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The wonder of white privilege

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--- Quote from: FlippyDoo on October 13, 2024, 05:54:27 PM ---...The representative told me that since I was white male (aka not a minority) that I would have better luck getting a loan if I were to attempt it under my wife's name.

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How many other half pigeon, half Irish setter fictional spirit guides does this SBA rep meet in a week??? :shrug:


--- Quote from: DefiantSix on October 13, 2024, 09:02:54 PM ---How many other half pigeon, half Irish setter fictional spirit guides does this SBA rep meet in a week??? :shrug:

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Now, that is a good question! If she did meet with any others, I feel sorry for them. She was exactly what you'd expect someone with ties to the government to be: pompous, completely useless, and a waste of time that could be better spent elsewhere.

Old n Grumpy:

--- Quote --- Was former pres. Obama speaking to black men or to ALL men?

I’ve seen several clips and maybe I missed it, but I didn’t think he limited his remarks. Given that white men without college degrees as a group are the demographic most likely to support Trump (and we all know that there are many who do not), and they are a large group, it seems to me his comments should be heard by them.
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Obama was speaking to his brothers, that group doesn’t include us honkeys. Kind of racist of him. As for those of us who don’t have college degrees are the backbone of the American economy. There’s lots of you out there with degrees making coffee, driving Uber and delivering lunch. Lots of good your degree is specially when those of us who don’t have one have to pay for yours. :thatsright: :loser:


--- Quote from: Old n Grumpy on October 14, 2024, 07:51:49 AM ---Obama was speaking to his brothers, that group doesn’t include us honkeys. Kind of racist of him. As for those of us who don’t have college degrees are the backbone of the American economy. There’s lots of you out there with degrees making coffee, driving Uber and delivering lunch. Lots of good your degree is especially when those of us who don’t have one have to pay for yours. :thatsright: :loser:

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I got my degree at the College of Fort Benning Georgia. And the advanced degree of the extra 23 years of working in my field of learning to kill people and blow things up in the Infantry. I should not only have my white privilege but way more than a master's by now. Sadly, that's not so much on the white privilege.


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