Author Topic: 2014: the stewert (stewert)  (Read 26402 times)

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Offline franksolich

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2014: the stewert (stewert)
« on: December 29, 2014, 09:45:53 PM »
Congratulations! to the first winner of this new award, the Steven Senti award, or nicknamed “the stewert,” meant to honor the freeloadingest primitive of 2014.

There were six high-quality freeloaders on the ballot:

Left Coast2020

Other than the eventual winner, these are pretty obscure primitives, unterprimitiven, part of the faceless lynch-mob, and so some details might be necessary, to recall them.

are_grits_groceries is the crazy cat-woman down in South Carolina, who more than once pleaded for funds for veterinary bills for her cats, or for bills for repairing her car.

ColesCountyDem is the registered sexual offender.

IronGate was apparently a mole, but one who succeeded in fleecing some primitives.

Left Coast2020 is from northern California, and wished to move down to New Mexico after being kicked out by his roommate.

rbrnmw is the primitive who attempted raising funds for a young relative’s defense expenses against a charge of drunken driving; it turned out the relative had a past history of drunken behavior, and the accident had injured or killed a grandfather and his young grandson.

No details are needed to describe the winner, stewert; surely everybody remembers stewert.

- - - - - - - - - - -

The awards are of course intended to commend a primitive for his activities over the past year, not preceding years, but one has to quote this, to give the “back-story,” stewert’s first appearance here in the DUmpster:

Scourge of the Primitives
Posts: 48142

primitive needs some help fast
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:06:26 AM »

Oh my.

And how long's the Big Zero been in the White House now?

I thought such things weren't going to happen any more; the primitives promised us they wouldn't.

stewert (3,422 posts) Fri Aug 30, 2013, 01:42 AM

Hey Folks I Need Some Help Fast....

My name is Steve Senti, and I own, I have run it for 13 years now. About 3 years ago my 89 year old Father got Alzheimers and Dementia so I had to care for him 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It was really tough because of all the stress, etc. but I did it because I loved my Father with all my heart.

In fact, we got so close over the last 3 years it was ridiculous, we were as close as a son and Father could get. I had to feed him, wash him, put his clothes on, help him to the bathroom, take him to his doctors, and on and on.

But I did it because he was my Father, then he got sick in January of this year. It got worse and worse and he was in and out of the hospital about 9 times from February until April, when the doctors basically forced me to put him into a nursing home. Which was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. Because my Father had told me he would rather be dead than go to a nursing home.

So on April 12th I agreed to put him into a nursing home, and at that point the doctor said he only had a month or so to live. And I was devastated, I just sat in his house all alone (because my Mother passed away in 1998) crying all day and all night waiting for the call to tell me he had passed away.

It was literally like being tortured, I was crying about 10 times a day and I did not know what to do. Because his social security and pension paid all the bills, so not only would I lose my Father and my only family, I would also lose my financial support.

So on May 14th the phone rang at 4:20am and I knew what it was, they told me my Father had passed away. Now I have $1.000.00 a month in bills and no income, except for the roughly $150.00 a month I make from my website selling text link ads for $20.00 a month.

I am 53 years old with a bad back and other medical problems, I get food stamps and free medical through the local OSF Sisters Community Clinic. I am unemployed and I have filed for SSI and Public Aid. In June I got a decision on my SSI and they denied it. So I found a law firm to take my case and file an appeal.

I filed for Public Aid in May, and to this day they have still not made a ruling on my claim, and it was for emergency cash assistance. My family has been helping me pay the bills since May, and my Father has a small life insurance policy of $1.000.00, but that money is almost gone.

I need to make it until November, because they say I should have a ruling on my SSI appeal by then, and I should have a ruling on my Public Aid by then too. To make long story less long, I need the help of all the DUers, I need you guys to help me raise the money to pay my bills for another 2 months, which is about $2.000.00.

If you guys could help me and make a donation to my paypal account it would keep me from being homeless, and broke. I am still having trouble getting over my Fathers death, I am depressed and I still think about him every day and cry 3 or 4 times a day.

He was not only my Father, he was my best friend too, and he was like a son to me also, because taking care of him was like having a 5 year old kid. So when he died it was like losing my Father, my best friend, and my son. I have sold everything I can, to pay the bills, including the vacumn cleaner, the lawn mower, the weed trimmer, my watch, everything, but my tv.

You guys are my last hope, if I can not raise at least $1.000.00 by September 10th, I do not know what I am going to do, because I will not be able to pay any of my bills. I only need to make it to November, and then I hope to win my SSI appeal by then, or at least get my Public Aid claim approved.

So please make a donation, here is my paypal email:

And I also have a paypal donation page on my website:


P.S. Note to Skinner, and the mods, I know you do not like people posting threads like this, but I have no choice, and I hope you let this stay on the board. I have been a member here for a long time, and I know I did some stupid things in the past, but I was drunk when I did it and dealing with my Father which led me to drink, it was very stressful and pretty much a living nightmare. The stress of taking care of my Father led me to drink way too much, and I hope you can forgive me for that and help me.

No primitive responses. The primitives don't care.

Posts: 17779

Re: primitive needs some help fast
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 04:50:32 AM »

stewert (3,423 posts)    Fri Aug 30, 2013, 04:36 AM

10. And btw.....................

For the person who emailed me saying I am just a lazy bum who should get a job, I am not on welfare, and never have been. In fact, after my Father passed away was the first time in my life I even filed for welfare, but I do not have it yet. By law they are supposed to make a ruling on my claim within 30 days, and yet it's been 3 months and they still have not made a decision yet.

I have tried to find a job, I even applied at Wal-Mart and many other places, but none of them will hire me, I can not even get to an interview, nothing. I also forgot to mention one thing, my Father was a WWII veteran, he helped to make this country free, he won the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He was a 3rd division infantryman who also won the marksman badge.

I miss him so much I can not even get thorough this posting without crying, my Father was my whole life, he was everything to me, it was my job to take care of him, and now he is gone. I am all alone and I still think about my Father about every 15 minutes. The only time I do not think about him is when I am sleeping, and I am also having trouble sleeping because I worry about everything, like money and what I am going to do if my SSI appeal is denied and my Public Aid claim is denied.

What do I do then, what do I do if nobody will hire me, does anyone know, can anyone answer that question. What does a person like me do if SSI and Public Aid both deny me and I can not find a job anywhere?

Another fine example of the most brilliant people in the world.
I know anyone can fall on hard times, but this seems to happen to DUmmies more than anyone else.

- - - - - - - - - -

stewert made some appeals for money beginning early in the year:

Ralph Wiggum
Posts: 9954

And the begging continues... (stewert)
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:57:55 PM »

stewert (3,466 posts)

Attn: All DUers Read This: I Need Your Help!

My name is Steve Senti, I am 54 years old and disabled. I own and run and have been a member here since 2001.

I posted here a few months ago after my Father passed away in May of 2013. I was living with my 89 year old Father who had alzheimers and Dementia, I took care of him and paid the bills with his social security and pension money. Now he is gone and I am all alone in his house with $800.00 a month in bills.

I am still trying to get over his death and a day rarely goes by that I do not cry thinking about him because I miss him so much. I was in control of his entire life for the last 2 years, and he was not just my Father he was my best friend too. We got about as close as a Father and son could get and I am still depressed from him being gone.

I am on food stamps and I get my medical care from the OSF community clinic, the state pays for it with a medical card that went into effect on 1-1-14, and they pay for my 5 prescriptions with a $2.00 co-pay for each one. I am disabled with a bad back and other medical problems, so it limits what I can do.

I got a law firm called myler disability to file my SSI claim, it was denied and we filed an appeal, the appeal was denied in December and we filed the next appeal for the ALJ hearing with a judge, where most appeals are won. But they tell me it will take 11 to 13 months to get the appeal hearing with the judge, here is a copy of the most recent letter they sent me.

after which scan of a letter

I do not have much of an income, I make $100 to $200 a month selling ad space on my website, but some months I do not make anything. So I need to raise some money to help me pay my bills until I get my SSI ALJ appeal hearing in December.

So if anyone can help me and make a donation I would appreciate it very much, I need to raise about $7.000 dollars to get me to December. Now I understand that is a lot of money, and I do not expect you guys to donate that much to me.

But if you can donate anything it will help. I have even tried to find work I can do and had no luck. I even tried to get the state vocational rehabilitation office to find a job I can do and so far they have not found anything for me either. So it looks like I am on my own until December, that means I need to raise $7.000 to pay my bills for the next 11 months.

I was lucky to sell an ad spot on the website recently, which will give me enough money to pay the bills for February. But if I do not raise some money from donations by the end of february, I will run out of money by March.

So please donate if you can, I have a paypal donation page on the website:

And my paypal e-mail is:


P.S. Even if you can not donate, if you could keep this thread kicked up so everyone can see it for a couple day I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

- - - - - - - - - -

stewert made several such appeals during 2014, with only slight variations in the plea, but the primitives were suspicious, as research showed this:

Scourge of the Primitives
Posts: 48142

the panhandling stewert seven years ago
« on: January 25, 2014, 03:06:38 AM »

Oh my. From almost seven years ago.

JeffR (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 02:24 AM
Original message

Say, has anyone heard from stewert recently?

You might want to check your PMs. Then maybe contact the mods. Just sayin'.

Viva_La_Revolution (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 02:27 AM
Response to Original message

2. ...


I waffled about hitting alert... 2001?... and the guy has back problems!

hlthe2b (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 03:00 AM
Response to Original message

4. Darn decoder ring--not working tonight...

For those of us who remember stewert but don't have a clue... what are you referring to?

JeffR (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 03:04 AM
Response to Reply #4

6. Long-time DUer, theoretically

who's been very busy PMing tonight, for reasons unknown but unsettling.

Richard Steele (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 03:07 AM
Response to Reply #4

11. Check your PM inbox.

stewert (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 03:31 AM
Response to Original message

18. right here

thanks for nothing pal. maybe you should try to live on no money when ur stuck between a rock and a hard place with a bad back but not bad enough to get disability.

then have to live with ur crazy old 82 year old father just to survive. then do a public service to the American people (for no pay) by documenting all the crap o'reilly says and have your so-called friends rat you out to the mods at DU.

good job, i hope your proud of yourself. now you can say you helped to stop people here from visiting my website and helping me make some money to eat on.

maybe i'll just shut my website down and give up, because of people like you.

Richard Steele (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 04:11 AM
Response to Reply #18

19. Well Stewert, maybe you should take two steps back and look at it from OUR point of view.

We have no way of knowing if you are for real or not.

Never met you in real life; probably never will.

We haven't seen you post here in a year, and suddenly we get PM's asking for money. It's a bit "off-putting".

And your timing really SUCKS, seeing as how we JUST YESTERDAY had a major Internet Spam-Artist get tombstoned here.

Y'know, I'm leaning toward deciding that you are "for real", just because a con artist would know better than to cop such an INSULTING, PISSY-ASSED 'TUDE.

If I had any money, I'd send you some. But I don't. I'm an artist, and my total income in this, the 6th Year of B*shenomics, has been less than $500 so far. I have a pending sale that may boost it to $575 in a week or two.

That's GROSS income; if I figure in materials costs, I'm about $200 in the hole.

If you actuall maintained a PRESENCE here, no doubt a lot of us would be willing to help generate traffic for your site, which might lead to more donations, or even some ADVERTISING $$$ if you get dependable traffic..

But just showing up out of the blue like this, hitting us up for donations while we're still trying to REMEMBER you?

BAD plan, friend.

JeffR (1000+ posts) Sat Nov-10-07 02:26 PM
Response to Reply #18

20. Hey, if you're on the level with this, that's fine

and I wish you the best. But the net is a strange place, as I'm sure you know, and I find that things like this make me reflexively suspicious. If that's just needless paranoia on my part, then I'll offer you a quick public apology here and ask the mods to remove this thread.

- - - - - - - - - -

Posts: 9689

Hey Folks I'm In Big Trouble And Need Help
« on: March 22, 2014, 03:35:35 PM »

stewert (3,481 posts)       Sat Mar 22, 2014, 05:19 PM

Hey Folks I'm In Big Trouble And Need Help

I am disabled and unemployed and barely getting by paying the bills in my Fathers house, I am in the process of getting an SSI appeal hearing with an administration law judge, but the law firm I have says it will not be until October or November, maybe as late as December.

And then today I got a 30 day notice to get out of the house, from my half brother Butch, who has $32,000 in the house. He wants to sell it so he can get his money back.

Here is a photo of the letter I got from him today:

after which scan of a hand-written letter

Now I have 30 days to find a place to live, and I have very little money to do it. So if you guys could make some donations and help me out I would be forever grateful.

Here is my paypal e-mail:

And here is my paypal donation page from my website:

If anyone has any ideas where I can get a place to live with almost no income and no job, please reply and let me know about it. And I was wondering if someone can tell me if the 30 day notice means I have to be out of the house by the end of the 30 days, or if I can continue to live in it until it is sold, or the 90 days he talks about is up.

In the letter he says the realtor has a guarantee he will sell it in 90 days, or he will buy it. Does anyone know if that means I can stay in the house while they are trying to sell it, or do I have to be gone by the end of the 30 days.

What if I refuse to leave, how long would it take to evict me?

Thank you,


- - - - - - - - - -

But by October of this year, stewert’s schtick had begun turning off even the primitives.  He tried some clumsy superfuges, such as posting appeals in forums other than General Discussion, but apparently they didn’t seem to work.  He was dropped off that primitive wish-for-a-dupe site.  He was called out on the message-board of his local (Peoria, Illinois) newspaper.

stewert’s brother finally got him out of there so the house could be sold, and the last anyone knows, the freeloader was living in the attic of a “friend,” still on the prowl for money from other people.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 10:23:32 AM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Carl

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 10:14:49 PM »
Stewie is the epitome of what a DUmp Dumbass is,lazy,entitled,arrogant,shameless and stupid.
He is no more disabled then a pro athlete is.
Here is hoping stray dogs feed on his maggot laden carcass as it lays in a ditch.

Offline Chris_

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2014, 10:29:58 PM »
high-quality freeloaders
That just doesn't make any sense.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2014, 10:34:21 PM »
That just doesn't make any sense.

First-and-only-draft, remember; the raw rough unrefined version.

But yeah, I guess "first-rate" or "top-notch" "freeloaders" would've been better.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2014, 10:42:11 PM »
Who bought the o'reilly domain name?

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline BattleHymn

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2014, 10:57:23 PM »
That just doesn't make any sense.

Well, at least Steve's shtick is high quality .  I mean the guy has been polishing the same shtick for how many years?

Also, why does it always seem like there are a ton of crazy Steves at the DUmp?  There's pervert stevenumbers, girl's basketball pervert Omaha Steve, beggar Steve Senti...  am I missing any Steves? 

Offline RobJohnson

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2014, 05:25:51 AM »
The Peoria Primitive was also scamming off of his Uncle that lived next door to him.

At one time he posted the obituary that included his brother's address...maybe we could send his brother a copy of the PP's award?

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2014, 03:42:07 PM »
In a different time perhaps stewie could have been...

King Of The Road

Trailer for sale or rent
Rooms that let for 59 cents
No phone no pool no pets
I ain't got no cigarettes

Well now

2 hours of pushing brooms
Buys a...8 by 12 4 bit room

I'm a

Man of means by no means...
King of the road

Third boxcar midnight train
Destination Bangor Maine
Old worn out shirt and shoes
I don't pay no union dues

I smoke

Old stogies I have found
Short but not too big around

I'm a

Man of means by no means
King of the road

I know every every engineer and man on the train
All of their children and all of their names
And every handout in every town
And every lock that ain't locked when no one's around

I sing

Trailers for sale or rent
Rooms that let for 50 cents
No phone no pool no pets
I ain't got no cigarettes

Well now

2 hours of pushin broom
Buys a 8 by 12 four bit room

I'm a

Man of means by no means...

There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2014, 06:38:44 PM »
This was one of those awards that I'd be happy whatever the result but Steve is a great choice since he was the original beggar, or at least the first prominent one.

This may not be his earliest beg-thread, but it's the earliest one I can find - from 2004:


stewert (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Tue May-18-04 11:51 AM
 Original message

Hey DUers Needs Some Help

I have an emergency, last friday my computer died on me so I need to raise
the money for a new one. I am on my brothers computer right now, him and his wife
both work all day until 4:00pm so I can use his computer during the day.

On top of that the server for my website is having problems so the website and the
donation page is offline sometimes. It is working right now, but who knows when it will
go down again.

So I would appreciate it if you could make a donation to help me buy a new computer. I am
disabled and unable to work due to a bad back. So I have no other way to raise the money.

Here is the donation page, it has a link to my paypal account. And my snail mail address etc.

I have been working on a new website blog and I have a copy of the donation page on it. If
the site is down you can use it.



10+ years is enough to win this award.

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2014, 07:12:43 PM »
This may not be his earliest beg-thread, but it's the earliest one I can find - from 2004:

10+ years is enough to win this award.

Oh my.

Lots and lots of "Name removed"s on that thread; 18 out of 56 comments.

candy  (1000+ posts) Tue May-18-04 11:56 AM
Response to Original message
1. $5,000.00 on it's way!!!!!!

stewert  (1000+ posts) Tue May-18-04 11:59 AM
Response to Reply #1

2. Huh ?
If that's a joke, it's not funny.

stewert  (1000+ posts) Tue May-18-04 01:20 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Just Got One....
Some freeper just donated 1 cent to my paypal account.

Yes I said 1 cent, what an idiot. So far that is the only donation I have

stewert  (1000+ posts) Tue May-18-04 02:47 PM
Response to Reply #4

5. labtec62.....
That $40 includes my monthly ISP cost etc. The actual web hosting cost is almost nothing.

The server is reliable 99.9% of the time, it's had a couple problems in the last
week or two. Other than that they are almost never down.

My biggest problem is raising the money for a new computer, I did not even buy
the one I had, it was gift from my Father in march of 1998. He paid for it with some of the money he got when my mom passed away. Now that money is gone and we are both broke. 

candy  (1000+ posts) Tue May-18-04 07:25 PM
Response to Original message
15. I assumed this was a scam like the Nigerian scam---

I received an E-Mail requesting money last winter to make me a millionaire etc.

The requst for money seemed unuaual to me so I posted my sarcastic reply.

Sorry! I'll learn my way around DU eventually.

Good luck!

kcordell  (152 posts) Tue May-18-04 09:29 PM
Response to Reply #15

22. For What it's Worth Candy

This same person was on here a few months back asking for money. If I remember correctly there wasn't any computer 'emergency' at that time. He just wanted money to keep his site running.

salin  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 01:44 PM
Response to Reply #22

34. What is the big deal? If you don't want to support it - don't

I don't see any scam - and don't get the innuendo.

Look, folks run volunteer organizations in communities all over the place - and in this case in cyberspace. Thing is - beyond the time donated to the cause... there are often basic operating expenses. Just a reality. When those (individual or group) can no longer completely fund it on their own either it just disappears - or they can appeal to those who might want to see the effort continue who might be willing (to help the effort continue) to make donations. Without letting people know the effort is in jeopardy - it just disappears. If after letting people who might be interested know its status and if noone cares enough to keep the effort going - it still just disappears.

I have been around DU for well over two years. Have followed Stewert's efforts and "adventures" (like when ORielly et al threatened legal action to get Stewert to "cease and desist" with the website) over that time - the effort is consistent. Prior to the appeal a couple of months ago - only saw updates - and appeals for advice (during the Lawyer letter situation.) All things he has written has been consistent.

I really don't get the nasty tone this thread has taken.

stewert  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 11:11 AM
Response to Reply #15
26. Some Information !

I own and run . I have done this since 8-26-01 for nothing.

I do it as a public service to the American people. I do not collect a salary and I do not make a dime from the website. I have been a member of for about 2 years, I have over 2,500 postings.

I use the money I recieve to pay for my internet expenses. That includes my ISP cost, my upgrades and computer problems etc. I am disabled from a back surgery in 1985 and I can not work. I live with my retired 80 year old father who supports us both on his small monthly social security check. He is broke and in debt to the credit card companies because his check does not cover our monthly expenses. Now I have to pay for everything I do on the internet all on my own.

If I can not raise the money to pay my ISP I can not get on the internet. If I can not raise the money to keep my computer working I can not update the website. I hate like hell to ask for donations, it makes me sick to beg for money. And I am not going to do it ever again.

A few months ago I made a posting here asking for some donations to help me pay to keep the website online. I recieved about $250 in donations. It paid my expenses at the time, and I even made a donation to from that money. I also donated a little to the Kerry campaign. One of my expenses was I had to buy a new computer monitor, I found one on sale for $120 so I bought it.

Now I need to raise the money to buy a new computer because the one I had totally
died. The whole hard drive is dead, gone, done. The thing was 6 years old, it was given to me as a gift in march of 1998.

This will be the last time I ever ask anyone for a dime. if the site goes dead, so be it, I just don't care anymore.

I will keep the domain name, and keep the site online, but I may not update it anymore.

I am tired of asking for money to keep the site going.

I am done..............


candy  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 01:19 PM
Response to Reply #26

27. This entire thing is really strange !

Spend more time job hunting would be my advice.

Egalitarian Zetetic  (255 posts) Wed May-19-04 01:38 PM
Response to Reply #27

31. He is disabled, what part don't you understand???

candy  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 07:50 PM
Response to Reply #31

44. How do we know he's disabled?

Anyone who is clever enough to run a website is able to work from home,disabled ot not.

Lots of disabled pwople work outside the home also.

As I said before,I don't get it.

salin  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 01:38 PM
Response to Reply #27

32. easy to say

when one doesn't have debilitating back problems... its in the posts, and consistent with what has been discussed through conversations over several years through DU.

Don't know if folks have any experience with "running" a completely volunteer effort or not - but there are costs - and the only way to cover them are through donations by people who support the work of those who volunteer. That isn't a strange concept.

If there wasn't a website - and therefor something to verify the existence of the effort - then yes, it might seem like a scam.

Either one sees the website and thinks it is valuable out there in the public domain (ongoing debunking/criticisms of the (All)Spin Factor) or not. If one does, and wants to see it continue... from time to time one can make a donation. If not, don't. No reason to be demeaning and nasty.

FYI a year or so ago, this website was targeted by ORielly/faux and attempts to shut it up via lawsuits occured. We saw some of the communications. So here is this guy, on his own keeping this up - being threatened with a financial lawsuit (costs of hiring lawyers to respond... which is the whole point of such lawsuits). So for whatever reason - you may not think the website and effort to monitor and respond to ORielly is worth a hill of beans... but apparently ORielly and his folks think otherwise. So don't offer any support if you don't think it is worth while... but again I must say, I don't see any reason to be demeaning to Stewert.

Just my two cents.

DarbyUSMC  (352 posts) Thu May-20-04 03:19 PM
Response to Reply #26

58. Steve, I don't know you, nor am I familiar with your web site. I have to

wonder about the shape you are in regarding your disability. I assume you have applied for SSD and been denied, if you have no income. If that is the case, reapply or go to a lawyer. They will work on it and take only a percentage of the first lump sum check. If you've never paid into SS or haven't paid enough into it....have you considered SSI? If so, while waiting for an answer you may be eligible for something called HR-SSI through you local county Social Services office....that is a state to state thing but worth looking into. There are a lot of safety nets out there for people who are disabled. Your father should not be supporting you if he is getting SS. He gets that for his needs and it should cover basic necessities.

As far as people contributing to your website, I think people are so inundated with people asking for help in one way or other that they tend to be skeptical. 

stewert  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 04:02 PM
Response to Reply #28

39. Unreal........
I guess some people think this is a scam and I am a scammer, the regulars
here know better. I would hope it was a bunch of freepers, they usually tell
disabled people to get a job.

Earth to moron, I AM DISABLED. I had an L-5 Laminectomy for a ruptured disk
and a pinched sciatic nerve. It left me with PPD, DDD, and permanent disability in
my right leg. I worked in a printing factory doing heavy labor for 17 years and it
ruined my back.

PPD = Permanent Partial Disability
DDD = Degenerative Disk Disease

I have a 10 lb. weight lifting restriction, and I can not do any repetative lifting at all.

I could go on but I think that is enough.

I have not worked since 1995, in 1998 my mother passed away from a brain anurism. She left my dad some money, he bought me a computer with that money. This computer died on me last friday, now I need a new one. But I am broke, if you think this is a scam then do not donate, I do not want your money.

There are people here who know what I do, and know my situation. Salin is one of them, catwoman is another, and many more.

Frankly I am shocked at the reaction to my posting. This is the crap I would expect from republicans.

I have devoted 2.5 years of my life to exposing O'Reilly as the lying right-wing fraud he is and this is the thanks I get. I spend 5 to 8 hours a day searching the net for stuff on O'Reilly, articles, transcripts, watch his Nazi show, etc. I don't have to do this, and I may not do it anymore after all this crap.

And that don't include answering e-mails and responding to postings on my message board. I have been called every name in the book by every right-winger on the net. I don't need this shit. 

alittlelark  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 10:14 PM
Response to Original message
51. Never - even in the GD 2004 forum

have I seen sooo many deleted messages. Either we have a mod on a roll - or it must have been damn interesting!

When you get a $31.39, you'll know it was from me. Wish I could see the 'deleted' posts!!

Democat  (1000+ posts) Thu May-20-04 04:40 AM
Response to Reply #51

54. If only he got a dollar for each deleted post

He'd probably be rich soon.

stewert  (1000+ posts) Thu May-20-04 09:28 AM
Response to Reply #55

56. Update.........
Thanks for the donations folks, my server is still down off and on so if you can donate you might have to use my backup donation page.

I am guessing all the deleted postings in this thread were made by 2 freepers. At least that is what I hear, I did not see any of the postings. I just saw the message removed postings, so I thought a bunch of DUers were hammering me for asking to donate.

Now I hear it was two people, they were banned I guess. I want to also thank Skinner and Elad for putting up with my crap and letting me post my donation message.

They probably think I am an idiot for bothering them like I did, but when you are desperate you take desperate measures. Basically the internet is my life, as sad as that is, it's pretty much true.

If I could not get online I don't know what I would do, I depend on my computer and I can not comprehend not having one.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone who donated.


apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2014, 07:15:20 PM »
This provoked my interest:

salin  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 07:19 PM
Response to Original message
43. think I figured out the origin of some of the deleted posts

seems that this thread was highlighted on one of our "fan" forums (right wingers who watch and mock). I was a bit surprised by the tone on the thread (you don't trust the plea, or want to support the site - don't... no big deal...) No longer.

<<<curious about who these "watch and mock" fans were.

This was a long time ago, even before our old home.

Tinoire  (1000+ posts) Wed May-19-04 08:08 PM
Response to Reply #43

46. I'm not surprised... You can tell when they coordinate their little freep

You can tell when they coordinate their pathetic little freep-attacks. The tone was as despicable as those nut jobs are. Thanks for jumping in!
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2014, 07:31:39 PM »
It was literally like being tortured, I was crying about 10 times a day and I did not know what to do. Because his social security and pension paid all the bills, so not only would I lose my Father and my only family, I would also lose my financial support.

Everything before and after that does not relate to that is meaningless verbal legerdemain.
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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2014, 07:47:32 PM »
How can we go against ColesCountyDem.

He begs as much as stewert, plus he's a registered sex offender.

Hard to beat that resume.

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2014, 07:55:24 PM »
How can we go against ColesCountyDem.

He begs as much as stewert, plus he's a registered sex offender.

Hard to beat that resume.

Next year?  Let's keep our eyes on it and its postings...
Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with an ax

Hello to the Baizuo lurkers from DU, DI, JPR and Huffpo

DUmmies can no more understand the "Cave" than a rat can understand a thunderbolt, but they fear it just the same. Fear the "Cave", DUmmies. Fear it well. Big Dog 12-Jan-2015

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Ted Kennedy is the only person with an actual confirmed kill in the war on women.

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2014, 09:27:34 PM »
The Peoria Primitive is a classic example of a liberal scam artist. Disabled? I doubt it. PPD is what is awarded to you in Illinois after a workman's comp claim, he was hurt while working for International Paper (the same company his father worked for until he retired) and never returned after his workman's compensation claim.

I also have a herniation at L4/L5, DDD, scoliosis in that same area, four herniated discs in my neck, two of which were replaced, another blow out disc in my middle back. I wish I simply only had the pain going down my leg like the primitive. I also have something that the Peoria Primitive will never have.......A JOB.

Let this be a lesson to lurking DUmmies, I think you are all pieces of shit.

Stewart was not to ashamed to let a church pay his monthly bills, I suggest he check out this great group in Peoria that provides job training.

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2014, 09:31:40 PM »
His constant whining about his back ticks me off. I had L4 removed in 2001. I could not walk before my surgery. The surgery fixed that; but I developed scar tissue and arthiritis (due to repeated cortisone shots before my surgery). I also have Degenerative Disc Disease.

Does my back give me problems? You bet. There's hardly a day goes by that I don't hurt. But do I complain? HELL NO. I have a job. A desk job, working on a computer. I also worked at the Waffle House for a short time between jobs.

As much time as he spends whining about his damn back, he could have had some kind of desk job.

When Harry Truman was President of the United States, he had a sign on his desk in the White House that said: "The buck stops here." If Barack Obama had a sign on his desk, it would say: "The buck stops with Bush." - Thomas Sowell

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2014, 09:43:57 PM »
One more thing...I actually made some extra bucks on Amazon Turk's website. A lot of the survey's pay good money. And they aren't spam heavy survey's either. Last year I did some of this crowd sourcing in my spare time, and made $25 in a couple of weeks. Stewie has nothing but spare time.

If you're lurking here...check out this link. It's an easy way to make extra money from home.

When Harry Truman was President of the United States, he had a sign on his desk in the White House that said: "The buck stops here." If Barack Obama had a sign on his desk, it would say: "The buck stops with Bush." - Thomas Sowell


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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2014, 10:07:42 PM »
One more thing...I actually made some extra bucks on Amazon Turk's website. A lot of the survey's pay good money. And they aren't spam heavy survey's either. Last year I did some of this crowd sourcing in my spare time, and made $25 in a couple of weeks. Stewie has nothing but spare time.

If you're lurking here...check out this link. It's an easy way to make extra money from home.

Better than that, there seems to be tons of women who have discovered they can make up to $90 an hour on the internet.

They even share the exact amount of their last check, though not the details of their work.

No one makes less than $7000 a month.

They pop up in nearly every list of comments on news sites.

Sounds like a great opportunity for destitute Dummies. Easy money.

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2014, 05:46:13 AM »
His constant whining about his back ticks me off. I had L4 removed in 2001. I could not walk before my surgery. The surgery fixed that; but I developed scar tissue and arthiritis (due to repeated cortisone shots before my surgery). I also have Degenerative Disc Disease.

Does my back give me problems? You bet. There's hardly a day goes by that I don't hurt. But do I complain? HELL NO. I have a job. A desk job, working on a computer. I also worked at the Waffle House for a short time between jobs.

As much time as he spends whining about his damn back, he could have had some kind of desk job.

Good for you!

I don't even have a desk job. I spend a lot of hours on ladders and moving stuff, especially around the holidays. We have a small stock room, so I often have to move ten items to get to the one I need. I come home sore. I just deal with it the best I can. I do have a second job and that requires some computer time, and often my back is too sore to even sit in the darn chair due to my full time job.

I do agree that there is some type of job the Peoria Primitive could be successful at, but first he has to actually look for a job. 

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2014, 05:48:51 AM »
One more thing...I actually made some extra bucks on Amazon Turk's website. A lot of the survey's pay good money. And they aren't spam heavy survey's either. Last year I did some of this crowd sourcing in my spare time, and made $25 in a couple of weeks. Stewie has nothing but spare time.

If you're lurking here...check out this link. It's an easy way to make extra money from home.

A good idea.

 So sorry to hear about your back, but very happy that you keep moving forward. I'm sure working at the Waffle House was not easy on the back. DUmmies hate reading stories like this!

Offline dixierose

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2014, 10:07:13 AM »
A good idea.

 So sorry to hear about your back, but very happy that you keep moving forward. I'm sure working at the Waffle House was not easy on the back. DUmmies hate reading stories like this!

Thank you. Sounds like you're doing pretty good despite a bad back as well. It can be done as long as one doesn't use it for a crutch or excuse. I DO have a brother-in-law that honestly cannot work due to his back. He's in baaaaad shape, pretty close to wheelchair bound. On top of that he quit high school, so he's uneducated; and he knows nothing about computers. I do not have a problem with him collecting SSI; but Stewie knows computers, so he has NO excuses in my book.

My parents raised me to have some pride. If paying my bills without freeloading meant taking a job at Waffle House for a time, then so be it. I also had to give up my dream car, an '06 Mustang that I bought when times were better (I came close to crying when it was picked up). You're supposed to do what it takes.
When Harry Truman was President of the United States, he had a sign on his desk in the White House that said: "The buck stops here." If Barack Obama had a sign on his desk, it would say: "The buck stops with Bush." - Thomas Sowell

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Re: 2014: the stewert
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2014, 03:32:50 PM »
His constant whining about his back ticks me off. I had L4 removed in 2001. I could not walk before my surgery. The surgery fixed that; but I developed scar tissue and arthiritis (due to repeated cortisone shots before my surgery). I also have Degenerative Disc Disease.

Does my back give me problems? You bet. There's hardly a day goes by that I don't hurt. But do I complain? HELL NO. I have a job. A desk job, working on a computer. I also worked at the Waffle House for a short time between jobs.

As much time as he spends whining about his damn back, he could have had some kind of desk job.

Yeh, I have some severe back issues and I still get up and go to work.  Pain will be at home as well as at work so I choose to get paid. 

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Re: 2014: the stewert (stewert)
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2014, 07:17:09 PM »
To sum up the last few posts.
If you are a conservative with back problems, you man up (or put on your big girl panties), suck it up, endure the pain, do your job, and earn your paycheck.
If you are a lib with back problems (that are probably psychosomatic), complain and do nothing.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 2014: the stewert (stewert)
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2015, 07:05:59 AM »
Thank you. Sounds like you're doing pretty good despite a bad back as well. It can be done as long as one doesn't use it for a crutch or excuse. I DO have a brother-in-law that honestly cannot work due to his back. He's in baaaaad shape, pretty close to wheelchair bound. On top of that he quit high school, so he's uneducated; and he knows nothing about computers. I do not have a problem with him collecting SSI; but Stewie knows computers, so he has NO excuses in my book.

My parents raised me to have some pride. If paying my bills without freeloading meant taking a job at Waffle House for a time, then so be it. I also had to give up my dream car, an '06 Mustang that I bought when times were better (I came close to crying when it was picked up). You're supposed to do what it takes.

Sorry to hear about your brother in law. I have a couple friends my age with legitmate back disabilities. One guy had a large load fall on him while working on a Mississippi River barge. My other friend was a full time school teacher but kept falling down when walking, even with leg braces. The injury was from Iraq, he was a combat vet. He was upset at the time that he was not being allowed to return to work as that is not what he wanted. Since then he stays very busy, he volunteers his time to a children's ministry of a church and takes cares of the field trips and some learning exercises for a home school group that his four children are a part of. Sometimes I cringe just watching him try and walk. He has good days and a lot of bad days, the pain is pretty bad. He also volunteers at the school he used to work for when his health allows it. He really misses teaching but his body just will not allow it.

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Re: 2014: the stewert (stewert)
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2015, 07:08:47 AM »
Yeh, I have some severe back issues and I still get up and go to work.  Pain will be at home as well as at work so I choose to get paid. 

I agree. I will keep working as long as I am able to keep moving without further injury. The neck surgery bought me some time. It would kill me internally if I was not able to work.