Author Topic: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace  (Read 16291 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2008, 12:52:14 PM »
Oh now, you all know it's in light-hearted fun, that I make up names for primitives and politicians, names which more adequately describe them.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2008, 01:14:53 PM »
Oh now, you all know it's in light-hearted fun, that I make up names for primitives and politicians, names which more adequately describe them.

I get it, and occasionally do the same among friends.  But when speaking or posting publicly (your discretion as to whether or not CC is 'public'), don't sink to their level. 

That is all...  I'm really not that much of a wet blanket. :cheersmate:
Those who see their lives as spoiled and wasted crave equality and fraternity more than they do freedom. If they clamor for freedom, it is but freedom to establish equality and uniformity. The passion for equality is partly a passion for anonymity: to be one thread of the many which make up a tunic; one thread not distinguishable from the others. No one can then point us out, measure us against others and expose our inferiority.
-Eric Hoffer, "The True Believer", 1951

Offline debk

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2008, 01:22:20 PM »
Oh now, you all know it's in light-hearted fun, that I make up names for primitives and politicians, names which more adequately describe them.

Of course it is....and this is the best place to them all the names you want.

I was referring to out in "public".....this is the "comfort zone"....
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Offline Chris_

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2008, 01:25:27 PM »
I get it, and occasionally do the same among friends.  But when speaking or posting publicly (your discretion as to whether or not CC is 'public'), don't sink to their level. 

That is all...  I'm really not that much of a wet blanket. :cheersmate:

I started today using the term "the fuhrer" in public.  I will never again utter the fuhrer's given name in public again.  He will be "the fuhrer" until his term ends.

And the original German Fuhrer will be viewed as a piker compared to what this one will allow to happen to Israel.  And the karter years will seem like a picnic compared to what is to come unten das fuhrer's rule -- Domestic SS Corps notwithstanding.
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Offline Chris_

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2008, 01:27:34 PM »
Are you a dope in Real Life or do you just play one online?  The GOP is done?  :rotf:  Was the GOP done after Carter?  After Clinton? We may have steered off course, only because the current administration and McCain were trying to govern from the middle.

Come back to reality, the GOP will rise above this and re-take power back in the next midterm election and in the Presidential election in 2012.  Barrack will screw this country and I will be there to say "I told you so" and "impeach" louder than the DUmmies.

I do have power...I alone got most of my staff (I supervise 50 employees)  interested in politics again during this election.  I educated my staff on the policies.  Eventhough some didn't agree with me, I brought conversation to politics and away from American Idol. 

So kindly, go **** yourself, power in numbers, bitch.

jcc is one of the fagguest fags on the interwebz.  he can't really think so he lets his handlers upstream tell him what to think.

If I didn't detest him so much I would pity him.  I think he is in line right now to suck his fuhrer's dick.  As you can imagine, it is a long line.  The only person not in it is mrs. fuhrer.
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Offline LadyLiberty

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2008, 07:28:57 PM »
Debk, you speak for me when you say not to sink to their level, that we need to rise above them in order to prevail. My thought on it exactly. 

I am not the least bit angry, like my political counterpart has been for the past 8 years. Instead, I am very sad and disappointed by it. I did not care for John McCain, and I did end up voting for him just for the sake of trying to keep Obama out of office.  The whole thing makes me sick to be honest, but there's not a lot that can be done.

I don't think that many conservatives/Republicans turned the other political cheek and just became part of Obama's haze. I think many of them may have just sat this one out due to his support of the bailout.  John McCain wasn't the right man to be put out there. I was disappointed that he was our choice. I thought that after 30 seats were lost in Congress 2 years ago, the GOP would get their crap together and prepare for this election.

The left is now going to have a field day rubbing our nose in Obama's liberalness.

And Debk, I too am both relieved to NOT have to hear all the vitriol against President George W. Bush.  That doesn't  mean that I won't be more than willing to impugn his policies. There is a big difference between that and calling him stupid names like "Chimpy". I seriously wonder how many liberal tabloids (such as the NYTs and the like) even addressed him as "President" Bush.

You can be rest assured that the MSM media will not allow Obama to take the heat or be the blame for the misery of his constituency when they discover his campaign promises are empty...or if they do materialize and things are totally screwed up because of his Marxist policies, they will deny him of any blame. I think the Obama presidency washes away the Clintons, which is bad for the GOP, because it gives the Democrat party a fresh(er) start. This is why I think this makes this all that much worse.

All in all, I think George Bush's downfall was his attempt to try to please those who refused to be give him any sort of respect to begin with because he won the 2000 election and they lost.  That set the tone for them, giving them every excuse for him to be their scapegoat.  I wonder where their misplaced anger will take them in a year or so from now.
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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2008, 09:24:08 AM »
Anybody that thinks we need to take the "high road" is going to hurt the GOP and conservatism as a whole. Folks, this is NOT an area where people can "play nice". That mentality is one of the things that hurt the McCain campaign. He wanted to "play nice" and not drag out the shit against Obama. Had he hammered Obama from the git-go, he just may have won the election.
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Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2008, 09:57:16 AM »
Anybody that thinks we need to take the "high road" is going to hurt the GOP and conservatism as a whole. Folks, this is NOT an area where people can "play nice". That mentality is one of the things that hurt the McCain campaign. He wanted to "play nice" and not drag out the shit against Obama. Had he hammered Obama from the git-go, he just may have won the election.


While it's not in my nature to be mean ( :evillaugh:) standing idle and taking the high road will be ineffective.  If you intend to keep the libtards in charge for the next 8  years or more, then by all means, be a nice guy/gal.  If you want to "de-throne" them at the next midterm election and presidential election following, take off the gloves.  Not in the silly way the libtards do...but in facts, checks and holding "that one" accountable for every campaign promise he made.  Nothing is off limits. 

Offline docstew

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2008, 10:23:20 AM »

While it's not in my nature to be mean ( :evillaugh:) standing idle and taking the high road will be ineffective.  If you intend to keep the libtards in charge for the next 8  years or more, then by all means, be a nice guy/gal.  If you want to "de-throne" them at the next midterm election and presidential election following, take off the gloves.  Not in the silly way the libtards do...but in facts, checks and holding "that one" accountable for every campaign promise he made.  Nothing is off limits. 

there's nothing wrong with an occasional detour down the low road. i interpret what they're saying as juvenile name calling and constant finger pointing detract from the public image of conservatives.  we need to present a different vision from big government nanny statism, and the principles we currently hold DO resonate with the people.  acting like a child just drives people away before they even hear the message.

Offline debk

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2008, 11:07:11 AM »

While it's not in my nature to be mean ( :evillaugh:) standing idle and taking the high road will be ineffective.  If you intend to keep the libtards in charge for the next 8  years or more, then by all means, be a nice guy/gal.  If you want to "de-throne" them at the next midterm election and presidential election following, take off the gloves.  Not in the silly way the libtards do...but in facts, checks and holding "that one" accountable for every campaign promise he made.  Nothing is off limits. 
there's nothing wrong with an occasional detour down the low road. i interpret what they're saying as juvenile name calling and constant finger pointing detract from the public image of conservatives.  we need to present a different vision from big government nanny statism, and the principles we currently hold DO resonate with the people.  acting like a child just drives people away before they even hear the message.

There is an adult way to go about this...and there is the childish way that Liberals have acted for the last 8 years.

It is one thing to hold an individual accountable for their promises and actual an adult way. "hey, you aren't doing what you promised to the voters on January 20, 2009 in you inauguration speech on the United States Capital steps in paragraph 23, on line 4 in sentence 3."

That is adult, that is factual, there is actual proof of your commitment to do something and you failed.

As opposed to being snarky, childish and sometimes ridiculous. Blaming GW for natural disasters or even 9/11 is a perfect example. He had no control over those incidents.....yet since 2001, and 2005 we have heard him blamed for them. Not only the followup of the disasters, but the actual disasters themselves.

If we have a horrendous natural disaster on February 20, will not be Obama's fault.....any more than it would have been McCain's. To blame Obama for the disaster itself....would be childish and a Liberal attitude.

We, as Republicans....must not sink to that level.

If he does not tend to the disaster effects properly....then by all means....he should be taken to task on every little thing that he does wrong....provided that it a real and factual failing.

Things can not be made up just to "attack and gotcha".....that is a "liberal" behavior.

We, as Republicans....are better than that.

We, as Republicans....must attack on the factual events....facts that can be backed up with real....not fabricated

Statistics are showing that Joe and Jane American do not want to hear dirty low snarkyness....they want to know that things are going to be fixed.

Obama in his speeches....said he was going to fix things...and enumerated what he was going to fix....the fact that he didn't really explain how he was going to fix them.....apparently didn't make much of a difference.

McCain hammered away about Ayers, Wright, et al....and obviously the majority of voters didn't really care. They heard McCain say that he didn't know much about the economy....and that 'fundamentally' American economy was strong and it tanked a few days later.

Obama may be young, inexperienced, and not know a whole lot about much of anything......however....he never admitted to not knowing about something!!!

That was a major difference in the two candidates. Like most of us....McCain was honest in his admission that he wasn't as knowledgeable in a particular area as he should be. Obama stood up at rallies and dazzled people with his footwork and baffled them with his bullshit!

And the voters bought it!!!!!

It comes down to the majority of voters are not interested in the how things are going to be fixed.....only that they will be fixed. Show them results.....and they are happy and content and life will go on tomorrow as it did yesterday.

Republicans are going to have to be very careful in the next 4 years to keep track of the actual promised failings and point them out. Reasonably, intellectually, and above all with facts...not supposition.

Then a candidate must be found who is confident, even to the point of arrogance, attractive, reasonably young and articulate! Baffle the masses with bullshit!

Think about Clinton and Obama....that's exactly what the two of them did. Both of them were/are smooth talkers, in their 40's, attractive - even sexy, to many, and they won!

Four the last several years....Letterman has had a spot on his show....nightly....of GW acting like an inarticulate dork!!!! The man is not dumb by any means.....he just is not a dazzling bs'er.

It's sad that it comes down to this.....but it's obvious that it has.

I wanted Thompson, but I'm not sure it would have made a difference as he was older, not that attractive and a bit monotonal when he spoke. Though I was not overly impressed with Romney....maybe he would have been a better choice up against Obama. Huckabee is too "country" and earnest,  and I don't think he would have been effective at all against Obama.

In my opinion, the GOP is going to have to come up with the "dazzler" in order to take the Presidency away from the Liberals.
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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2008, 11:09:56 AM »
the principles we currently hold DO resonate with the people. 

If that were true, we'd have a different result because that is what McCain did.  He wouldn't bring up Rezko, Wright, Ayers. The democrats went after Palin's unwed daughter, her wardrobe and too many other things to even remember.  They published photos of McCain being crapped on.  They were VICIOUS and they won by a LANDSLIDE.  Americans voted for men who called them racist rednecks and bitter jesus freaks.  And this was not even from the media but from the candidates themselves.  Times have changed.  

Offline Eupher

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2008, 11:38:40 AM »
Yes, times have changed.

They changed from the time that the family unit was the most influential element in a youngster's life. Now it's X-box, iPod, and cell phones.

The family unit - particularly in the demographic that resonated to Obama's incessant drumbeat - is largely a thing of the past. So is work ethic.

For young women, having babies by multitudes of different fathers is actually pretty chic. They don't blink an eye about that. Money for the kids? No problem! That's what welfare is for!

For conservatives to overcome Bamalot, a few things are going to have to happen:

1.  Obama's policies will have to seriously erode America's wallets - that's the thing that gets our attention. Children having children and the fact that the family unit went belly-up about 35 years ago doesn't seem to matter so much, but paying over $4 a gallon for gas certainly does.

2.  Capturing the love of the new minority - Hispanics - will need to be a priority. The new conservative leadership will have to capture the entrepreneurial spirit of most LEGAL Hispanics, most of whom work their asses off.

3.  Speaking of that new conservative leadership, that person is going to have to be as optimistic as most of us are cynical. Breaking through cynicism is a key element and while most of us wouldn't trust a politician any farther than we could throw Fatass Ted, recapturing that essence, that vibrance, of optimism is a very powerful force.

Like it or not, Obama had those things for a lot of people - he didn't have it for me, personally, because from the moment I heard the asshole speak at the Dem convention in 2004, I knew he was fraud. But he somehow struck a chord in a lot of different people across all sorts of demographics.

The traditional blue states are going to remain blue. Most of the red states are rural, where people are self-sufficient and tough. From a numbers perspective, things are going to have to tip back toward the conservative side and that element, oddly enough, is leadership.

All that said, I'd suggest that leadership is the key factor. The conservative movement right now doesn't have a leader. Bush never was the leader of the Republican party - much less conservatives - and that vacuum has sucked the life out of said conservative movement.
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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2008, 12:13:49 PM »
Anybody that thinks we need to take the "high road" is going to hurt the GOP and conservatism as a whole. Folks, this is NOT an area where people can "play nice". That mentality is one of the things that hurt the McCain campaign. He wanted to "play nice" and not drag out the shit against Obama. Had he hammered Obama from the git-go, he just may have won the election.

Well said! Sometimes you got to play dirty. I am a nice guy usually.
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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2008, 12:15:29 PM »
Yes, times have changed.

They changed from the time that the family unit was the most influential element in a youngster's life. Now it's X-box, iPod, and cell phones.

The family unit - particularly in the demographic that resonated to Obama's incessant drumbeat - is largely a thing of the past. So is work ethic.

For young women, having babies by multitudes of different fathers is actually pretty chic. They don't blink an eye about that. Money for the kids? No problem! That's what welfare is for!

For conservatives to overcome Bamalot, a few things are going to have to happen:

1.  Obama's policies will have to seriously erode America's wallets - that's the thing that gets our attention. Children having children and the fact that the family unit went belly-up about 35 years ago doesn't seem to matter so much, but paying over $4 a gallon for gas certainly does.

2.  Capturing the love of the new minority - Hispanics - will need to be a priority. The new conservative leadership will have to capture the entrepreneurial spirit of most LEGAL Hispanics, most of whom work their asses off.

3.  Speaking of that new conservative leadership, that person is going to have to be as optimistic as most of us are cynical. Breaking through cynicism is a key element and while most of us wouldn't trust a politician any farther than we could throw Fatass Ted, recapturing that essence, that vibrance, of optimism is a very powerful force.

Like it or not, Obama had those things for a lot of people - he didn't have it for me, personally, because from the moment I heard the ******* speak at the Dem convention in 2004, I knew he was fraud. But he somehow struck a chord in a lot of different people across all sorts of demographics.

The traditional blue states are going to remain blue. Most of the red states are rural, where people are self-sufficient and tough. From a numbers perspective, things are going to have to tip back toward the conservative side and that element, oddly enough, is leadership.

All that said, I'd suggest that leadership is the key factor. The conservative movement right now doesn't have a leader. Bush never was the leader of the Republican party - much less conservatives - and that vacuum has sucked the life out of said conservative movement.

Hispanics are going to be more split than Blacks. Blacks from rural areas are more conservative than urban ones.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
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Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2008, 02:42:00 PM »
In my opinion, the GOP is going to have to come up with the "dazzler" in order to take the Presidency away from the Liberals.

*drum roll*

Liberalism Is The Philosophy Of The Stupid

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years.  The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2008, 04:16:45 PM »

While it's not in my nature to be mean ( :evillaugh:) standing idle and taking the high road will be ineffective.  If you intend to keep the libtards in charge for the next 8  years or more, then by all means, be a nice guy/gal.  If you want to "de-throne" them at the next midterm election and presidential election following, take off the gloves.  Not in the silly way the libtards do...but in facts, checks and holding "that one" accountable for every campaign promise he made.  Nothing is off limits. 

I think  you are probably right...we need to nail them where it counts though, not with silly names and with temper tantrums like they did for 8 years. They need to be hammered and exposed for what they are, what they intend to do, and the truth about why we are currently at where we are (economically speaking). That last one might be a total waste of time.

We are going to be facing an economic holocaust with the Dems in control, but just like FDR did, they will try hard to blame it on their predecessor. That can only last for so long. LET them blame it on Bush and his administration, although that is not the whole truth of the matter, and then turn it onto their failure to fix the mess.

They sure as hell did set the political rules of engagement the whole time Bush has been in office, and now they are already showing us that their rules don't apply to them (gee, sounds just like  what the libtarded moderators on non-political message boards do).

Rule #1, according to them  they could bring up Clinton, since when they did it, they were speaking favorably of him, but when we did it, we were shut down with, "He is NOT in office now, he is no longer the president!". Same thing applies now and forevermore with Obama in office. When Bush first took office, the economy was already going in a downward spiral, but he brought it up in a fairly expedient amount of time despite the travesty of 9-11. The economy remained strong up until the last few months of his presidency, which coincidentally was right before the election, and the Dems A-had gotten their ethanol bill passed, which contributed to the price of food going up, and B-Queen Bee Pelosi and her stupid donkey that she rides on Harry Reid arrogantly and childishly turned off the lights  in the midst of the energy crisis, instead of voting on it. The Dems ultimately sabotaged the economy in order to make it a shoe-in for a Dem presidency.

They keep saying that the reason McCain lost is because he ran a "negative" campaign...that instead of talking about what we would do for the country, McCain kept pointing out what Obama would do. I really didn't see it that way at all. I thought McCain could have crucified Obama for the people he was/is tied to, but came off as MUCH more a gentleman instead of a maverick.

Here is the thing...the libtards failed to get Kerry elected, because they came up empty when it came to bashing Bush. They had nothing of real substance against him, except to piss and moan about Iraq. They hated him with a passion, and that had to do with them losing in 2000, and they sure as hell couldn't run on that platform.

I hardly think that exposing your political opponent for what they really are will cost them an election. I think it works, but you just have to have something real instead of hatred.
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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2008, 06:21:55 PM »
If that were true, we'd have a different result because that is what McCain did.  He wouldn't bring up Rezko, Wright, Ayers. The democrats went after Palin's unwed daughter, her wardrobe and too many other things to even remember.  They published photos of McCain being crapped on.  They were VICIOUS and they won by a LANDSLIDE.  Americans voted for men who called them racist rednecks and bitter jesus freaks.  And this was not even from the media but from the candidates themselves.  Times have changed.  

He focused on REPUBLICAN values. Not CONSERVATIVE values. Conservative values were really nowhere to be found in Washington during the last few years. Of course we got beat. It wasn't the message. It was that we didn't have anyone waving our flag.

<Begin RANT>
How THE HELL could McCain campaign against pork and then vote in favor of that bailout? It had enough pork to send a Muslim to hell.

And, while I agree that the treatment of Bush has been unfair, where was he on border security? where was he when the idiot republicans were spending like teenagers with their daddy's credit cards? Where was he on privatizing social security?

He was balls of steel on the war on terror. And for that, the most important issue of all, he deserves a hallowed place in history.

We got the shit kicked out of us in 2006. And we learned NOTHING.

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2008, 06:31:22 PM »
The president should have taken pointers from Reagan.  Reagan didn't "cross over to the other side" for political gain.  He did what was right and didn't make excuses for it.
Bush has tried to reach across the aisle, as did McCain, and it was not only unsuccessful politically, but worked against them.

The President has protected us since 9/11.  He has been a force to reckon with.   He's squashed multiple attempts of subsequent attacks.  But the liberals don't care, they will continue to bash him until the day he leaves office.

But no worries, I will give Barrack the same respect.

Of course he did - he had to or he never would have got anything pushed through as the Democrats had the majority of Congress.  Reagan and Tip O'Neil were also good friends. 

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2008, 12:05:55 AM »
When I say, "we are better than that", I refer to the petty name-calling and other immature stunts (Google bombs, etc).  These things tend to drive off people who might otherwise be convinced by our arguments. 

I'm not saying we shouldn't hammer the Democrats mercilessly; we need to do that for the next four years forever.  But we should not be petty and immature about it.  In addition, we should lay out definite alternatives, instead of just complaining about their administration. 

Those who see their lives as spoiled and wasted crave equality and fraternity more than they do freedom. If they clamor for freedom, it is but freedom to establish equality and uniformity. The passion for equality is partly a passion for anonymity: to be one thread of the many which make up a tunic; one thread not distinguishable from the others. No one can then point us out, measure us against others and expose our inferiority.
-Eric Hoffer, "The True Believer", 1951

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2008, 09:02:48 AM »
The president should have taken pointers from Reagan.  Reagan didn't "cross over to the other side" for political gain.  He did what was right and didn't make excuses for it.
Bush has tried to reach across the aisle, as did McCain, and it was not only unsuccessful politically, but worked against them.

The President has protected us since 9/11.  He has been a force to reckon with.   He's squashed multiple attempts of subsequent attacks.  But the liberals don't care, they will continue to bash him until the day he leaves office.

But no worries, I will give Barrack the same respect.

Sorry, but he didnt.  He signed off on massive lib spending to get what he wanted. 
My fellow Americans, there is nothing audacious about hope. Hope is what makes people buy lottery tickets instead of paying the bills. Hope is for the old gals feeding the slots in Atlantic City. It destroys the inner-city kid who quits school because he hopes he'll be a world-famous recording artist.

What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama?

One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and let's be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye-candy.

The other kills her own food.

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2008, 01:26:23 PM »
Of course he did - he had to or he never would have got anything pushed through as the Democrats had the majority of Congress.  Reagan and Tip O'Neil were also good friends. 

Yes and no, lurker--as the "Great Communicator", he knew he could use the Bully Pulpit to go straight to the people.  More importantly, he knew HOW to use it. 

Ask yourself this question--30 years ago, the Democrat party (as a whole) was more moderate than it is today, but one thing that remains constant, then as now, is that ALL politician seek reelection.  Imagine, if you will, Reagan sitting down with O'Neill and basically stating in no uncertain terms that if he didn't get the tax cuts, defense spending, etc., that he had got, he'd take his case DIRECTLY to the American people, and in many cases, did just that.

Now I'm not saying he didn't also make comprimises--Reagan did raise a number of fees/taxes, and eliminated a number of deductions during his presidency.  But at the end of the day, Reagan also had one other advantage that McCain wouldn't have had--reasonable Democrat leaders. 
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #46 on: November 07, 2008, 03:23:46 PM »
Yes and no, lurker--as the "Great Communicator", he knew he could use the Bully Pulpit to go straight to the people.  More importantly, he knew HOW to use it. 

Ask yourself this question--30 years ago, the Democrat party (as a whole) was more moderate than it is today, but one thing that remains constant, then as now, is that ALL politician seek reelection.  Imagine, if you will, Reagan sitting down with O'Neill and basically stating in no uncertain terms that if he didn't get the tax cuts, defense spending, etc., that he had got, he'd take his case DIRECTLY to the American people, and in many cases, did just that.

Now I'm not saying he didn't also make comprimises--Reagan did raise a number of fees/taxes, and eliminated a number of deductions during his presidency.  But at the end of the day, Reagan also had one other advantage that McCain wouldn't have had--reasonable Democrat leaders. 

He had to give some to get some, but you are right in that he was the master of that game.   

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #47 on: November 07, 2008, 04:20:07 PM »
the lord didn't put obama in power, he took you fools OUT of power ...

Romans 13:1 begs to differ. 

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."
  -- Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #48 on: November 08, 2008, 01:02:21 AM »
Are you a dope in Real Life or do you just play one online?  The GOP is done?  :rotf:  Was the GOP done after Carter?  After Clinton? We may have steered off course, only because the current administration and McCain were trying to govern from the middle.

Come back to reality, the GOP will rise above this and re-take power back in the next midterm election and in the Presidential election in 2012.  Barrack will screw this country and I will be there to say "I told you so" and "impeach" louder than the DUmmies.

I do have power...I alone got most of my staff (I supervise 50 employees)  interested in politics again during this election.  I educated my staff on the policies.  Eventhough some didn't agree with me, I brought conversation to politics and away from American Idol. 

So kindly, go **** yourself, power in numbers, bitch.

Reality and JCC have never met . They just acknowledge each other from time to time.

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

"I am not a Number,I am a free man"

"He's my hero, you don't put away your heros, you honor them!"

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Re: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
« Reply #49 on: November 08, 2008, 06:35:35 AM »
With respect, I disagree.  Bush ran as a conservative, but governed as a moderate, much like his father.  The only significant reason he won in 2004 was 9/11 was still on people's minds.  Dole and McCain ran as moderates and lost.

We won in 1980, 1984, and 1994 because we ran (and governed in the first two cases at least) as CONSERVATIVES, and stuck to it.  Bush reached across the aisle for eight years, and look where it got him.  Reagan didn't do so nearly as much, but he knew how to take his message to the American people.  Conservatism in this country will not truly come back until such a person arises again.

Bush was a drag on McCain, not that he needed any to lose.  I've little to no use for the man.  OBAMA is the Bush legacy.  Good riddance.

And when the liberals realize life under Dear Leader gets no better and in many cases gets worse, I will not only be ready to retake the nation under the debate of ideas and actions, but I'll have no problem rubbing liberals noses in their own shit at the same time. 

Schadenfreude, indeed.

Ok, I skipped a few pages of this thread so forgive me while I catch up here.    

GWB did not run as a conservative, he ran on his record as Governor -- which was social conservative, fiscal moderate.  

At the time he was first elected, Billy-Jeff had thoroughly trashed the presidency with his indiscretions.   The economy was in the early stages of free fall, which no one gave any attention to, so the priority for voters was family values/social conservatism.  

GWB, while he made mistakes, is not the horrible president that the MSM makes him out to be.   You and I both know that history will be very kind to GWB and Tony Blair for doing the impossible -- bringing democracy to the ME (which by the way is real "change").  

The MSM has lost its way and has completely destroyed journalistic credibility.   Putin only wishes he could exact the type of influence our media wields over our Nation.    Unfortunately, while the MSM was successful in temporarily vilifying a good pesident, while installing a radical socialist in his place, they have pretty much nailed their own coffin.    Their little social experiment will be their final downfall.  

GWB did not give us Obama, the media did.   The laughable "real conservatives" who stayed home -- which all indications point to their doing just that again in this election cycle, are nothing of the sort.   A real conservative would eat his own before doing anything that would install a socialist into the office of presidency.    A real conservative would move a mountain before allowing Congressional seats to be lost to socialists.   A real conservative cares about the party more than their "feelings."   A real conservative is a grown-up and understands the entire political landscape.   Pretty freakin sad when Hillary Clinton understands that concept (witness her stumping for her political enemy Obama) more than the so-called "real conservatives."  

You have no use for GWB?   Slap yourself,  New Hampshire is starting to seep into your brain.   Just say no to that crap Sparky.  

« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 06:37:49 AM by formerlurker »