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Offline FesteringWound

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Full circle
« on: November 11, 2020, 12:40:38 PM »
Hello everyone.

I suppose I should put out a disclaimer first and foremost. I am 6'2" and white. I am the epitome of "whiteness," and I have spent an increasing amount of time over the past 15 years finding myself defending my "whiteness" for no discernible reason.

I have been accused of being a racist or homophobic, and if I dare share details that shut that down (best friend for 16 years was a Muslim, my childhood best friend was black and a straight-A student until he made a dumb decision to be an accessory in a drive by shooting (the driver), I have dated/slept with black, asian, and hispanic women, have been a member of the LGBT Alliance since college before it turned into a ... whatever it is) I am merely attempting to grasp at straws or virtue signal.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are those that see this as a direct assault on something that cannot be determined at birth, which echoes the exact thing that whites are and have been historically accused of. Lets be very clear. This is racism. Yet somehow its justified racism, because "whites were racist" for "so long."

I find this laughable. I was raised in a conservative household with a single parent. A parent that showed us what sacrifice was. A parent that taught us the important things in life, like responsibility, dignity, tact, and honor, amongst others. The last racist person in my extended family died ten years ago, and the last time he uttered a racist word was when I was five, when a five-year-old-me called his ass out for referring to our black neighbors as a certain racial epithet. I, at five years old, publicly humiliated the old man, my grandfather. My father was silently laughing and I received my very first, very adult, very "on the level", very prideful, very stern nod of approval. I had just done what he had not had the courage to do. Called out his father for his racism.

But now reverse racism is the new racism, which is just racism.

So dangerous question: What happens when any notable portion of the white community stops sitting down and taking it and starts forming their own "white" groups? They immediately fulfill the oppositions position of "see look how racist they are" while ignoring what caused those people to create a new community to begin with.

You have affirmative action for minorities. You have "black only" employment sites for example---but the moment you make a white only employment site, its racism. Now, as a white guy, I don't care given the general dynamics of our society. Lets be honest, our society is mostly white folk. Its a given majority. Yet, that white majority includes its own minorities that are completely obscured by whiteness. There's the Irish community, Italian community, English community, German community, Polish community, Canadian community, Welsh community, Russian community, Finish community, Swedish community, Hungarian community, Dutch community, Denmark community, Swiss community, Norwegian community, Belgian community, and so forth.  These are all technically minorities, yet they are all 'white,' so they don't count. Yet other immigrants that are new from Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and so forth are immediately "just black" even though they share nearly no societal identification with their black american counterparts.

The politicization of race is not a new thing. Its always been in our societies, even historically, for as long as humanity started meeting tribes of different shades. The "us versus them" mentality.

Yet, as a conservative, I cannot ever remember a time when I judged a person by the color of their skin versus judging them by their character. I have met time and time again those that hide their character behind the color of their skin and claim I am a racist, but when I simply point out "you're being an awful human being," they immediately claim I just judged their entire race. It is unfair, unreasonable, and unacceptable. I have judged them on sagging pants, because everyone "loves" seeing underwear out there in the open and clear.

Martin Luther King Jr said almost verbatim how I live my life. I am a white man who follows the words of a black man. A black man that the opposition, the left, touts as one of its greatest people. Yet they forget that MLKj was a conservative. He did not want the bill of rights to be shredded and rebuilt. He wanted to collect on the "Promissory Note" that was the bill of rights. But lets not forget what the Democrats were doing over the course of the last 150 years!

The Democrats fought to expand slavery while Republicans fought to end it.
Democrats passed discriminatory Black Codes and enacted the Jim Crow laws.
Democrats passed the Missouri Compromise to protect slavery.
Democrats passed the Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery.
Democrats backed the Dred Scott decision.
Democrats opposed educating blacks and murdered black teachers.
Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws.
Democrat Senator Robert Byrd (WV) was a well known "Kleagle" of the KKK. He also personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 14 hours.
Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned Civil Rights laws enacted by Republicans
Democrats were known to say that they would rather vote for a yellow dog than vote for a republican because the republican party was known as the party for blacks.
Democrat President Woodrow Wilson reintroduced segregation through the federal government immediately upon taking office in 1913.
Democrat President FDR's first appointment to the US Supreme Court was Senator Hugo Black, a Democrat of Alabama, and a life long member of the KKK.
FDR's choice for VP in '44 was Harry Truman, who joined the Kansas City KKK chapter in 1922.
FDR resisted Republican efforts to pass a federal law against lynching
FDR opposed integration of the armed forces
Albert Gore, Robert Byrd, Sam Ervin, all democrat senators, were main opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
Democrats supported and backed Judge John Ferguson in the case of Plessy v Ferguson
Democrats supported the School Board of Topeka in Brown v Board of Education
Democrat public safety commisioner Eugene Conner in Birmingham Alabama unleashed dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demostrators
Democrats were who MLKj were fighting
Democrat Governor Lester Maddow of Georgia brandished an axe hammer to prevent blacks from coming to his restaurant
Democrat Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, declaring that there would be segregation for forever
Democrat Arkansas Governor Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of Little Rock public schools.
Democrat Senator John F Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act
Democrat President John F Kennedy opposed the 1963 march on Washington by MLKj
Democrat President Bill Clinton's mentor was US Senator J William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat and supporter or racial segregation
Bill Clinton interned for Fulbright in '66-'67.
Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court's 1954 Brown Vs Board of Education decision.
Fulbright joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.
Fulbright voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act

Yet Democrats are the "Champions of black people."

Our society is falling so fast and hard that my head is spinning.

The media is working so hard to push the country in a specific direction for reasons unknown to me, or probably really anyone. The further towards tyranny we move, the more likely the media itself is going to find itself having problems staying on the air or reporting any news. Perhaps they're already there.

And then we get to the elections. The media has done everything to not report anything regarding news of the election and all of the lawsuits currently pending.

I have personally been accused of being a "terrorist" because I cited US Law that did not follow the media's narrative. I have been called a cuck for daring to point out that we are a nation of LAW before anything else. People forget that the LAW is what is so critical, not who wins. I am on the fence between caring and not caring on whether or not Biden or Trump officially get into office. My issue is making sure that the law is followed and our electoral process is secure. But hey, that's new model terrorism for you.

Biden is over there inventing a new office to appear official and make useful idiots rally behind him if for some reason the RNC wins in its lawsuits. It is all a mental game to them. "Office of the President Elect?" Come on, man. It doesn't exist. It has never existed. It is simply a way to appear official outside of the confines of the law, the same law that he as a constitutionally sworn former Vice President MUST UPHOLD, and he is not doing it. They are no longer holding up the law. They are holding up themselves.

And they are taking our entire society with it.

In this last election, 150 million people voted. Yet every state that was a swing state or critical state ran into election issues. What are the chances of that? There are enormous numbers of claims of voter fraud. People showing up with multiple ballots. Entire chunks of thousands of ballots going exactly one direction. Our Republic is on the teetering edge of no longer mattering, and for what?

So Biden can keep himself, his son, and the Clintons, and the Obamas out of jail for treason?

What is more frightening than anything, is the idea that if Trump wins, what the left is going to do.

Because right now, at this moment there is not a single damned riot coming from the conservative side. Because the conservatives follow the damned law. The know the law better than the left. They have faith in the system itself, whereas the left does not.

Finally a question. How is it that a majority of races for the senate and house have gone to the Republicans yet the Presidency did not? How is it that we can know the house/senate/gubernatorial races but not the Presidential one?

How is that possible?

Slowly wishing I was born Asian. Asians get the best of both worlds. Minorities, and the highest income earners.  :cheersmate: