Author Topic: A coalition of 10 environmental and wildlife organizations filed a lawsuit !  (Read 870 times)

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Enviros sue to stop drilling
"Them Green Weenies Are Ganging Up On America ! "

"But Judging by the comments the average American is getting fed up with these Lefty Greens !

A coalition of 10 environmental and wildlife organizations filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Denver on Friday in an effort to stop hotly contested drilling on the Roan Plateau. The action, which comes less than five weeks from the planned lease of the top of the plateau for natural gas drilling, asks the court to halt the Bureau of Land Management’s drilling plan until the judge can consider the lawsuit.

Comments :
John Flicker at the Audubon Society at (212) 979-3000. Frances Beinecke at the NRDC at (212) 727-2700. Trip Van Noppen at Earthjustice at (510) 550-6700.
You can start by protesting and boycotting these organizations. These groups give big $$money to politicians. You can let your congress critters know that you realize Congress is in the pocket of these groups.
Friends, when are we going to break out the pitchforks and lanterns?! Seriously. Start with the ACLU, then Congress, then we institute term limits - local AND nationwide.
Stupid leftist twits make me wanna puke.
. Leftists need to be made to fear the citizenry. Right now we're invisible to the elite, and the unseen aren't very frightening.
It is time to sue these groups into oblivion.
I think the Enviro wacko's should be required to prove that drilling on a few acres will damage the environment of thousands of acres, instead of oil industry having to prove that they won't.
This is three stories in the last week. Where is the RNC on this? Where are the political ads highlighting these travasties? Where is the outcry?
'We must fight them on the beaches...and on the mountains'

Environmentalists will casually starve people to death to protect a rock. I hate eminent domain, but taking land away from these earth worshipping pagans and drilling on it does have a strange appeal.

The planet was here long before humans and will be here long after humans have depart - and it will be mother nature doing the work. Stop the nonsense.

 The RNC stands with John McCain and he agrees with this crap. His current stand is, "No drilling where there might be oil. Now or ever!!!"

Tyranny of the Greens. Who voted for them to take over? Not me.
These lunatics often define environmental damage as a human touching any natural surface. I've been in parks where more and more of the park area is totally off limits to even hiking through, because the dirt and rocks are supposedly ''fragile''. They basically want all humans off the planet (except for themselves of course).
Now we know why the Dems are saying YES to drilling. Their "base" is going to keep the oil companies "in court" enriching another part of their base "lawyers". Meanwhile WE THE PEOPLE need to conserve and cut back while those who make our laws The US Congress continue to use their taxpayer funded SUVs and private jets to make "fact finding" excursions around the world. November will tell if we are as stupid as Obama and the Dems say we are. Hopefully more of us will get out the vote this time.
Can we sue these so called environmental and wildlife organizations?
Try them for treason.
Dem allies and contributors.

Ergo the link to dem politicians desire for no drilling in US territories and forcing US to buy from Middle East.

Rise-up just like we did with the illegal immigration issue.

Time to show who's boss -- we the simple citizens.
These people are the enemy. They are Marxists, attempting a takeover. We better be on guard for this. This is what Marxists do, and once it happens, there's no out.
One more time - this is the bi-partisan road to "Energy Independence" - except it isn't 29 cent gasoline from American crude. Obama told you the problem is the sudden increase, not the high price. Obama said that “it won’t be easy” to kick the oil addiction, just like George did. The de facto energy policy is to force conservation through the marketplace. McCain supports this, the GOP moderates support this, too, which is why his campaign's response is milquetoast, his energy plan equally vacuous, and just as green.
The thought was $3.50 would be a market tipping point. That has been proven true - Americans drove 20 BILLION fewer miles so far this year...get it? Hybrids are selling like hotcakes. Small cars, too. SUVs are parked. Interstate trucking slowed or parked. Public transit setting ridership records. Even a 55 mile speed limit proposed. That's your national "energy independence" for you, sponsored by American Green Fascisti for Global Responsibility...and we know how America's responsible for it all!
Soon the middle east & China will own all this land and they will drill, manufacture and farm away with cheap American citizen labor.....get rid of the tax breaks for NGOs and watchout for Judges...
Wacko's like these along with our socialists in the government, is what has been driving up the price of oil. At least now we know who is responsible of the high price of just about everything we need, so the question is...."what are we going to do about it?", write letter vote for a single party so we can put the pressure on, or lay down and take it?
 This is excellent news. It rips the mask off the left and will force the democrats to publicly take a side, which of course will be the wrong side.
A few years ago I instructed the Sierra Club--one of these ten groups of litigants--to stop sending me their propaganda because I was in categorical disagreement with them. I wonder if "Rock the Earth" has any connection to the ne'er do wells at eMpTyV. Makes my right index finger twitch.
 mention of Bush's utterly witless "we're addicted to oil" comment makes me want to growl. For the forseeable future, we will need abundant supplies of oil for transportation. Oil is the lifeblood of our economy, just as essential to our wellbeing as food and water. Try living without these things.
 it bothers me that these Luddites seem to be immune to the consequences of their actions. The day will come, and it might not be too far off, when the Greens will be held accountable for their actions. Don't forget that any carbon based form of life can be turned into oil within months if they are subjected to extremely high pressure.