Q: How does this work?
A: Current scientific theory states that Time Travel may be possible, however the technology is a long way off, perhaps hundreds of years in the future. Now, assume it does become possible in say, 500 years. As with any technology, Time Travel will get less expensive as time goes on. Just as the price of a VCR has dropped to less than $70 from the several hundred dollars it cost just ten years ago, Time Travel, once it becomes feasible, will initially be very expensive yet it will become more and more economical as time goes by.
If time travel ever was to become available in the future,how come no one from then has brought that technology back so we could have it now?
Or think of it this way,if I could go back in time I would be looking to see family long dead,historical figures,perhaps collect some items that I know are valuable today but worth nothing out of the ordinary then...etc.
Why would this not be happening to us now from our futures?