Author Topic: Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather  (Read 12582 times)

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Offline DLR Pyro

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Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
« on: September 12, 2015, 10:18:14 AM »
Poorer nations suffering from extreme weather disasters, so much so that their citizens are seeking refugee in safer terrains outside their borders, want rich nations like the United States to pay for reparations and to relocate populations.

Preparatory talks ahead of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to be held in Paris in December has representatives from developing nations asking for more than an already agreed upon $100 billion per year for climate change mitigation measures. They want additional compensation for weather-related disasters as well as a "displacement coordination facility" for refugees. And they want all this to be legally binding as part of the larger anticipated Paris accord.

The title of the article pretty much sums up what the glowbull warming/climate change racket is all about.  A shakedown to make successful nations feel guilty for a natural phenomenon they have absolutely no control over and to distribute their wealth to the  third world shithole nations.
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Offline obumazombie

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Re: Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2015, 03:27:18 PM »
Our own NASA is trying to get in on the shakedown as well...


NASA scientists claimed that 2014 was the hottest year ever!
...Oops! Never mind.

When the facts were subsequently checked, the NASA scientists sheepishly admitted that there was only a 38% chance this was true which means probably not true.
However, for you fans of broad climate predictions, I have good news.

NASA scientists are now claiming that rising seas threaten to flood NASA launch sites.
And swallowing this latest claim with no discernible skepticism is Brandon Griggs of CNN.Com.

Griggs' bio describes him as "specializing in coverage of pop culture, entertainment, technology, travel and lifestyle trends."
Therefore he must have a great deal of expertise on rising sea levels, right?

Of course, if his report is as wrong as 2014 being the hottest year ever, at least it can be classified as entertainment:

Rising sea levels caused by melting ice caps threaten to disrupt a handful of NASA launch sites along U.S. coastlines, the space agency warns.
In the coming years, launch facilities at Florida's Kennedy Space Center and other places may need to be retrofitted or even moved inland, NASA says.

Translation: Spend more money due to future projections based on adjustable fudge factor "data."

...NASA says that more than half of its infrastructure stands within 16 feet of sea level.
That includes more than $32 billion in laboratories, launch pads, airfields, testing facilities, data centers and other stuff -- plus 60,000 employees -- from Florida to California.

More money!
Spend more money!

After all computer models can't be wrong.

...NASA says it will need to design smarter buildings and rebuild others.
In some cases, crucial laboratories, storage or assembly rooms will need to be moved to higher floors.

And repairing sea walls and rebuilding sand dunes along launch pads may become part of routine maintenance at Kennedy Space Center.
I repeat.

Spend more money even though the ocean is about the same distance from A1A as it was 30 years ago.
To get an idea of how laughably manipulable the varying tiny bits of sea level data is, let us check with Climate Change Dispatch:

We’re analysing the decimal points of the acceleration of a trend that was largely created by adjustments in the first place.
Why bother?

The raw satellite data showed almost no rise at all from 1992-2002, and was post hoc adjusted up from less than 1mm to 2.3mm/yr (Aviso, 2003).
And the raw low rate was skewed high by the El Nino in 1997.

These adjusted figures have been used to generate thousands of headlines about how sea levels are rising faster after 1992.
...The acceleration is so small it’s less than the errors.

(Be afraid, it’s accelerating at 0.043 +/- 0.058 mm/yr2.)
Normal scientists don’t get excited at this.

They don’t issue press releases

full article...
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Re: Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2015, 04:41:45 PM »
Enrich corrupt politicians in third rate countries ....why?
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Re: Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2015, 05:14:07 PM »
I'd be willing for the USA to buy a remote, unsettled island in a galaxy far, far away to resettle all the reparations crowd.  Hopefully the Milky Way galaxy's door won't hit them on the ass on the way out, because obviously they have all been dropped innumerable times since birth.
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
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Re: Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2015, 11:00:29 PM »
I've heard there's plenty of land available for free on Mars.
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Offline obumazombie

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Re: Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2015, 08:58:59 PM »
Quote from the weather channel(the same weather channel that is a big cheerleader for the great glow bull warming swindle)...

"Scientists now think underwater volcanoes have a large effect on weather"

I guess they are hedging their bets due to the paucity of proof that glow bull warming even exists.

Maybe they will try another tie in to "man made" climate change by claiming undersea volcanoes are caused by some other human endeavor.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.