Author Topic: VIDEO: Never Trumper DISASTER on "Breaking Points"  (Read 144 times)

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VIDEO: Never Trumper DISASTER on "Breaking Points"
« on: August 31, 2023, 03:27:36 PM »
The "debate" was over before it even began. The Trump hating DNC PAID shill Harry J. Sisson vs a bleached blonde Trump hating Never Trumper Link Lauren. I'm not so much mad at Link Lauren whose bleach probably penetrated his skull to affect his screwy thought patterns as I am upset with the producers of "Breaking Points" who set up this "debate" between a couple of Gen Z Tik Tokkers. As you can see this "debate" turned into a DISASTER due to the Never Trumper also being tasked with debating the anti-Biden position. Gee, would it be too tough for the "Breaking Points" producers to find someone from Gen Z who is PRO Trump? Otherwise there is no real debate that can happen as evidenced by the disaster caused by inducting a Never Trumper into the "debate."

p.s. What was Never Trumper Link Lauren's REAL name before he changed it? Tab Hunter?