as paragons of public health. It’s no coincidence they’ve now suddenly had a moment of clarity as it pertains to the CDC adjusting its pandemic protocols.
This past Sunday, CNN hall monitors Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy actually went after the CDC, saying it appears the agency has become “a punchline.” That segment also featured Dr. Lucy McBride, who warned that some medical professionals are fanning the flames of panic, with accompanying chyrons like “Is the media out of touch with the country about Covid?” and “Covid and the doomsday-doctor problem.”
Yet to save Stelter, Darcy and their network any more embarrassment, let me put it bluntly: the CDC lost the faith of the American people last year when business owners were forced to stay home and parents were forced to pull their kids out of school, yet social justice protesters and leftist activists were permitted to flood the streets in protest. You weren’t allowed to open your business, but they were allowed to burn it down.

Since then, amid this overnight changing of “the science” with little to explain it other than Joe Biden’s poll numbers, members of mainstream media have suddenly changed their tune on the never-ending pandemic measures. Simply put: the writing is on the wall for the upcoming midterm elections and they are making their adjustments accordingly at the behest of an administration flailing over its broken promise to “shut down the virus.”

The panic-mongering was Because Bogey Trump. With Trump out of office, the bureaucratic Panic Mongers are past their usefulness expiration date. The back-pedaling is CYA and to mitigate possible Dem losses in November 2022.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.