Author Topic: ~ A Liberal Supermajority ~  (Read 1521 times)

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Offline Hawkgirl

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~ A Liberal Supermajority ~
« on: October 20, 2008, 09:20:25 PM »
Get ready for 'change' we haven't seen since 1965, or 1933.

If the current polls hold, Barack Obama will win the White House on November 4 and Democrats will consolidate their Congressional majorities, probably with a filibuster-proof Senate or very close to it. Without the ability to filibuster, the Senate would become like the House, able to pass whatever the majority wants.

Though we doubt most Americans realize it, this would be one of the most profound political and ideological shifts in U.S. history. Liberals would dominate the entire government in a way they haven't since 1965, or 1933. In other words, the election would mark the restoration of the activist government that fell out of public favor in the 1970s. If the U.S. really is entering a period of unchecked left-wing ascendancy, Americans at least ought to understand what they will be getting, especially with the media cheering it all on.

- Medicare for all. When HillaryCare cratered in 1994, the Democrats concluded they had overreached, so they carved up the old agenda into smaller incremental steps, such as Schip for children. A strongly Democratic Congress is now likely to lay the final flagstones on the path to government-run health insurance from cradle to grave.

Mr. Obama wants to build a public insurance program, modeled after Medicare and open to everyone of any income. According to the Lewin Group, the gold standard of health policy analysis, the Obama plan would shift between 32 million and 52 million from private coverage to the huge new entitlement. Like Medicare or the Canadian system, this would never be repealed.

- Taxes. Taxes will rise substantially, the only question being how high. Mr. Obama would raise the top income, dividend and capital-gains rates for "the rich," substantially increasing the cost of new investment in the U.S. More radically, he wants to lift or eliminate the cap on income subject to payroll taxes that fund Medicare and Social Security. This would convert what was meant to be a pension insurance program into an overt income redistribution program. It would also impose a probably unrepealable increase in marginal tax rates, and a permanent shift upward in the federal tax share of GDP.

- The green revolution. A tax-and-regulation scheme in the name of climate change is a top left-wing priority. Cap and trade would hand Congress trillions of dollars in new spending from the auction of carbon credits, which it would use to pick winners and losers in the energy business and across the economy. Huge chunks of GDP and millions of jobs would be at the mercy of Congress and a vast new global-warming bureaucracy. Without the GOP votes to help stage a filibuster, Senators from carbon-intensive states would have less ability to temper coastal liberals who answer to the green elites.

- Free speech and voting rights. A liberal supermajority would move quickly to impose procedural advantages that could cement Democratic rule for years to come. One early effort would be national, election-day voter registration. This is a long-time goal of Acorn and others on the "community organizer" left and would make it far easier to stack the voter rolls. The District of Columbia would also get votes in Congress -- Democratic, naturally.

Felons may also get the right to vote nationwide, while the Fairness Doctrine is likely to be reimposed either by Congress or the Obama FCC. A major goal of the supermajority left would be to shut down talk radio and other voices of political opposition.



Offline Willow

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Re: ~ A Liberal Supermajority ~
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2008, 09:30:06 PM »
First say goodbye talk radio, goodbye Fox News.
Second say goodbye to your guns.
Third say goodbye to yer wallet.

That is all

Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: ~ A Liberal Supermajority ~
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2008, 09:33:03 PM »
First say goodbye talk radio, goodbye Fox News.
Second say goodbye to your guns.
Third say goodbye to yer wallet.

That is all

I basically said the same thing in WE's thread.  :(

Offline Willow

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Re: ~ A Liberal Supermajority ~
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2008, 09:38:12 PM »
I basically said the same thing in WE's thread.  :(

Sorry, I haven't read that one yet, but great minds think alike and all that jazz, it's the darn truth.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: ~ A Liberal Supermajority ~
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2008, 08:46:27 AM »
Don't let the polls keep you from voting, that is playing directly into the hands of the bias in the polling and the Press, precisely what the other side wants to happen.  And don't throw your vote away on a third-party sure loser.
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That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Offline Atomic Lib Smasher

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Re: ~ A Liberal Supermajority ~
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2008, 09:56:40 AM »
Don't let the polls keep you from voting, that is playing directly into the hands of the bias in the polling and the Press, precisely what the other side wants to happen.  And don't throw your vote away on a third-party sure loser.

Oh believe me, I plan on voting McCain/Palin tomorrow when they have early voting here tomorrow. Probably going to work with a hangover though afterwards. lol

Liberalism is the philosophy of the stupid! - Mark R. Levin