Current Events > Economics

It’s no ‘vibecession’ — in the real world, we’re still feeling economic pain


It’s no ‘vibecession’ — in the real world, we’re still feeling economic pain

--- Quote ---Hey, you there eating ramen out of the paper cup, have you heard the economy is doing great?

Yes, your lying eyes deceive you every time you go to the supermarket. While you see a sharp spike in food prices, President Biden sees an economy that’s going gangbusters.

A month ago Biden released a statement praising the “strong” economy and its “steady and stable growth.”

“The economy has grown more since I took office than at this point in any presidential term in the last 25 years — including 3% growth over the last year — while unemployment has stayed below 4% for more than two years,” he insisted.
--- End quote ---

There was double digit economic growth during the Great Depression. Inflation is high and debt is at all time highs.

Lessons From The Great Depression


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